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A Irehom #tenimunplaespecial

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Finished 24 / 02 / 2021
$ 394,940
$ 292,096
$ 1,093,733
180 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 213

    Many a little makes a mickle! (Every little helps!)

    We will thank you for your contribution with a mention on our website as a patron of the project! THANKS a lot for your help!

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 255

    SPECIAL dinner (for kids)

    So that the little ones can also enjoy the Outdoor dinner under the moon (spring or summer 2021) at Casassaies, we have a children's menu made with eco and local products, includes different dishes, drinks and some surprises.

    (If you have any type of food intolerance we can adapt the menu).

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    In addition, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU so much for your help!

    Note: The choice of date will be agreed once the crowdfunding is over and respecting the current health restrictions.

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 532


    Treball artesanal impressió d'una imatge vegetal de la flora de la Vall d'Artigues en una llesca de fusta.

    Ens pots demanar el VAL REGAL d'aquesta recompensa si el necessites!

    Mides aproximades 30x20cm. Cada peça és única.
    L' enviament està inclòs a tota la península un cop acabat el crowdfounding.

    A més, et mencionarem a la nostra web com a mecenes del projecte! Moltes GRÀCIES per la teva ajuda!

    Recorda que pots desgravar-te fins a un 80% de les teves aportacions: Calcula-ho aquí

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 532

    Vent d'alliberament, el manual de la consciència

    Aquesta és una obra innovadora, concisa i ambiciosa escrita per Jordi Griera.
    Manual de la Consciència en tot el que fem i us pot acompanyar en un procés d’alliberament del dolor i el patiment diaris, vers la felicitat dels estats superiors de consciència.
    Útil per als joves i els experimentats, dones i homes, a casa i a l’empresa. Proposa un camí sòlid per a l’autoconeixement i també per comprendre com són els altres, per a una millor vida en parella i a la feina, alliberats d’estrès.
    Estudia l’alimentació i els hàbits. Resol el problema de la ment reactiva, la por irracional, el sofriment i tantes coses que bloquegen la nostra vida i la fan innecessàriament complicada.
    Aborda creativament el tema de la consciència, qui sóc jo?, demostrant que és possible trobar una explicació plausible a la divinitat i a allò que molts en diuen “Misteris”.
    Aporta tècniques concretes, com el katsugen del Seitai i la meditació, amb tot el que cal per aplicar-les al dia a dia.

    Rebràs el teu exemplar dedicat per l'autor. Versió disponible en català i castellà.

    Ens pots demanar el VAL REGAL d'aquesta recompensa si el necessites!

    A més, et mencionarem a la nostra web com a mecenes del projecte! Moltes GRÀCIES per la teva ajuda!

    Nota: L' enviament està inclòs Europa i Amèrica un cop acabat el crowdfunding.

    Recorda que pots desgravar-te fins a un 80% de les teves aportacions: Calcula-ho aquí

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 532

    Ecstatic dance

    One Ecstatic Dance session at a Casassaies, where you can connect with your body and mind through free movement in the nature.

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    In addition, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU so much for your help!

    Note: Activity available from 18 years old. The choice of date will be agreed according to the availability of the space and respecting the health restrictions in force once the crowdfunding is over.

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 532

    SPECIAL dinner (adults)

    Enjoy an outdoor dinner under the moon (spring or summer 2021) at Casassaies
    A vegetarian menu made with eco and local products, includes different dishes, drinks and some surprises.
    (If you have any type of food intolerance we can adapt the menu).

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    Also, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU very much for your help!

    Note: The choice of date will be agreed upon once the crowdfunding is over and respecting the current health restrictions.

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 24 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 638

    Interpretació de somnis

    Sessió on line amb Romà Boulé per interpretar els teus somnis.

    "Els somnis són missatges que el teu inconscient t'envia per donar-te informació sobre aspectes de la teva vida. Interpretar-los et pot servir per calmar, gestionar, millorar, aprendre, agafar camins diferents i prendre consciència d'allò que despert no pots veure."

    Ens pots demanar el VAL REGAL d'aquesta recompensa si el necessites!

    A més, et mencionarem a la nostra web com a mecenes del projecte! Moltes GRÀCIES per la teva ajuda!

