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Finished 09 / 12 / 2012
£ 4,191
£ 3,337
£ 6,674
105 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 4

    Web recognition

    Your name will appear on our website as “Cofinancer” of each Tutomic.

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 13

    Illustrated diploma

    You will receive a digital certificate with a personalized illustration, where you will be credited as a collaborator on this project + Web recognition

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 29

    Tutomics printed edition

    We will send you a dedicated hard copy of all the Tutomics + Illustrated diploma + Web recognition

    > 33 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 46

    Arduino Uno R3

    We will send you an Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller + Tutomics printed edition + Illustrated diploma + Web recognition

    > 24 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 667

    Arduino workshop

    Designed for trainers or training centers. A 20-hour course of introduction to Arduino, which will teach you how to use the open source platform that is radically changing the way we see electronic prototyping. (Maximum 10 people per group. Didactic material, displacement and accommodation costs are not included in the reward).

    > 01 Co-financiers

Electronic symbols: pages 2 - 6 to look over

20 | 11 | 2012
Electronic symbols: pages 2 - 6 to look over

Hi everyone, :p

After a couple of busy weeks, we can start to upload contents to this platform so all of you who believed in us can take a look to the result of your contribution.

Our intention from today is, allow access to all the material. We will start with the material to look over and as soon we receive your comments and observations, we will retouch and make necessary corrections, and publish final material here and also at our web page: www.reflexiona.biz/shop/content/7-tutoriales

The aim is make all the process the most participative possible, and so, whether you offered to collaborate in the review or not, we invite you to send your opinion.

You can see the first pages of "Electronic Symbols" below:






Waiting to read your feedback.




La Lata Muda
Hace 1 decade
Página 3 sería importante defenir PCB ...
La Lata Muda
Hace 1 decade
Página 5 GND definición ...
La Lata Muda
Hace 1 decade
Muy bien esperamos el PDF definitivo ;) Buen trabajo ...
Hace 1 decade
De acuerdo con La Lata Muda en la definición de acrónimos.
Esperando más para ver como se conectan las ideas!
Alberto Bouzón Tirado
Hace 1 decade
En la página 6 yo dibujaría los condensadores con dos lineas rectas paralelas de igual longitud. No con como habéis hecho vosotros con una de las líneas curvas.

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