Un Ballet lleno de Tango

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Finished 13 / 07 / 2019
$ 2,935
$ 1,763
$ 12,921
19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 17

    The Documentary
    • Digital download of the documentary
    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Package Documentary
    • Digital download of the documentary
    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary
    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 45

    Package Music
    • Download oft the entire music (50 minutes) of Tango Woman Ballet

    • Digital download of the documentary

    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 61

    Package Cinema
    • 2 tickets to the premiere of the documentary in a cinema in Mallorca

    • Digital download of the documentary

    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 73

    Package Cinema & Music
    • Download oft the entire music (50 minutes) of Tango Woman Ballet
    • 2 tickets to the premiere of the documentary in a cinema in Mallorca
    • Digital download of the documentary
    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 223

    Package Pointe Shoe
    • Pointe Shoes (also man shoes) with the signatures of the protagonists of the documentary and TWB: Laura Macías, Lucía Figueroa and Oscar Baez. (sent to the EU and United Kingdom)

    • Download oft the entire music (50 minutes) of Tango Woman Ballet

    • 2 tickets to the premiere of the documentary in a cinema in Mallorca

    • Digital download of the documentary

    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 279

    Package Dancers
    • 3 hours of private class with Laura Macias - Ballet, Contemporary or physical preparation

    • Download oft the entire music (50 minutes) of Tango Woman Ballet

    • 2 tickets to the premiere of the documentary in a cinema in Mallorca

    • Digital download of the documentary

    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,116

    Premium Sponsoring

    1) 1 day of shooting with our team to create your promotional video – all-inclusive: Concept, shooting and editing.


    2) Sponsoring: Your brand and logo will receive attention and recognition – as a supporter of film, culture, dance and Mallorca:

    • Opening and closing credits,
    • International film festivals,
    • Television,
    • Social networks,
    • Film premieres,
    • Press,
    • Film competitions

    Please contact info@casa-film.com for more information on the possibilities of the promotional video and media impact.

    > 02 Co-financiers

Estamos en el Mallorca Magazin

28 | 04 | 2019
Estamos en el Mallorca Magazin

El artículo explica con bastante detalle de que trata y como surgió Tango Woman Ballet y presenta al equipo de rodaje y nuestros objetivos detrás del documental! (Está en alemán)

Por cierto: Hoy es el estreno de Tango Woman Ballet!!!! En el video véis un poco nuestro radaje durante la rueda de prensa (están IB3 y Canal4, canales locales de Baleares)l


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