Contributing $ 106
Personal thank you message + your name published in the founding sponsors section.
> 06 Co-financiers
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The Trampoline
Personal thank you message + your name published in the founding sponsors section.
Free membership for 6 months + all of the above
Free membership for 9 months + a The Trampoline t-shirt + all of the above
Free membership for 1 year + a The Trampoline t-shirt + all of the above
Free membership for 2 years + a The Trampoline mug + all of the above
Free lifetime membership + all of the above
Publication of the sponsor's name with the tag "Jumper Premium" in a prominent space on the platform home page + all of the above
Reward aimed at businesses, organisations and associations who would like to sponsor The Trampoline project. Publication of the sponsor's logo, as well as a link to their website, for a year, in a prominent space on the platform home page + all of the above.
Reward aimed at businesses, organisations and associations who would like to sponsor The Trampoline project. Publication of the sponsor's logo, as well as a link to their website, for 2 years, in a prominent space on the platform home page + all of the above.
¡Llevamos casi 30 dias de campanya! En este tiempo hemos conseguido recaudar más del 30% del importe necesario y hemos recibido el soporte directo de numerosos profesionales, espacios de coworking, entidades que trabajan por el bién común... ¡Muchísimas gracias a todos los que habéis hecho aportaciones y a los que nos habéis hecho llegar mensajes de ánimo y ofertas de colaboración!
Hoy os queremos mostrar las personas que están detrás del proyecto. The Trampoline nace de una idea de Jotasaki y Estudi Kalimba y se convierte en proyecto cuando el colectivo de profesionales Cookingirona lo asume como propio; a partir de este momento The Trampoline coge impulso y toma forma para dar el salto hacia su materialización. Cookingirona es un colectivo de profesionales de múltiples diciplinas que gestionan de manera cooperativa su espacio compartido de trabajo profesional e impulsan colectivamente proyectos artísticos, culturales y sociales, estos sin ánimo de lucro. Viendo el vídeo podrás conocer un poco más tanto a los profesionales como el espacio; aquí nos tenéis para lo que queráis.
¡No olvidéis difundir esta campaña de microfinanciación entre vuestros contactos: con vuestra ayuda lo conseguiremos!
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Personal thank you message + your name published in the founding sponsors section.
> 06 Co-financiers
Free membership for 6 months + all of the above
> 04 Co-financiers
Free membership for 9 months + a The Trampoline t-shirt + all of the above
> 02 Co-financiers
Free membership for 1 year + a The Trampoline t-shirt + all of the above
> 12 Co-financiers
Free membership for 2 years + a The Trampoline mug + all of the above
> 06 Co-financiers
Free lifetime membership + all of the above
> 04 Co-financiers
"Jumper Premium" RECOGNITION and +
Publication of the sponsor's name with the tag "Jumper Premium" in a prominent space on the platform home page + all of the above
> 01 Co-financiers
Reward aimed at businesses, organisations and associations who would like to sponsor The Trampoline project. Publication of the sponsor's logo, as well as a link to their website, for a year, in a prominent space on the platform home page + all of the above.
> 00 Co-financiers
Reward aimed at businesses, organisations and associations who would like to sponsor The Trampoline project. Publication of the sponsor's logo, as well as a link to their website, for 2 years, in a prominent space on the platform home page + all of the above.
> 00 Co-financiers
We would like to ask you to help spread the word about The Trampoline as much as possible: the goal of the platform is to create a network of professi
One of the main goals of the platform is to create a network of co-working spaces parallel to the virtual platform, spread across the country, that co