¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Sowing Soil, Eating Life

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Filed on 17 / 04 / 2024
£ 1,072
£ 23,132
£ 36,110
19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Photos and Gratitude

    As a token of appreciation, we will provide you with access to download some high-resolution photographs so you can turn them into a beautiful canvas! Additionally, we will send you a personalized message of gratitude and feature your name on our website.

    Some of the photographs you will be able to download:

    Your actual cost will be only 2€. With this contribution of 10€, the tax authorities will refund you 8€ on your next income tax return!

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Professional Photographic Repository and Gratitude

    We will provide you with access to download professional photographs in high resolution that we have captured in our environment. We hope you can print some of them. Additionally, we will send you a personalized thank-you message and feature your name on our website.

    Some of the photographs you will be able to download:

    Your actual cost will be only 4€. With this contribution of 20€, the tax authorities will refund you 16€ on your next income tax return!

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    You are a Chaotic - MEMBER

    With this contribution, you can become a part of the Caótica Belleza, Environmental and Cultural Association. You will be able to participate in activities and events, benefit from discounts, and come to visit the project in person.

    Here is a copy of the membership watercolor with your full name and membership number:

    Painted exclusively to be the official membership watercolor by our friend and artist Paloma Core.


    You will have access to the high-resolution photo repository, allowing you to create a very natural painting.
    You will be listed on our website as one of our Chaotics.


    • Shipping only available for Spain and Europe.
    • You can make this donation and decide not to become a member; it is not binding. We will ask if you want to become a member before proceeding. However, we will still send you everything mentioned.
    • Your actual cost will be only 6€. With this contribution of 30€, the tax authorities could refund you 24€ on your next income tax return!
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Caótic@ plus gift

    We will send you a cork notebook with the name of the Association engraved, and with this contribution, you can become a part of the Caótica Belleza Environmental and Cultural Association. You will be able to participate in activities and events, benefit from discounts, and come to visit the project in person.


    • You will receive a cork notebook with the name of the project engraved.
    • We will also send you the membership watercolor with your membership number and full name.
    • You will have access to the high-resolution photo repository, allowing you to create a very natural painting.
    • You will be listed on our website as one of our Chaotics.


    • Shipping only available for Spain and Europe.
    • You can make this donation and decide not to become a member; it is not binding. We will ask if you want to become a member before proceeding. However, we will still send you everything mentioned.
    • Your actual cost will be 10€. With this contribution of 50€, the tax authorities could refund you 40€ on your next income tax return!
    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    Member, gift and a tree with your name

    Not only will we plant and care for the tree thanks to your collaboration, but we will also put your name on it so you can send it good energy in its development, and we hope you come to visit it ;)


    • You will receive a cork notebook with the name of the project engraved.
    • We will also send you the membership watercolor with your membership number and full name.
    • You will have access to the high-resolution photo repository, allowing you to create a very natural painting.
    • You will be listed on our website as one of our Chaotics.


    • Shipping only available for Spain and Europe.
    • You can make this donation and decide not to become a member; it is not binding. We will ask if you want to become a member before proceeding. However, we will still send you everything mentioned.
    • Your actual cost will be 20€. With this contribution of 100€, the tax authorities could refund you 80€ on your next income tax return!
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 252

    Member, gift, tree, and 1 free night

    Get ready to pitch your camping tent because with this contribution, you can set it up on the land and spend 1 night getting to know the project and the surroundings. We will visit beaches, sunsets, and of course, observe the evolution of the garden and the land.


    • We will put your name on one of our future little trees.
    • You will receive a cork notebook with the name of the project engraved.
    • We will also send you the membership watercolor with your membership number and full name.
    • You will have access to the high-resolution photo repository, allowing you to create a very natural painting.
    • You will be listed on our website as one of our Chaotics.


