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Staging Humanity

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Finished 09 / 03 / 2017
$ 90,744
$ 63,814
$ 127,628
109 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 213

    Heartfelt thanks

    We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for doing your bit.

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 425

    Internet thanks

    A special thank you note in online texts related to the project.

    > 32 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 851

    Internet thanks + Report submission

    A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,064

    Internet thanks + Report and texts submission

    A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience and the created texts.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,489

    Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process) submission

    A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,127

    Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission

    A special thank you note in online texts related to the project and a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,254

    Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission + printed text thanks

    A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,636

    Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission + printed text thanks and submission

    A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project, and a shipment of this printed material.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,271

    Internet thanks + Report, texts and audio-visuals (process and results) submission + printed text thanks and submission + exclusive creation submission

    A special thank you note in online texts related to the project, a digital submission from the report of the experience, the created texts and audio-visuals of the process and it’s results and a special thank you note in printed texts related to the project “I is you”, which includes some of the results of the project, and a shipment of this printed material as well as of an exclusive creation submission.

    > 00 Co-financiers

Llegada a Grecia / Arrival in Greece

29 | 12 | 2016

(below in English)

¡Gracias a todos los que ya habéis hecho vuestro aporte al proyecto Staging Humanity! Gracias por creer en él y estar haciéndolo posible. Es estos días no ha habido mucha actividad en la página de la campaña, supongo que por las fechas, si quieres ayudar a reactivar puedes compartir la campaña entre amigos (muchos ya lo habéis hecho, lo sé).. De nuevo ¡GRACIAS GRACIAS GRACIAS!

Estoy ahora en Grecia y empiezo a organizarme para concretar de qué manera y dónde llevar a cabo el proyecto.

Las circunstancias en los campamentos han cambiado. Por ejemplo en Nea Kavala, donde estuve en agosto-septiembre del 2016, de las 2200 personas que entonces habitaban el campamento quedan en la actualidad solo unas 700. Algunos no han podido soportar las duras condiciones del campamento, pero afortunadamente ahora algunas familias han sido ubicados en pisos u hoteles como medida de urgencia para sobrevivir el invierno (ya ha nevado aquí y se espera ahora nuevas nevadas). La reorganización de las personas fuera de los campamentos no solo implica una mayor dispersión entre ellos sino también una mayor posibilidad de interacción local.

Estas nuevas circunstancias vienen de la mano de nuevas necesidades y queremos seguir evolucionando las propuestas de creación escénica a su servicio. La primera intención, es proponer una puesta en escena común entre personas de diferentes campamentos. Voy a reunirme con responsables y voluntarios que están llevando a cabo actividades en diferentes campamentos para proponer la coordinación de un trabajo conjunto en función de lo que ya se está haciendo y nuevas propuestas. Otra de las cosas que consideramos de gran importancia en estos momentos es mostrar lo que creamos fuera de los campamentos y así acercar a la población local a la realidad y creatividad de los refugiados y con suerte viceversa. Voy a averiguar con qué colectivos locales podría organizarse jornadas de intercambio cultural u otra manera de colaboración entre locales y refugiados.

Después de casi un año en que la mayoría de refugiados de la zona han estado apartados y aislados en los campamentos, queremos promover la interacción entre los habitantes de diferentes campamentos y entre ellos y comunidades locales. La intención es promover el (re)empoderamiento de individuos pensantes y activos en su contexto social.


Thanks to all of you who have already contributed to Staging Humanity project! Thank you for believing in it and making it possible. These days there has not been much activity on the campaign page, I guess for the dates, if you want to help reactivate you can share the campaign between friends (many have already done it, I know) .. Again THANKS THANKS THANKS!

I am now in Greece and I am starting to organize meetings to specify in what way and where to carry out the project.

The circumstances in the camps have changed. For example, in Nea Kavala, where I was in August-September 2016, of the 2200 people who were then living in the camp, there are currently only 700. Some have not been able to support the hard conditions of the camp, but fortunately some families have now been placed in hotels and apartments as an emergency measure to survive the winter (it has already snowed here and now we expect new snowfall). The reorganization of people outside the camps not only implies a greater dispersion among them but also a greater possibility of local interaction.

These new circumstances walk hand in hand with new needs and we want to continue developing proposals of scenic creation at their service. The first intention is to propose a common staging among people from different camps. I will meet with leaders and volunteers who are carrying out activities in different camps to propose the coordination of a common work based on what is already being done and new proposals. Another thing that we consider important at the moment is to show what we create outside the camps and thus bring the local population closer to the reality and creativity of the refugees and hopefully vice versa. I will figure out with which local groups we could organize cultural exchange days or another way of collaboration between locals and refugees.

After nearly a year in which the majority of refugees in the area have been removed and isolated in camps, we want to promote interaction between the inhabitants of different camps and between them and local communities. The intention is to promote the (re-)empowerment of thinking and active individuals in their social context.


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