    Nota: L' elecció de la data serà acordada amb el tallerista un cop acabat el crowdfunding.

    Recorda que pots desgravar-te fins a un 80% de les teves aportacions: Calcula-ho aquí

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 638

    Breastfiding and nursing counselling

    A face-to-face session in the Bages county (apart from gas costs), or online with the doula and pedagogue Nadina Rubí, a member of the project.

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    Also, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU so much for your help!

    Note: The choice of date will be agreed upon after crowdfunding.

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 638

    DANCE "body & essence"

    Interior dance workshop "Body and essence" taught by Txell Prat at Casassaies.
    This workshop will allow you to open your heart, expand and connect with unconditional love from a dance experience where the feeling of separation from what surrounds us is diluted. We will start from the body consciousness to experience our energetic or subtle body, and from there we will expand the energy to access a dance of deep and joyful communion with the environment and with others.

    The workshop will be held outside enjoying the sun.

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    More info: www.danzainterior.com www.enfermedadyemociones.com

    Also, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU so much for your help!

    Note: The choice of the date will be agreed in common with the guide and respecting the health restrictions in force once the crowdfunding is over.

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 638

    Sponsors a Can Casassaies tree

    With this contribution, you will sponsor a tree from our Forest of Patrons and we will give it your name.
    Glad you are also in love with nature as we are, thanks to this contribution, we will be closer to better protect these forests of Bages.

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    Also, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU so much for your help!

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 23 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 638

    Matinal de ioga

    Matinal de 3h de ioga amb Liber a Casassaies

    La sessió inclou dues pràctiques:
    • Hatha Vinyasa, accesible i orientat a la exploració a través de l'escolta del cos físic i la respiració, amb postures, respiracions, mantres i mudres.
    • Yoga Nidra: una meditació guiada, una relaxació profunda i un despertar a la consciència.

    Ens pots demanar el VAL REGAL d'aquesta recompensa si el necessites!

    A més, et mencionarem a la nostra web com a mecenes del projecte! Moltes GRÀCIES per la teva ajuda!

    Recorda que pots desgravar-te fins a un 80% de les teves aportacions: Calcula-ho aquí

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 638


    Edició especial de 6 ampolles de 33cl de cervesa artesana feta a Cal Cases. Estil belga adaptat al Moianès. Rossa suau i refrescant, provoca lleugeresa i bon humor. Ideal para compartir!

    Amb aquesta aportació, estàs recolzant la col·laboració entre aquests dos projectes amics!

    Ens pots demanar el VAL REGAL d'aquesta recompensa si el necessites!

    A més, et mencionarem a la nostra web com a mecenes del projecte! Moltes GRÀCIES per la teva ajuda!

    Nota: L' enviament està inclòs a tota la península un cop acabat el crowdfunding.

    Recorda que pots desgravar-te fins a un 80% de les teves aportacions: Calcula-ho aquí

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 744

    Ecstatic moon - Un ball de lluna ecstatic

    Entrada a una sessió de ball (primavera-estiu 2021) passant per diferents passatges sonors a Casassaies, on podràs connectar amb el teu cos a través del moviment lliure a la natura sota la llum de la lluna.

    Inclou sucs de fruita natural per refrescar-te.
    Cada participant podrà portar alguna cosa per gaudir d'un berenar/sopar plegats mentres compartim les experiències viscudes i gaudim de l'entorn.

    Ens pots demanar el VAL REGAL d'aquesta recompensa si el necessites!

    A més, et mencionarem a la nostra web com a mecenes del projecte! Moltes GRÀCIES per la teva ajuda!

    Nota: Activitat oberta a partir de 18 anys. L' elecció de la data serà acordada amb el tallerista i respectant les restriccions sanitàries vigents un cop acabat el crowdfunding.

    Recorda que pots desgravar-te fins a un 80% de les teves aportacions: Calcula-ho aquí

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 744

    A sip of our home (wine)

    2 bottles of EXIBIS 2019, the best wine in Bages, according to the Vinari 2020 awards, made by Joan Soler, a member of Irehom.

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    Also, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU so much for your help!

    Note: Shipping is included throughout the peninsula after crowdfunding is over.