    • One night of camping for 2 people. Redeemable in the year 2024/25.
    • Shipping only available for Spain and Europe.
    • You can make this donation and decide not to become a member; it is not binding. We will ask if you want to become a member before proceeding. However, we will still send you everything mentioned.
    • Your actual cost will be 127€. With this contribution of 300€, the tax authorities could refund you 172€ on your next income tax return!
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 420

    Member, gift, tree, and 2 free nights

    Get ready to pitch your camping tent because with this contribution, you can set it up on the land and spend 2 nights getting to know the project and the surroundings. We will explore beaches, enjoy sunsets, and witness the evolution of the garden and the land.


    • We will put your name on one of our future little trees.
    • You will receive a cork notebook with the name of the project engraved.
    • We will also send you the membership watercolor with your membership number and full name.
    • You will have access to the high-resolution photo repository, allowing you to create a very natural painting.
    • You will be listed on our website as one of our Chaotics.


    • Two nights of camping for 2 people. Redeemable in the year 2024/25.
    • Shipping only available for Spain and Europe.
    • You can make this donation and decide not to become a member; it is not binding. We will ask if you want to become a member before proceeding. However, we will still send you everything mentioned.
    • Your actual cost will be 257€. With this contribution of 500€, the tax authorities could refund you 242€ on your next income tax return!
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 841

    Member, gift, tree, and 3 free nights

    Stay with us and enjoy enriching days of learning and relaxation.

    Thanks to this contribution, I will spend 3 days with you during which we will do plantings, fruit harvesting, planting of some trees, visit other ecological projects in the area, and why not? We will also do yoga, water and wind sports, horseback riding, hiking on paradisiacal beaches, whale watching, diving, climbing, and go out to dinner in Tarifa (vegetarian food).


    • We will put your name on one of our future little trees.
    • You will receive a cork notebook with the name of the project engraved.
    • We will also send you the membership watercolor with your membership number and full name.
    • You will have access to the high-resolution photo repository, allowing you to create a very natural painting.
    • You will be listed on our website as one of our Chaotics.


    • Three nights of camping for 2 people. Redeemable in the year 2024/25. Vegetarian meals included.
    • Shipping only available for Spain and Europe.
    • You can make this donation and decide not to become a member; it is not binding. We will ask if you want to become a member before proceeding. However, we will still send you everything mentioned.
    • Your actual cost will be 582€. With this contribution of 1000€, the tax authorities could refund you 417€ on your next income tax return!
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 1,682

    Soci@, gift, tree, 5 nights, and free activity

    5 nights in the heart of nature. Stay with us and enjoy enriching days of learning and relaxation.

    Thanks to this contribution, I will spend 5 days with you during which we will do plantings, fruit harvesting, planting of some trees, visit other ecological projects in the area, and why not? We will also do yoga, water and wind sports, horseback riding, hiking on paradisiacal beaches, whale watching, diving, climbing, and go out to dinner in Tarifa (vegetarian food).


    • We will put your name on one of our future little trees.
    • You will receive a cork notebook with the name of the project engraved.
    • We will also send you the membership watercolor with your membership number and full name.
    • You will have access to the high-resolution photo repository, allowing you to create a very natural painting.
    • You will be listed on our website as one of our Chaotics.


    • Five nights of accommodation for 2 people. Redeemable in the year 2024/25.
    • Only one day activity of your choice included in the reward. Vegetarian meals included.
    • Shipping only available for Spain and Europe.
    • You can make this donation and decide not to become a member; it is not binding. We will ask if you want to become a member before proceeding. However, we will still send you everything mentioned.
    • Your actual cost will be 1232€. With this contribution of 2000€, the tax authorities could refund you 767€ on your next income tax return!
    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Creating fertility, edible forests and food gardens - let's make the planet great again!

