Un Ballet lleno de Tango

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Finished 13 / 07 / 2019
£ 2,228
£ 1,339
£ 9,812
19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 13

    The Documentary
    • Digital download of the documentary
    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Package Documentary
    • Digital download of the documentary
    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary
    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 34

    Package Music
    • Download oft the entire music (50 minutes) of Tango Woman Ballet

    • Digital download of the documentary

    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 47

    Package Cinema
    • 2 tickets to the premiere of the documentary in a cinema in Mallorca

    • Digital download of the documentary

    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 55

    Package Cinema & Music
    • Download oft the entire music (50 minutes) of Tango Woman Ballet
    • 2 tickets to the premiere of the documentary in a cinema in Mallorca
    • Digital download of the documentary
    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 169

    Package Pointe Shoe
    • Pointe Shoes (also man shoes) with the signatures of the protagonists of the documentary and TWB: Laura Macías, Lucía Figueroa and Oscar Baez. (sent to the EU and United Kingdom)

    • Download oft the entire music (50 minutes) of Tango Woman Ballet

    • 2 tickets to the premiere of the documentary in a cinema in Mallorca

    • Digital download of the documentary

    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 212

    Package Dancers
    • 3 hours of private class with Laura Macias - Ballet, Contemporary or physical preparation

    • Download oft the entire music (50 minutes) of Tango Woman Ballet

    • 2 tickets to the premiere of the documentary in a cinema in Mallorca

    • Digital download of the documentary

    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 847

    Premium Sponsoring

    1) 1 day of shooting with our team to create your promotional video – all-inclusive: Concept, shooting and editing.


    2) Sponsoring: Your brand and logo will receive attention and recognition – as a supporter of film, culture, dance and Mallorca:

    • Opening and closing credits,
    • International film festivals,
    • Television,
    • Social networks,
    • Film premieres,
    • Press,
    • Film competitions

    Please contact info@casa-film.com for more information on the possibilities of the promotional video and media impact.

    > 02 Co-financiers

About this project

A documentary about the creation of “Tango Woman Ballet”

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Rent a cars, gasoline, travel expenses
£ 424
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Edition and Postproduction
Basic cutting and edition, postproduction and sound.
£ 847
Expenses derived from the Goteo.org platform and bank commission expenses.
£ 68
Expenses derived from the Goteo.org platform and bank commission expenses.
£ 424
Professional Sound and buying of music
We hire a sound professional to help us design the best possible sound. We also need to buy music from third parties.
£ 847
Advanced Postproduction
Edition, Colorgrading, Sounddesign, Mixing and other necessary processes to take the film to the best possible level.
£ 4,660
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Audivisual materials
Material bought to the one already contributed: a gimbal, tripod and microphones, lenses.
£ 847
Marketing, distribution, printing costs and other costs related to sales and marketing.
£ 1,695
Total £ 1,339 £ 9,812

General information

General Information
“A ballet full of Tango” is a ca. 50 minute documentary that follows Pasodos Dance Company closely in the creation of their new work TANGO WOMAN BALLET.

Independent Art Creation and the creative process

  • Pasodos Dance Company is a small private business that each year creates new ballets of high quality for theatres throughout Europe, without stable state funding. For Tango Woman Ballet the choreography, music, set and costumes are being built from scratch, which will allow the spectator to get to know the depths of the creative process and the dance world.

Dancers and their life

  • We also focus on the sacrifice required to have a career as a professional dancer, something that many documentaries want to avoid (like the famous "Strictly Ballet”). The young dancers share their lives with the audience, their suffering and happiness - they live for dancing, they train and rehearse very long hours to finally shine on stage.

Like Pasodos, the documentary team create their work with very few resources, and for that reason, we need your support. The documentary premiere is expected for Summer 2019.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

A) The Narrative Structure
The documentary accompanies Pasodos in the making of the piece from the initial preparations through to the date of the premiere on Mallorca’s biggest stage and has a double narrative:

  • We follow Laura Macías, artistic director of Pasodos and choreographer of TWB. through the creative process of the piece. To put on and rehearse the whole ballet they have only 6 weeks.
  • We follow two young professional dancers, Lucía Figueroa from El Salvador y Oscar Baez from the Dominican Republic, protagonists of TANGO WOMAN BALLET. We live with them the experience of the hard day to day rehearsals, being far away from family, far from their relationships, the happy moments in the studio and the nerves before the opening night on Mallorca.

B) About the TANGO WOMAN BALLET piece.

Opening night, Sunday 28th of April 2019 in the Auditorium de Palma.

TANGO WOMAN BALLET is about the destiny of a young woman called Luna, looking for her own balance in life, seduced by a figure inspired by Mephisto, who makes her choose three different chapters, all of which end in extreme situations leaving Luna feeling the emptiness.

Each chapter that Luna goes through is showing a different style of dancing: The first chapter is classical ballet oriented with very geometrical and complex choreographies. The second one is more neo-classical, based on round movements and a softer approach and the third has a contemporary dance base. In the last and forth part the piece resumes, Luna is by chance entering a real milonga (a night of Argentinien Tango) and learns to tame her fears hugging Mephisto (who is the manifestation of her fears).

Apart from the strength of the Narrative, a special characteristic of the piece is the music, which is been made together with the script to suit exactly the choreography and in its essence is Argentine Tango with all of its facets: tango, vals and milonga. The music is specially composed for the piece by the Argentinian composer Jose Teixidó.

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Why this is important

When we found out about "Tango Woman Ballet" and the huge effort Laura and her small company was putting into this unique project , we wanted to take this opportunity to accompany it with the camera and get the audience closer to the dance culture created on this island.

The film market in Mallorca has developed dynamically in recent years, especially in the field of Service Productions. However, there are still few independent films produced in Mallorca which capture the diverse cultural facets of the island.

The documentary is aimed at a very broad audience: Due to the structure of the double narrative, the documentary has an exciting tension, which will also capture people outside the dance world. Above all, the documentary is aimed at all dance lovers, professional dancers (and those who are thinking of embarking on this as a career), theaters and companies that create art independently and finally, lovers of Argentine Tango.

But without financial means it is difficult to produce high-level work for television and film. Filming, post-production and many other costs such as means of transportation, technology and permits have to be paid by oneself.


Team and experience

Nathalie Kraft
Studied "international film producing" at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Germany. For three years she has been producing video clips, commercials and feature films in Palma de Mallorca. In 2018 she founded her own company CASA-FILM to carry out projects on Mallorca.

Jan d'Alquen
Studied regional sciences and tourism, works on Mallorca as a "Lifestyle" journalist, as well as an independent author and editor of nonfiction and fiction. He is also a passionate tango dancer.

Melina Castaldi
Studied film and television post-production in San Luis, Argentina. She has more than seven years of experience in editing and post-production and has lived on Mallorca for two years.

Ariel Lucero
Studied post-production for film and television in San Luis, Argentina. He has been directing and filming commercials and video clips for over nine years and is passionate about the audio-visual world.


Social commitment