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 744

    Silent night walk to listen to Nightinglae bird's song in our valley

    During spring, in the Vall d’Artigues, nightingales sing in the middle of the forest all night long... Do you know why they sing all night alone in a tree?
    We will tell you while we enjoy a snack for dinner that we will prepare with love.
    We will go to hear the nightingales as close as our silence allows.
    You will discover the beauty of hearing the tenor song of the night, calmly, in the forest ... A gift for the senses!!

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    Also, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU so much for your help!

    Note: From age 6 years old. The choice of the date will be agreed upon once the crowdfunding is over and respecting the current health restrictions.

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 957

    Sessió de fisioteràpia

    Una hora de sessió de fisioteràpia en el privilegiat espai d'Irehom.

    Fisioterapeuta especialitzada en el tractament de les fàscies que són un teixit que engloba tot el cos i les diferents estructures internes, pel que són teràpies globals que treballen a nivell musculo-esqueletic, els nervis, es vasos sanguinis i limfàtics...
    Cada cos i cada persona és una historia diferent, així que s'adapta cada sessió segons les necessitats de cada persona amb respecte i cura. Serà un moment per deixar-te caure en el present i escoltar-te. Un espai de connexió i calma.

    Ens pots demanar el VAL REGAL d'aquesta recompensa si el necessites!

    A més, et mencionarem a la nostra web com a mecenes del projecte! Moltes GRÀCIES per la teva ajuda!

    Nota: L' elecció de la data serà acordada amb la fisoterapeuta i respectant les restriccions sanitàries vigents un cop acabat el crowdfunding.

    Recorda que pots desgravar-te fins a un 80% de les teves aportacions: Calcula-ho aquí

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 957

    Vegetarian and natural cooking workshop

    Theoretical and practical vegetarian and natural cooking workshop given at Casassaies by Arabel, the chef of the BOL vegetarian bar.
    Includes dossier of recipes and tasting of dishes.

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    Also, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU so much for your help!

    Note: The choice of the date will be agreed upon with the workshop leader and respecting the health restrictions in force once the crowdfunding is over.

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,063

    Conscient walk to the Artigues Valley

    Want to know what Conscious Psychology can do for you and why in nature?
    We invite you to spend a whole day in the forests of Casassaies and through the area of the recovered vineyard huts where we will share tools to learn how to tame the mind and calm the emotions from a conscious point of view.
    We will all have lunch together in the forest, each one bringing their lunch and sharing it.
    An opportunity to learn how to look at yourself and see life in a more loving, conscious and respectful way!

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    Also, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU so much for your help!

    Note: From 16 years. The choice of the date will be agreed upon once the crowdfunding is over and respecting the current health restrictions.

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,276

    Discoveries: guided tour to meet & know the project and enjoy a homemade paella

    Come and discover our project with a guided tour by [Casassaies.
    Visit for 2 adults and if applicable, the children who accompany them.
    Also, includes lunch.

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    Also, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU so much for your help!

    Note: The choice of date will be agreed upon once the crowdfunding is over and respecting the current health restrictions.

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,701

    Rental of the Dome (4 hours)

    Podràs llogar el Dome durant 4 hores, per a realitzar tallers, presentacions de llibres, concerts acústics, col·loquis, reunions d'equips, aniversaris infantils...
    El lloguer inclou l'ús del Dome de 50 m quadrats, del WC i dutxes que hi ha a 20 metres de la sala i de la zona exterior per pauses i passejos.

    Ens pots demanar el VAL REGAL d'aquesta recompensa si el necessites!

    A més, et mencionarem a la nostra web com a mecenes del projecte! Moltes GRÀCIES per la teva ajuda!

    Nota: L' elecció de la data serà acordada en comú segons la disponibilitat de l'espai i respectant les restriccions sanitàries vigents un cop acabat el crowdfunding.

    Recorda que pots desgravar-te fins a un 80% de les teves aportacions: Calcula-ho aquí

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,701

    Pallasseant l'existència

    Taller de clown de 8 hores impartit per l' Iván Prado (Pallasos en Rebeldía) a Casassaies.

    L' Iván ens proposa riure per a deixar anar les pors i les armadures; riure per a aprendre a gaudir que riguin del nostre ridícul. Abraçar la pallassa i el pallasso que portem dins en un bell camí per a crear cercles del riure al nostre voltant.