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
FIRE - Solar Kit and Installation
Energy autonomy is required to move water pumps and machinery. As well as cold storage to keep the products in good condition until their distribution apart from other energy needs. Value with works associated with their installation and operation. https://autosolar.es/kits-bombeo-agua-solar-directo/kit-bombeo-solar-para-bomba-trifasica-400v-hasta-75cv
£ 8,172
WATER - 20000-litre water tanks
Reservoirs and water tanks will cover the needs of a vegetable garden of more than 1500 square metres and more than 100 fruit and native trees. Value with associated works for its installation and operation. https://www.todoagua.es/deposito-horizontal-enterrar/
£ 7,116
WATER - Water pumps
We need to use photovoltaic electricity production and water pumps to extract water from the reservoirs, transfer it to the tanks, or use it directly. Conditioning work will be performed, such as: - Drain boxes to place the pumps. - Piping. - Wiring. - Filters. - Various installation materials.
£ 2,943
EARTH - Trees, hedges and works
The purchase of more than 100 trees for planting, providing them with irrigation and supports to help them in the early years. We also need to delimit and protect the crops and the trees themselves from the wind, so we need to plant rows of hedges, bushes or trees that perform this natural function and provide the environment with more diversity and life.
£ 2,102
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
WATER - Refurbishment of 2 old reservoirs
The water needs to be pumped into the reservoirs, but first the reservoirs need to be cleaned and refurbished to produce water to be used, as they have not been maintained for almost 20 years. A bio-lake of water for insects, animals and aquatic plants will also be created.
£ 1,682
EARTH - Post-harvest area
It is essential to have a production processing area and a comfortable working area. We can start with something provisional like a 3X6 PVC tent, although we are not fans of this type of expenditure on plastic materials. https://ecocarpas.com/producto/carpa-6x6-plus-pvc-blanca-con-ventanas/
£ 824
EARTH - Path for easy transit
A path that allows the transit of people and vehicles. This way we can easily take out the food for distribution. We need machinery and compact material so that it is durable over time. Natural materials such as compacted sand, gravel or natural gravel.
£ 5,045
EARTH - Semi-professional greenhouse
A greenhouse, 8m x 30m x 3.5m, 240m² to produce food in the colder months when everything slows down. We will start with something small and not very professional and try to assemble it ourselves within the association. It will also be used to get the seedlings and work areas going. https://www.mi-invernadero.com/es/invernadero-8-metros-ancho
£ 3,170
AKASHA - Geodesic Dome
We would love to have a Yoga and Meditation space for courses and workshops. A geodesic dome would be ideal for this, because of the energetic facility that is created in such geometrically perfect structures. The development of this project would be offered in itself by a training course in its construction with the professional team of Midomo.
£ 1,934
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Partnership Management Platform
Cloud-based platform for optimal, easy and efficient management of all our partners.
£ 293
Campaign expenses and commissions
- Video production - Communication plan - Commissions from Goteo, banks and PayPal. - Rewards and shipping costs.
£ 2,830
Total £ 23,132 £ 36,110

General information

Crowdfunding Goal

The huge impulse to give life to this project is our main reason for doing this work. What you are about to read next will come true, however it can be delayed 10 years because of the lack of enough resources we are experiencing right now. That being so, we are pretending to speed up the process with everyone’s economic aid.

Caótica Belleza is an Environmental and Cultural Association

Caótica Belleza, which literally means Chaotic Beauty, is an Environmental and Cultural Association. It is developed in a property of half hectare in a rural and natural context with severe environmental problems. Examples abound of deforestation, droughts, springs’ depletion or pollution by agrochemicals which combine in a speedy environmental degradation.

The project’s dream is to become a re-naturalisation and reforestation nucleus which, by means of being an example and of mutual learning with the rest of the local inhabitants, inspires a true change.

It has been two years since we started to devote ourselves to the creation of an ecological oasis, applying permaculture and agroecological principles. We have carried out small projects related to rainwater harvesting, grey water reuse, and reforestation. Each aspect of our activity is closely observed with the sole aim of benefiting all life around us.

Theory is not enough to convince people to apply other solutions towards a change, that is something we clearly see. Thereby, we implement all these methods here to prove their efficiency and its response to loads of today’s problems. Thereafter, once the design is completed and operational, along with the community’s validation of it, we will be able to carry out more ambitious actions in the surrounding area to repopulate this land with trees and animals.

