Un Ballet lleno de Tango

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Finished 13 / 07 / 2019
$ 2,935
$ 1,763
$ 12,921
19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 17

    The Documentary
    • Digital download of the documentary
    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Package Documentary
    • Digital download of the documentary
    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary
    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 45

    Package Music
    • Download oft the entire music (50 minutes) of Tango Woman Ballet

    • Digital download of the documentary

    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 61

    Package Cinema
    • 2 tickets to the premiere of the documentary in a cinema in Mallorca

    • Digital download of the documentary

    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 73

    Package Cinema & Music
    • Download oft the entire music (50 minutes) of Tango Woman Ballet
    • 2 tickets to the premiere of the documentary in a cinema in Mallorca
    • Digital download of the documentary
    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 223

    Package Pointe Shoe
    • Pointe Shoes (also man shoes) with the signatures of the protagonists of the documentary and TWB: Laura Macías, Lucía Figueroa and Oscar Baez. (sent to the EU and United Kingdom)

    • Download oft the entire music (50 minutes) of Tango Woman Ballet

    • 2 tickets to the premiere of the documentary in a cinema in Mallorca

    • Digital download of the documentary

    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 279

    Package Dancers
    • 3 hours of private class with Laura Macias - Ballet, Contemporary or physical preparation

    • Download oft the entire music (50 minutes) of Tango Woman Ballet

    • 2 tickets to the premiere of the documentary in a cinema in Mallorca

    • Digital download of the documentary

    • Appearance in the closing credits of the documentary

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,116

    Premium Sponsoring

    1) 1 day of shooting with our team to create your promotional video – all-inclusive: Concept, shooting and editing.


    2) Sponsoring: Your brand and logo will receive attention and recognition – as a supporter of film, culture, dance and Mallorca:

    • Opening and closing credits,
    • International film festivals,
    • Television,
    • Social networks,
    • Film premieres,
    • Press,
    • Film competitions

    Please contact info@casa-film.com for more information on the possibilities of the promotional video and media impact.

    > 02 Co-financiers

Management Turístico is our first sponsor and we reach our crowdfunding goal!

27 | 05 | 2019
Management Turístico is our first sponsor and we reach our crowdfunding goal!

We would like to welcome and thank our first sponsor, Management Turístico, a management consultancy from Mallorca specialising in tourism. Its main business areas are the development and implementation of hotel concepts, sales and marketing for hotels and market analyses. With their contribution we achieve the minimum financing target of our campaign. Wonderful! Now we are entering the second phase of the campaing – there are 40 days left for the second round. We are already editing the documentary and soon there will be some sneak previews for our supporters!

Many thanks to everyone who supported us!!!!


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