    Més informació sobre el taller aquí.

    Ens pots demanar el VAL REGAL d'aquesta recompensa si el necessites!

    A més, et mencionarem a la nostra web com a mecenes del projecte! Moltes GRÀCIES per la teva ajuda!

    Nota: L' elecció de la data serà acordada amb el tallerista i respectant les restriccions sanitàries vigents un cop acabat el crowdfunding.

    Recorda que pots desgravar-te fins a un 80% de les teves aportacions: Calcula-ho aquí

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,914

    Rental of the Volta (4 hours)

    Podràs llogar la Volta per a realitzar tallers de cuina, celebracions o trobades, durant 4 hores.
    El lloguer inclou l'ús de la sala de 80m quadrats amb calefacció, de cuina equipada, de WC i de la zona exterior per pauses i passejos.

    Ens pots demanar el VAL REGAL d'aquesta recompensa si el necessites!

    A més, et mencionarem a la nostra web com a mecenes del projecte! Moltes GRÀCIES per la teva ajuda!

    Nota: L' elecció de la data serà acordada en comú segons la disponibilitat de dates i respectant les restriccions sanitàries vigents un cop acabat el crowdfunding.

    Recorda que pots desgravar-te fins a un 80% de les teves aportacions: Calcula-ho aquí

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,914

    Rental of "les Tines room" (4 hours)

    Podràs llogar la Sala de Tines durant 4 hores, per a realitzar tallers, presentacions de llibres, concerts acústics, col·loquis, reunions d'equips...
    El lloguer inclou l'ús de la sala de 80m quadrats amb calefacció, del WC-vestuari que hi ha dins de la sala i de la zona exterior per pauses i passejos.

    Ens pots demanar el VAL REGAL d'aquesta recompensa si el necessites!

    A més, et mencionarem a la nostra web com a mecenes del projecte! Moltes GRÀCIES per la teva ajuda!

    Nota: L' elecció de la data serà acordada en comú segons la disponibilitat de dates i respectant les restriccions sanitàries vigents un cop acabat el crowdfunding.

    Recorda que pots desgravar-te fins a un 80% de les teves aportacions: Calcula-ho aquí

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,551

    Personalized online counselling to boost your business

    You will receive two online sessions about personal branding that consist of:

    • personalized professional advice to differentiate yourself and define yourself in the job market to strengthen your brand,
    • communicate effectively and
    • connect with your audience.

    To monetize your project or business.

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    More information at: Veronica Soto + Instagram @veronicasotovilla + Linkedin: Verónica Soto Villa.

    Also, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU so much for your help!

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,870

    Stay in the rebuilded huts and in the Casassaies forest

    An afternoon, evening and morning in the area of ​​the recovered huts in Casassaies on:

    • We will talk about the meaning of this project.
    • We will walk through the forest in silence.
    • We will share a good snack/dinner.
    • In the evening we will meet individually in one of the huts properly equipped to spend the night.
    • The next day we will have breakfast in a group to enjoy one more morning of the place, the forest and the joy of sharing!

    A dry stone hut and a forest await you for an unforgettable experience!
    Dinner and breakfast included.

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    Also, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU so much for your help!

    Note: Activity open from age 16 years old. The choice of the date will be agreed upon with the workshop leader and respecting the health restrictions in force once the crowdfunding is over.

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,189

    Rental of "la Volta" (8 hours)

    Podreu llogar la Volta per a realitzar tallers de cuina, celebracions o trobades, durant tot un dia (8 hores).
    El lloguer inclou l'ús de la sala de 80m quadrats amb calefacció, de cuina equipada, del wc i de la zona exterior per pauses i passejos.

    Ens pots demanar el VAL REGAL d'aquesta recompensa si el necessites!

    A més, et mencionarem a la nostra web com a mecenes del projecte! Moltes GRÀCIES per la teva ajuda!

    Nota: L' elecció de la data serà acordada en comú segons la disponibilitat de dates i respectant les restriccions sanitàries vigents un cop acabat el crowdfunding.