Vision and projection

We are (in the process of) accelerating soil regeneration which holds all life and diversity. We will create a 100% organic garden of more than 1500 m2 which will be the project’s heart. The rest of the activities will be held here. We will locally serve quality and nutritive goods which provide vitality.

Our vision is to implement a reforestation project of indigenous forests, self-sufficiency systems and optimised spaces, giving birth to healthy forests where the syntropy which has always existed between humans and nature reborns.

Furthermore, we promote the creation of an economical model based on quality food production and Slow tourism to which we invite people from all over the world to dive into it. In this model, the creation of fair employment with a development and wellbeing sense to the local population is key. Our commitment is to share all the experiences and information with local people in order to learn and achieve a positive change and an environmental impact in the region together.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

A reforestation movement is unthinkable without a clear foundation. We need to experiment, observe, fail and learn to go out there, do things right and impact others. Unless this is rooted inside us, we will not be able to go out, act and help correctly since good will is not enough to get things work.

Hence, this project requires certain resources (infrastructure, materials, tasks) to create the activity which will bring economic and labour freedom in its own entrepreneurship. Founding is needed to carry out the following projects:

Earth Project - Life’s Core 🌱

  • Creation of a commercial vegetable garden and, indeed, organic and synthropic following permaculture and agroecology principles. The working area is about 1500 square metres. It is necessary to prepare, work the land, fertilise, mulch, and thousands of tasks to carry out the planting, harvesting and marketing activities. It will require the attention of 2 or 3 people working full time.

  • Path for easy access to the land. Currently, it is uncultivated land, so it would be ideal to be able to enter with a vehicle to facilitate the work of the garden and the rest of the actions.

  • Greenhouse for the colder months to be able to have enough food. We want to experiment with something small first and observe its results to possibly expand it in the future. It will also serve to carry out all the work on the seedlings and their care.

Water Project - What We Are 💧

  • Refurbishment of 2 old reservoirs. Cleaning, construction and commissioning works are the tasks to get it.

  • Tanks with a capacity of 200,000 litres. We have to study the best way to collate it, without impacting the soil, possibly dividing it into 2 tanks of 100,000 litres each.

Air Project - Vitality 💨

  • Planting trees, hedges and bushes. We need to protect ourselves from the strong winds of Tarifa, so we need to delimit the boundaries with hundreds of trees that create windbreaks such as cypresses or shrubs and hedges such as latana, field peach, white chilca… As well as planting fruit trees.

Fire Project - Energy 🔥

  • Energy autonomy. We need a small power plant with solar panels, batteries and the rest of the elements. At least we have to cover the energy requirements of the water pumps that move the water to the tanks, irrigation and other areas where it is needed. For all this work to be effective, this is indispensable, because without water we cannot maintain anything. Without it, there will be no fruit trees nor vegetable garden.

Why this is important

We are asking for support from all those who wish to contribute in a positive way to the conservation of the natural balance. We have created this campaign to unite the efforts of all people who want healthy forests with abundance in the world. We want to weave a network of families, men and women who care for the Earth. Let us learn to meet our needs without destroying, polluting, or abusing natural resources. We are dedicating our lives to this project; support us and become a member!

Aimed at all life, from the simplest to the most complex…Help me and I will have helped you.


Team and experience

Experience means that you tried, took risks and internalised the learning, not that you read a book or watched a video. The latter is very valuable to have an idea and basic notions, but if you don’t take action there is no experience, only beliefs; and a belief can be true or false. And that said :D our experience is action, but a super conscious action, not from knowing and see what comes out, but from NOT KNOWING because it is only there where thousands of possibilities are found, and it is also there where we find a clear vision to treat this Earth as it deserves, being caring and careful.
We are always looking to see what others have done and how we can implement it in our environment. We have a good network of friends who also have similar projects and an active search approach to favour nature.

whatsapp-image-2023-12-29-at-12.47.30.png img-1850.jpg img-20220131-153839.jpg

Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Climate Action

    Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.

  • Life On Land

    Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss