Contributing $ 218
Thank you!
- Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
> 98 Co-financiers
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Salvem CineCiutat!
Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
*The article will be selected at random by the CineCiutat team.
Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
(foto ISAAC BUJ)
Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
(Includes shipping costs to the Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
Your name highlighted on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
(Includes shipping costs to the Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
*private use only; date subject to availability; maximum 3 hours; not for commercial use/ticket sales
(Includes shipping costs to the Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
*private use only; date subject to availability; maximum 3 hours; not for commercial use/ticket sales
*Date subject to availability; maximum 3 hours; not for commercial use/ticket sales
*Date subject to availability; maximum 3 hours; not for commercial use/ticket sales
*All communication of the programming and activities carried out in that screening room will have your company's name
*All communication of the programming and activities carried out in that screening room will have your company's name
*All communication of the programming and activities carried out in that screening room will have your company's name
Hay q gente piensa que las grandes historias de amor sólo ocurren en las películas. Sin embargo, también las hay que ocurren a este lado de la pantalla. Después de 24 días que nos han puesto la vida patas arriba, nos estáis demostrando que vuestro amor por CineCiutat no tiene nada que envidiar al de las películas.
A 17 días de acabar la primera ronda de la campaña de crowdfunding ya habéis conseguido (porque lo habéis conseguido vosotros) alcanzar la cifra que nos marcamos para encaminarnos hacia la viabilidad del proyecto: 60.000€
A partir de ahora y hasta el día 1 de mayo sólo nos queda soñar. Soñar con el cine que queremos ser y el cine que queremos tener. Soñar con tener nuevo contenido, más social y adaptado a todo tipo de espectadores. Soñar con un mejor sonido y una mejor imagen. Soñar con un tercer DCP (o un cuarto, por qué no), con unas mejores butacas y una estética renovada. Soñar con no volver a hacer un crowdfunding.
Durante las próximas semanas os presentaremos con detalle todo lo que podremos conseguir con las diferentes cifras que vayamos alcanzando.
Mientras tanto, queremos daros las gracias por tanto amor. Y lo queremos celebrar con tres nuevas recompensas de edición limitada que, en este caso, no podrían representar mejor lo que queremos para el futuro de CineCiutat: un producto de calidad, singular, cinéfilo, atractivo para el gran público y más allá de las islas, y, sobre todo, con la colaboración y la promoción del gran talento local.
Flipboku, un proyecto editorial único, con base de operaciones en Mallorca y concebido por Jossie Malis junto a Julie Reier, se dedica a reinventar completamente el formato de los flip books e integrando características especiales en cada una de sus publicaciones (realidad aumentada, creadores internacionales...). Jossie y Julie, como socios de CineCiutat desde el comienzo, han querido colaborar con la campaña Salvem CineCiutat! y, en sus propias palabras: “F*lipboku ha desarrollado una edición especial del *flip book The Movie Classics*, pensada para todos aquellos, que como nosotros, queremos que CineCiutat siga siendo por muchos años más, el punto de encuentro para los amantes del cine en Mallorca y un referente mundial en cuanto a gestión. The Movie Classics es un flip book que integra 6 secuencias de diferentes clásicos de los pioneros del cine, empaquetados en un solo formato con un efecto de ilusión óptica* que ya es marca de la casa.”
En el vídeo podéis ver la magia que surge de las creativas manos y mentes de Jossie, Julie y el equipo de Flipboku.
The Movie Classics se puede conseguir en tres recompensas: Para aquellos que sólo quieran esta pieza de colección o quieran sumarla a su recompensa ya hecha; para aquellos que quieran el flip book y una camiseta de la campaña; y, por último, una edición especial del flip book, personalizada con tu nombre.
Flip book “The Movie Classics”
Precio: 30€
Unidades: 50
Incluye: 1 flip book edición limitada “The Movie Classics”
Flip book “The Movie Classics” y camiseta
Precio: 45€
Unidades: 50
a. 1 flip book edición limitada “The Movie Classics”
b. 1 camiseta
Flip book “The Movie Classics” Personalizado
Precio: 100€
Unidades: 25
a. 1 flip book edición limitada Y PERSONALIZADA “The Movie Classics”
b. 1 camiseta
c. 1 totebag
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Thank you!
> 98 Co-financiers
Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
*The article will be selected at random by the CineCiutat team.
> 250 Co-financiers
Protected Cinephile
Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 64 Co-financiers
Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 259 Co-financiers
Digital Cinephile MUBI
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 47 Co-financiers
Digital Cinephile
> 40 Co-financiers
Mostra OUT!
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 02 Co-financiers
“The Movie Classics" flip book
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 13 Co-financiers
Majordocs Festival
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 10 Co-financiers
Duplex Cinema
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 02 Co-financiers
5-ticket pass
> 07 Co-financiers
"The Movie Classics" flip book and T-shirt
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 07 Co-financiers
Premium Cinephile
Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 265 Co-financiers
Zumzeig Cine-Cooperativa
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 02 Co-financiers
Cinemes Girona
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 02 Co-financiers
10-ticket pass
> 18 Co-financiers
Majordocs Festival Premium
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 02 Co-financiers
Personalised "The Movie Classics" flip book
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 05 Co-financiers
Digital Cinephile MUBI Premium
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 05 Co-financiers
Festival Atlàntida!
Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
(foto ISAAC BUJ)
> 03 Co-financiers
EMIFF festival!
Your name on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
(Includes shipping costs to Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 06 Co-financiers
Part of the family
(Includes shipping costs to the Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
> 90 Co-financiers
Just like at home
Your name highlighted on the thank you list for saving CineCiutat.
(Includes shipping costs to the Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
*private use only; date subject to availability; maximum 3 hours; not for commercial use/ticket sales
> 04 Co-financiers
Advertiser (Enterprises)
> 03 Co-financiers
Just like at home Premium
(Includes shipping costs to the Peninsula and Balearic Islands thanks to the collaboration of Angel24)
*private use only; date subject to availability; maximum 3 hours; not for commercial use/ticket sales
> 01 Co-financiers
Your company in CineCiutat
*Date subject to availability; maximum 3 hours; not for commercial use/ticket sales
> 01 Co-financiers
Your company in CineCiutat Premium
*Date subject to availability; maximum 3 hours; not for commercial use/ticket sales
> 03 Co-financiers
Screen 4 is yours!
*All communication of the programming and activities carried out in that screening room will have your company's name
> 01 Co-financiers
Screen 3 is yours!
*All communication of the programming and activities carried out in that screening room will have your company's name
> 00 Co-financiers
The big screen is yours!
*All communication of the programming and activities carried out in that screening room will have your company's name
> 01 Co-financiers
Our city and our island are home to wonderful people from many parts of the world. That is why we would appreciate any collaboration that translates t
As you may have seen, the bulk of the repairs involve bringing in materials from outside Mallorca. So, if you are a transport company, you would save
As you will have seen, the bulk of the repairs involve the installation of materials that come from outside Mallorca. These specialists will need a sh
Part of the elements to be installed consists of technical equipment. If you are a company that has them, you have the opportunity to collaborate with