    Recorda que pots desgravar-te fins a un 80% de les teves aportacions: Calcula-ho aquí

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,189

    Rental of the Dome (8 hours)

    Podreu utilitzar el Dome durant 8 hores, per a realitzar un taller corporal, una presentació de llibre, un concert acústic, col·loqui, reunió d'equips i moltes altres coses més!
    El lloguer inclou l'ús del Dome de 50 m quadrats, de 2 hores d'ús de la cuina i del menjador per dinar, del WC i dutxes que hi ha a 20 metres de la sala i de la zona exterior per pauses i passejos.

    Ens pots demanar el VAL REGAL d'aquesta recompensa si el necessites!

    A més, et mencionarem a la nostra web com a mecenes del projecte! Moltes GRÀCIES per la teva ajuda!

    Nota: L' elecció de la data serà acordada en comú segons la disponibilitat de dates i respectant les restriccions sanitàries vigents un cop acabat el crowdfunding.

    Recorda que pots desgravar-te fins a un 80% de les teves aportacions: Calcula-ho aquí

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,827

    Rental of "les Tines room" (8 hours)

    Podreu llogar la Sala Tines durant 8 hores, per a realitzar un taller corporal, una presentació de llibre, un concert acústic, col·loqui, reunió d'equips i moltes altres coses més!
    El lloguer inclou l'ús de la sala de 80m quadrats amb calefacció, del WC-vestuari que hi ha dins de la sala, de 2 hores d'ús de la cuina i del menjador per dinar i de la zona exterior per pauses i passejos.

    Ens pots demanar el VAL REGAL d'aquesta recompensa si el necessites!

    A més, et mencionarem a la nostra web com a mecenes del projecte! Moltes GRÀCIES per la teva ajuda!

    Nota: L' elecció de la data serà acordada en comú segons la disponibilitat de dates i respectant les restriccions sanitàries vigents un cop acabat el crowdfunding.

    Recorda que pots desgravar-te fins a un 80% de les teves aportacions: Calcula-ho aquí

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,252

    PACK: Group Facilitation + Tines space rent

    Special designed Group facilitation session for your team, for 2 hours in this beautiful Tines multipurpose room (rent included) of Casassaies by Clara Steegmann, group facilitator and project member.

    Maybe you are part of a team and for some reason you feel like to spend some quality time out of your business space or, maybe it feels there’s something not really going well but you don’t know exactly what it is? Or it can be that with the rush of daily life, you don’t have the time to stop and check it out altogether... From time to time, it is very worthy to observe what is your tendency, your objectives, your porpoise, communication … it all can affect to your group quality life and to the feeling of “belonging to”.

    Come over and give this chance to your team in this special space with professional guidance!

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    Also we will thank you for your contribution with a mention on our website as a patron of the project! THANKS a lot for your help!

    Note: the date of the activity will be set up in common and depending of the availability of the space and also respecting official health restrictions, once the campaign is over.

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,315

    Experiential retreat of silence, music and interiority (2 days)

    Retreat of 2 days (48 hours) led by Natxo Tarrés and Núria Puigcorbé, members of Irehom, who they will facilitate the path to presence, a journey to experience life with more quality and intensity, something to apply to our daily life. It will be in the space provided by the hostel Emphasis de Casserres a very inspiring place made with a lot of love and very cozy where Sílvia Divins, cook and owner of the hostel, will cook for us.

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    Also, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU so much for your help!

    Note: The choice of the date will be agreed upon with the workshop leader and respecting the health restrictions in force once the crowdfunding is over.

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,631

    For companies: we sponsor you in our website for 5 years!

    If you resonate with the project and want to collaborate with 500 or more €, we sponsor you with the logo of your company on our website for 5 years!

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    Also, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU so much for your help!

    Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,262

    Honorary patron!

    With this contribution, you will have our INFINITE THANKS. When you come to visit the project we will make you a "wave". You will be able to have the discounts and advantages of being an honorary Patron.

    You can ask us for the GIFT VOUCHER from this reward if necessary!

    Besides, we will mention you on our website as a patron of the project! THANK YOU so much for your help!

