Documental - Barcelona en Beta

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  • Contributing £ 4

    Más triste es de robar

    (1) You will receive a thank you email and we will add you to the project newsletter. Your name will appear in the credits of the documentary and the website.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Join the logbook

    (1) You will be part of the private Facebook Group and/or a WhatsApp dissemination list of the project. Through these exclusive channels we will report about the day to day of the realization of the project and the shooting. (2) You will receive a thank you email, you'll be added to the newsletter and will appear in the credits of the documentary and the website.

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    You can watch the documentary before the premiere

    (1) You can watch the documentary online (and before anyone else!). Several weeks before the official premiere you will receive a private link for viewing the documentary and the website in "beta" version. (2) You will be up to date with the logbook via FB and Whatsapp (3) In addition, the thank you email, the newsletter and the mention in the credits of the project.

    > 40 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    Early bird - Pack of the documentary (10 pcs.)

    Early bird! Be one of the first 10 to get this reward and do it at a discount!
    (1) You will receive in your home (only deliveries within Europe) a pack with 4 inspirational postcards, 1 badge and 1 ecological fabric bag with designs from the documentary "Barcelona en Beta". (2) You will have access to the beta version of the documentary (3) You will be up to date with the logbook via FB and Whatsapp (4) In addition, the thank you email, the newsletter and the mention in the credits of the project.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 29

    Pack of the documentary (75 pcs.)

    (1) You will receive in your home (only deliveries within Europe) a pack with 4 inspirational postcards, 1 badge and 1 ecological fabric bag with designs from the documentary "Barcelona en Beta". (2) You will have access to the beta version of the documentary (3) You will be up to date with the logbook via FB and Whatsapp (4) In addition, the thank you email, the newsletter and the mention in the credits of the project.

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 33

    Pack of the documentary + poster (40 pcs.)

    (1) We give you an exclusive poster of "Barcelona en Beta" (2) the 4 inspirational postcards, the badge and the ecological fabric bag with designs of the documentary that you will receive at home (Europe only). (3) You will have access to the beta version of the documentary (4) You will be up to date with the logbook via FB and Whatsapp (5) In addition, the thank you email, the newsletter and the mention in the credits of the project.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    2 tickets for the premiere at Cinemes Zumzeig (30 pcs.)

    (1) See you at the movies! 2 tickets for the premiere of the documentary at the Zumzeig cinecooperativa in Barcelona. The capacity of the room is limited so be fast on getting your tickets! In addition, (2) you will receive (only Europe) the "Barcelona in Beta" poster, the postcards, the badge and the cloth bag (3) Online access to the beta version of the documentary (4) You will be up to date thanks to the notebook log (5) our thanks by email, the newsletter and your name in the credits of the project.

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    2 tickets for the premiere @ Madrid (30 pcs.)

    (1) At the request of our friends in Madrid we add this reward with a premiere of the documentary in the capital. See you in the cinema! 2 tickets for the day of the premiere of the documentary Madrid !. The capacity of the cinema is limited so hurry up to get your tickets! In addition, (2) you will receive (only Europe) the "Barcelona in Beta" poster together with the postcards, the sheet and the cloth bag (3) Online access to the beta version of the documentary (4) You will be up to date thanks to the notebook log (5) our thanks by mail, the newsletter and your name in the credits of the project.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 54

    Early bird - After the premiere (2 tickets) meet the protagonists of "Barcelona en Beta" (5 pcs.)

    Be one of the first 5 to get this reward. (1) Right after the premiere of the documentary we will go to celebrate it on a nearby terrace with the protagonists and the team. We invite you, along with your companion, to a couple of cañas during this networking event in an informal and relaxed environment. (2) Two tickets for the premiere of the documentary at the Zumzeig cinecooperativa in Barcelona. (3) You will receive (only Europe) the "Barcelona en Beta" poster next to the postcards, the badge and the cloth bag (4) Online access to the beta version of the documentary (5) You will be up to date thanks to the logbook (6) our thanks by email, the newsletter and your name on the credits of the project.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 62

    After the premiere (2 tickets) meet the protagonists of "Barcelona en Beta" (10 pcs.)

    (1) Right after the premiere of the documentary we will go to celebrate it on a nearby terrace with the protagonists and the team. We invite you, along with your companion, to a couple of cañas during this networking event in an informal and relaxed environment. (2) Two tickets for the premiere of the documentary at the Zumzeig cinecooperativa in Barcelona. (3) You will receive (only Europe) the "Barcelona en Beta" poster next to the postcards, the badge and the cloth bag (4) Online access to the beta version of the documentary (5) You will be up to date thanks to the logbook (6) our thanks by email, the newsletter and your name on the credits of the project.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 79

    A conversation with ... (8 pcs.)

    (1) Do you want to engage in a conversation with the director and 2 of the experts from the documentary? The "world in Beta" explained by OuiShare and with great thinkers from the city. We will organize two exclusive sessions of small format to be able to debate about the "Barcelona in Beta" taking a few cañas. (2) Two tickets for the premiere of the documentary + the subsequent celebration party (3) You will receive (only Europe) the "Barcelona en Beta" poster next to the postcards, the badge and the cloth bag (4) Access online to the beta version of the documentary (5) You will be up-to-date thanks to the logbook (6) our thanks by email, the newsletter and your name on the credits of the project.

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 125

    Tag along. Come to a day of filming (5 pcs.)

    (1) Do you want to live the experience of a day of filming with the project team? A maximum of 5 people will be able to enjoy this unique reward. (2) You will also receive two tickets for the opening day of the documentary + the subsequent celebration party (3) (only Europe) The "Barcelona on Beta" poster next to the postcards, the badge and the cloth bag (4) Online access to the beta version of the documentary (5) You will be up to date thanks to the logbook (6) our thanks by email, the newsletter and your name on the credits of the project.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 208

    An EatWith dinner with ... (4 pcs.)

    (1) Share a table and an excellent dinner with the director and 2 of the experts in the documentary. The experience will be organized by an EatWith platform chef in Barcelona. There are only 4 chairs for this unique and unrepeatable dinner! (2) You will also receive two tickets for the opening day of the documentary + the subsequent celebration party (3) (only Europe) The "Barcelona on Beta" poster next to the postcards, the badge and the cloth bag (4) Online access to the beta version of the documentary (5) You will be up to date thanks to the logbook (6) our thanks by email, the newsletter and your name on the credits of the project.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 250

    Private screening and debate or workshop in your organization

    (1) Organize a screening of the documentary "Barcelona en Beta" and a debate (or a workshop) with its director and one of the experts your organization facilities. (Note: travel expenses not included, if outside the metropolitan area of Barcelona it will be managed separately). (2) You will also receive two tickets for the opening day of the documentary + the subsequent celebration party (3) (only Europe) The "Barcelona on Beta" poster next to the postcards, the badge and the cloth bag (4) Online access to the beta version of the documentary (5) You will be up to date thanks to the logbook (6) our thanks by email, the newsletter and your name on the credits of the project.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 417

    Collaborating entity in addition to the private screening and debate / workshop.

    (1) Add the name and logo of your organization in the documentary and on the web as a collaborating entity. (2) Organize a screening of the documentary "Barcelona en Beta" and a debate (or workshop) with its director and one of the experts at the facilities of your organization. (Note: travel expenses not included, if outside the metropolitan area of Barcelona it will be managed separately). (3) You will also receive two tickets for the opening day of the documentary + the subsequent celebration party (4) (only Europe) The "Barcelona on Beta" poster next to the postcards, the badge and the cloth bag (5) Online access to the beta version of the documentary (6) You will be up to date thanks to the logbook (7) our thanks by email and the newsletter.

    > 06 Co-financiers

About this project

Documentary. Exploring desirable futures

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Team costs
Making a documentary is a highly complex project that requires the participation of a broad team of people: direction, script, production, photography, sound, editing, etc. You will see it in the credits of the documentary!
£ 3,541
Diseño, comunicación y difusión
La imagen gráfica de todo el proyecto (documental, web, material de márketing y recompensas). Además hay que comunicar el proyecto tanto durante la campaña de crowdfunding, durante su producción y posteriormente durante su distribución.
£ 2,083
Crowdfunding expenses
Here we add the rewards costs, the Goteo commissions and the payment systems, structure costs of OuiShare, etc.
£ 1,541
Advanced web programming (trasmedia)
With this additional amount we can develop and experiment with a more advanced transmedia project
£ 1,416
Filming of additional material and production of downloadable materials
A greater diversity of contents will enrich the documentary. Once we have achieved the minimum we will use part of the optimal money to have more days of filming and thus be able to add: * 3 personal stories and 3 interviews with inspirational citizens extra We will also be able to produce infographics and downloadable graphic material that will help to distribute the ideas of the documentary to a wider and more diverse audience
£ 2,374
Zero Waste consultancy
At OuiShare we work to minimize the environmental impact of our projects. Zero Waste is an objective that we would like to include in the realization of this project and requires professional advice to do it correctly.
£ 529
English version of the documentary and the website
The basic project is designed to be bilingual in Catalan and Spanish. We also want to be able to make the version in English of all the materials that we are going to produce and of the documentary itself.
£ 937
Audio description for blind people
In order to include blind people and enjoy the documentary we want to add an audio description track to it.
£ 667
Making Off
Devote a person to the making off of the documentary "Barcelona en Beta" and its creative process
£ 791
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Rental of equipment, spaces for filming, preproduction and production expenses
As it is said in collaborative consumption "access is better than ownership". In this case we need to rent technical equipment (cameras, spotlights, microphones, tripods, etc.) and some spaces for filming. It is expected that the shooting will last about 2 weeks. We will also have other expenses such as the cost of travel and the food&beverage of the film crew.
£ 3,624
Total £ 10,789 £ 17,504

General information

"Barcelona en Beta" is a transmedia documentary project that aims to explore the impact of digital technologies on the city and citizens.


We live in a moment of transition in which we are the primitives of an unknown civilization. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, digital platforms, the automation of work ... are changing our way of living as never before and at a speed of vertigo.

We want to design a city that is capable of prospering in a future that, while being inevitable, is not predictable, and should be inclusive. We want to imagine futures in which we would like to live to be able to build them.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

For the documentary will create a main piece of about 30 minutes for online dissemination in addition to a website that will include additional footage of personal stories of 3-4 minutes and extended versions of the interviews with local experts.

With the minimum objective within the documentary:

  • We will go to visit first hand those citizens who already live in the future and are among us. They are the pioneers of this new era: they use digital platforms to earn money, share their knowledge, open the administration to citizens, manufacture their own objects or create their own currency.

  • Then we will explore the accidents that are created from these new ways of living: unfair competition, labor precariousness, conflicts between neighbors, loss of rights as consumers, unclear tax payments, etc.

  • And we are going to look for inspiration in citizens that from Barcelona help us to think about a new Social Operative System (SOS), from the local thinking in global. We will interview Javier Creus, Pilar Conesa, Jordi Serra del Pino, Amir Taaki, Mara Balestrini , Salvador Rueda, Marina Garcés and much more !

In summary, we want to help think critically and constructively about the impacts of these new initiatives on the city and its inhabitants.

Once the minimum objective of the campaing is reached we will go for the optimal to be able to:

  • Add more content : more pioneer stories and more interviews with inspiring people in the city

  • Develop the documentary and the website in English

  • Produce a version of audio description for blind people

  • Ensure that we minimize our environmental impact with a consultancy on Zero Waste

  • And shot a making off of the project :)

Here you can see some of the rewards we have prepared for you!

Why this is important

The documentary "Barcelona en Beta" is aimed at all those who want to explore positive change and build it. The future is inevitable yet progress is optional. If the future is progress depends on everyone.

It's time to reflect and ask new questions:

  • How will we work in the future?

  • How will we prepare society for permanent change?

  • How can we improve democracy?

  • How can we have a more distributed power rather that only hold by a few?

  • Where should we start?

These are complex issues. No one has the answers, but we all have the responsibility to look for them. The bases on which we have built our society are crumbling in front of our eyes. We know that when one is lost, the best thing is to be together. For this reason we want to make this documentary with all of you.

This project also wants to be a call to the co-responsibility of all the citizens about the decision-making that will have a high impact on the design of society of the next decades.

And finally the intention is that the story of the experience of Barcelona can inspire other cities and territories, both close ones and much further away ones.


Team and experience

To deliver the documentary project "Barcelona en Beta" the team relies on the entire OuiShare network.

  • OuiShare, a non-profit association, has spent more than 6 years exploring the rapid evolution of technology and its social, economic and environmental impact. Always in Permanent Beta.

  • OuiShare has demonstrated ample capacity to produce and deliver all types of projects, always with high quality: the 3 editions of the OuiShare Fest in Barcelona, the online course of collaborative economy or numerous studies about the governance models of digital platforms.

  • OuiShare has a wide network of contacts throughout the fabric of the city of Barcelona to be able to find the personal stories of the pioneers of this Barcelona in Beta as well as the thinkers that will help us explore uncharted territories.

The main team of the project is composed of recognized professionals:

  • Albert Cañigueral director and main scriptwriter of the documentary Barcelona en Beta. Trained as engineer has led the development of the local community of OuiShare in Barcelona since 2012 as well as several of the reference projects. He founded the blog ConsumoColaborativo back in 2011 and has written the book "Vivir mejor con menos"

  • Laia Albert is the assistant director. Laia is a photographer and videographer with a wide portfolio of documentary, musical and cinematographic projects. It also contributes with her entire network of specialized audiovisual technicians. Visit her portfolio.

  • Eugenia Trujillo is the lead design. Eugenia, from Colombia, is a designer with an emphasis on communication and a special interest in philosophy, conscious capitalism, art and the humanities. He joins OuiShare in 2017 and has already collaborated in the OuiShare Fest Barcelona and in Comparteix Barcelona. Visit her portfolio.

  • Eva Miguélez defines the communication strategy of the project and supports the script writing. Eva arrives at OuiShare in 2016 to take charge of the communication area after having worked for more than 15 years in the main Spanish media, both in radio, in the press and on television.

To organize the projections we will rely on the experience of

We will also receive advice from the teams of related documentaries of great impact such as In The Same Boat and La Educación Prohibida.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Responsible Production and Consumption

    Responsible Production and Consumption