    Remember that you can deduct taxes up to 80% of your contributions: Calculate here

    > 04 Co-financiers

About this project

Help us to legalize the places of Can Casassaies (Irehom) with a Special Urban Plan

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
42% of the Special Plan Documentation
Drafting of a part of the urban documentation of the Special Plan by the technicians hired and specialized professionals in this task. -Strategic environmental assessment -Impact and landscape integration study -Mobility assessment study
$ 206,453
VAT on the study and evaluation item.
An amount corresponding to the VAT of the task of study and environmental assessment, landscape and mobility of the Special Plan
$ 43,374
An Amount corresponding to 5% of this first tranche, which is provided to Goteo for all the management and support of the website and projects during the campaigns. From here, we want to thanks Goteo.org for all the advice provided.
$ 12,502
Payment system fees
An Amount corresponding to 0.8% (banks) + 3.8% (Pay Pal) of what has been collected + € 0.35 for each transfer that is intended to be paid to the banks to facilitate the management of transfers of all your contributions to the co-financing campaign.
$ 12,757
58% of the Drafting of legalization projects
We work with two teams of renowned architects to draft the Special Plan and the project for the legalization of buildings, uses and adaptation. On the one hand, the group formed by Josep Maria Mallarach (independent environmental consultant, a doctor in biology and internationally recognized expert in natural, cultural and spiritual values ​​of the first level) and the architect Pere Llimargues with long experience in urban projects, are in charge of the writing of the Special Plan itself. Items: Special plan documentation- € 16,335 (€ 13,500 + VAT) Strategic environmental assessment - € 4,370 + VAT Landscape impact and integration study - € 3,950 + VAT Generated mobility assessment study - € 1,390 + VAT Total with VAT 28,084 € If we manage to exceed this figure we will dedicate the money to works to adapt the uses of the spaces that will be of "public concurrence" * Lightning rods, an access ramp for people with functional diversity, security access doors, emergency lighting, ....
$ 347,313
100% of the Legalization Documentation
We work with two teams of renowned architects to draft the Special Plan and the project for the legalization of buildings, uses and adequacy. The second team is composed of the architects Clara Casas and Alfons Sort of the architecture studio Muntant. Its task is the legalization and adaptation of uses of the different restored and reconstructed buildings. Drafting of the projects of the following constructions: - Carpentry building -Haystack building -Bathrooms building -Dome building (Geodesic Dome) -Straw House Building - "Les Tines" building
$ 345,293
An amount corresponding to 5% of this second tranche, which is provided to Goteo for all the management and support of the website and projects during the campaigns.
$ 34,614
Payment system fees
An amount corresponding to 0.8% (banks) + 3.8% (Pay Pal) of what has been collected + € 0.35 for each transfer that is intended to be paid to the banks to facilitate the management of transfers of all your contributions to the co-financing campaign.
$ 40,398
Reward expenses in the second tranche
Expenses associated with the preparation and sending of the different rewards
$ 34,019
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Reward expenses in the first tranche
Expenses associated with the preparation and sending of the different rewards
$ 17,010
Total $ 292,096 $ 1,093,733

General information

# What do we want to achieve? How can you help us?

We need to make a Special Urban Plan that will help us legalize the facilities that Irehom [https://irehom.org/] has been self-constructing in the uninhabited Can Casassaies estate for 11 years. Thanks to this Plan, we will be able to change the land uses that will allow us to be able to continue developing the spaces, to reach the objectives of the project and to facilitate the overnight stay of our users, volunteers and workers.

The different facilities have served to have a series of infrastructures (built according to criteria of bioconstruction or sustainability) that have allowed us to carry out hundreds of diverse activities (educational, leisure, cultural, agricultural, forestry, and more) and keep networking with people and groups.

The cost of the construction of these facilities has been covered by personal financial contributions and thousands of hours of volunteer work, by many many people who have participated, during these 11 years, in the more than 80 work camps that we have organized.
We have been able to show that a small group of people, accompanied by their network, can bring to life an abandoned space. Today, thanks to Irehom, the estate of "Can Casassaies" is a space to share, learn, repopulate and care for a natural place in our territory.

The infrastructures that we have to legalize at the moment are:
• A dining room-kitchen (la Volta) of about 80m2
• Two multipurpose spaces (Les Tines room 80m2 and the geodesic dome 50m2)
• A couple of houses for the inhabitants of the estate (La Pallissa and Casa de Palla)
• A carpentry workshop
• An external dry toilet building.

This Special Plan is very costly financially and is a threat to the viability and continuity of Irehom.

The current legislation offers us the camping formula to legalize the project. We take it because it gives us opportunities, taking into account the many constraints when generating projects in rural and rustic land, to open up new possibilities and needs of our time, beyond farms, intensive agriculture and rural tourism. A campsite that will allow us to improve overnight stays on the farm and to be able to stay in suitable facilities (bungalows, caravans, tents) to users of the different activities that we develop in the farmhouse of Can Casassaies, headquarters of the project.

One of the current problems of our society is the depopulation of the rural world and the management of rural and agricultural areas. Urban planning laws in these areas are very limiting, in particular, to protect them from the uncontrolled urbanization that existed decades ago. This legislation, which was done with the best intentions of protecting natural sites, paradoxically, is now a threat to the survival of new projects that seek other possibilities and opportunities to give these spaces and that are certainly part of the future solutions for better managing our environment.

Many of these projects are precisely at the forefront of studying how to deal with new paradigms, and many of them, in which we humbly include ourselves, want to provide sustainable and holistic answers to address these changes.

We need spaces for learning and experimentation like the ones we are generating and creating at Irehom. We join so many other people who feel the need for change and, to make it happen, there is a tool called the Special Urban Plan. This Plan is very complicated because there are many departments and technicians to coordinate and approve.

From Irehom, we have worked on a Strategic Plan for sustainable development for the valley of Artigues, and it is presented and validated by Castellgalí Council. The Plan lays the foundations, strategies and objectives for repopulating the valley and generating a sustainable economy. The principal premise is: “If there are no projects in the Valley, it will be difficult for people to live there. If people are not living there, it will be difficult to keep custody ”.

Irehom has been leading a transformation in this Valley since 2009. This transformation is welcome by its neighbours and the corresponding public administrations.

Join our campaign. Together we will succeed. Be part of #tenimunplaespecial!

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Mutual and full respect, the practice of presence and the development of consciousness, unlearning and relearning, experimenting and testing… are some of the values that inspire us to build this path.
Respect for nature as a whole, energy sustainability, the reconstruction of the rural world, food sovereignty, strengthening communities, respect for the natural rhythm of things, inner listening and self-knowledge… are some of the projects we have in hand.

Some of the projects we want to continue promoting:

If we obtain more resources in this crowdfunding we will allocate them primarily to prevent the degradation of one of the old constructions of the estate, in particular the big house, which urgently needs a new roof.

On the other hand, we will continue to promote our goals:
To continue to be a holistic research institute, space where to host and promote training, experimentation, experiential workshops, culture, agriculture and organic livestock.
Continue to manage our territory facilitating biodiversity (we are a wildlife refuge), sustainable forest management (restoring and caring for our forests), improve rainwater harvesting (with micro dams in creeks, key lines, bases ...) and the fertilization of impoverished soils (with grazing and regenerative methodologies) generating respectful economic opportunities with added value .
Encourage different strategies included in our "Vall d’Artigues Development Plan", so that people can
repopulate in a dignified way these abandoned rural areas without projects, to care for them, manage them and regenerate them.
Help to facilitate the way in legal aspects on how we can regenerate activity in the rural world
and its sustainable repopulation.
Strengthen and continue to study formulas where the economy is more diversified, circular and sustainable .
One more node of the network of projects and people that we hear the same call.
A space for meeting, connection and celebration of life .
Continue to encourage spaces for retreats and personal connection through nature.
Continue to demonstrate that collective management is possible if we use the right tools and methodologies such as the formation of living organizations , change and complexity management, group emotional and conflict management, assertive and non-violent communication.

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Why this is important

Irehom is a project that wants to face the challenges of the 21st century; is the Holistic Research Institute of Montserrat. And as an Institute, it studies, experiments, tests, is committed to new ways of living, more respectful of both nature and people.
In these moments of transition, we think it is the responsibility of all to provide solutions that allow us to move towards other more sustainable models of relating to nature and among people , both in the natural environment around us and within the community in which we all live.

The Irehom project is located on the Casassaies estate, at the foot of the Montserrat mountain. It is a 12th-century farmhouse, abandoned during the 20th century and which the Irehom association has been renovating since 2010.

Now, all this must be arranged in a Special Urban Plan that allows us to legalize the facilities that we have built; since during all this time we went ahead of the administration proposing an occupation of the rural environment with a respectful sight, recovering and rethinking old spaces and uses adapted to the needs of our time.

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Team and experience

After 11 years, the commitment to create an inspiring project that apports to these worlds - which is at a limit - remains intact. Right now, Irehom is at a turning point, and this is why we need your input, your grain.

As a project, what have we managed to do so far?

  • More than 3,500 people have visited or been part of some of our activities.
  • We have done more than 80 volunteer work camps , where we have shared experiences and knowledge as we learn to empower ourselves and work as a team.
  • Rehabilitated and set up a rural estate where there was no consolidated project for more than 100 years. We have self-built our buildings, services and infrastructure. Construction, water, energy, orchard, forest, agricultural place.
  • We are a space of reference and inspiration for our region in areas such as bio construction, solar energy production, sustainable forest management, facilitation and tools for groups of people, ICT in the rural world, training and workshops, individual and group retreats, social cohesion and support for groups, a meeting point for groups and much more.
  • Promoted an educational space for children from 3 to 6 years, for 7 years
  • ARC (shared responsibility agriculture): A collective garden for families close to Manresa for 10 years
  • "Inspirations”: a cycle of conferences and talks in Manresa
  • We manage 115 hectares of land, on two properties in our valley. Carrying out prescribed burns as a forest management tool and controlled felling with a restorative look towards the original forest.
  • Can Casasaies and Cal Pons estates are now a wildlife refuge
  • We have drafted and presented to Castellgalí Council, a strategic development plan for the entire valley that has more than 500 hectares.
  • We have helped to write the project promoted by the Diputació de Barcelona for the development of the Montserrat Rural Park.
  • We are currently working with the ACA (Catalan Water Agency) to drive a test project to capture water through micro and natural dams to humidify riparian forests and help reverse erosion.
  • We are part of a network of innovative projects, both in our region and international, with which we promote synergies among us: Treeangle Foundation, Institute of Ecotechnics, Ecoxarxa del Bages, Diputació de Barcelona, Escola Agrària de Manresa, l 'Era, Beckley Foundation, CommonLand Foundation, AlVelAl Association, Cal Cases, Mas les Vinyes, Permacultra Íbera…

We are a non-profit association with the spirit of becoming a Foundation , which we hope to formalize as soon as we have sufficient resources.

We self-manage the property, which is the headquarter of the project. All together we have dealt with, and continue to do so, the costs of purchase, construction (restored and new) and the necessary facilities (water, electricity, heating, internet) that provide service to the activities we promote in Irehom.

Our driving group is made up of a dozen people of different origins and professional disciplines and has remained mostly stable for more than ten years.
We are mainly: Anna Ferrer, Robert Llargués, Germán Peraire, Núria Puigcorbé, Natxo Tarrés, Nadina Rubí, Joan Canet, Verónica Soto, Oriol Tarragó, Joan Soler and Clara Steegmann. Always supported by our kids and very close and motivated collaborators!

Thanks to all the people and groups that have contributed and have joined in a thousand different ways. We have now a series of infrastructures and facilities that we have been building together over the years:

  • 2 restored houses where live three people (a stone house and a straw house).
  • A photovoltaic solar energy system that feeds the energy needed throughout the project.
  • A carpenter's and cabinetmaker's workshop where a person works permanently making furniture and courses.
  • We have a camping area with five caravans/bungalows.
  • A 50 m² geodesic dome as a multipurpose room.
  • The Les Tines building, a stone building completely restored that allows you to have a kitchen-dining room for about 40 people, a multipurpose room of 80m2 with wooden floors and a toilet with three showers.
  • A sanitary building with dry toilets and showers.
  • A orchard and three hectares of fodder crops (for a nearby farm of organic beef) and cereals (Kamut and Spelt) that we use to make bread in collaboration with a baker from Manresa with the organic certificate CCPAE.
  • An area with 8 restored vineyard huts , redesigned and enabled to carry out therapeutic retreats in the forest.
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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Affordable and Clean Energy

    Energy is central to nearly every major challenge and opportunity.

  • Climate Action

    Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.

  • Life On Land

    Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss