¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Portem ARCADIA al jardí del llimoner màgic del carrer Rogent!

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Finished 27 / 10 / 2020
$ 84,782
$ 84,529
$ 371,927
57 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 106

    Thank you so much! Four bookmarks, a little Origami Workshop and EL CARNET PICOT for ONE month

    Our gratitude and that of the whole ARCADIA family

    Your name on the list of ARCADIA collaborators on our website.

    The four ARCADIA bookmarks to pick up at the store or a file with the same bookmarks scanned and sent by WhatsApp if you can’t come to pick them up.

    A VOLCANO ORIGAMI WORKSHOP for one person at our bookstore, or by videoconference if you live outside Barcelona.

    A free month of CARNET PICOT with all its advantages: Visit our website and you will find them! https://arcadiallibres.cat/nous-plans-destalvi-llibreter/

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 211

    Thanks! Four bookmarks, a little Origami Workshop and EL CARNET PICOT for TWO months

    Our gratitude and that of all the ARCADIA family

    Your name on the list of ARCADIA collaborators on our website.

    The four ARCADIA bookmarks to pick up at the store or a file with the same bookmarks scanned and sent by WhatsApp if you can’t come to pick them up.

    A FROG ORIGAMI WORKSHOP for one person at our bookstore, or by videoconference if you live outside Barcelona.

    TWO free months of CARNET PICOT with all its advantages. Visit our website, and you will find them! https://arcadiallibres.cat/nous-plans-destalvi-llibreter/

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 423

    Thanks! Four bookmarks, a little Origami Workshop and EL CARNET PICOT for THREE months

    Our gratitude and that of all the ARCADIA family

    Your name on the list of ARCADIA collaborators on our website.

    The four ARCADIA bookmarks to pick up at the store or a file with the same bookmarks scanned and sent by WhatsApp if you can’t come to pick them up.

    A DRAGON ORIGAMI WORKSHOP for one person at our bookstore, or by videoconference if you live outside Barcelona

    THREE free months of CARNET PICOT with all its advantages. Visit our website, and you will find them! https://arcadiallibres.cat/nous-plans-destalvi-llibreter/

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 634

    Thanks! Four bookmarks, a little Origami Workshop and EL CARNET CONILL for THREE months

    Our gratitude and that of the whole ARCADIA family

    Your name on the list of ARCADIA collaborators on our website.

    The four ARCADIA bookmarks to pick up at the store or a file with the same bookmarks scanned and sent by WhatsApp if you can’t come to pick them up.

    AN AIRPLANE ORIGAMI WORKSHOP for one person at our bookstore, or by videoconference if you live outside Barcelona.

    THREE free months of CARNET CONILL with all its advantages. Visit our website, and you will find them! https://arcadiallibres.cat/nous-plans-destalvi-llibreter/

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,057

    Thanks! Four bookmarks, THREE mini books, a little Origami Workshop and EL CARNET CONILL for THREE months

    Our gratitude and that of the whole ARCADIA family

    Your name on the list of ARCADIA collaborators on our website.

    The four ARCADIA bookmarks to pick up at the store or a file with the same bookmarks scanned and sent by WhatsApp if you can’t come to pick them up.

    A VOLCANO ORIGAMI WORKSHOP for one person at our bookstore, or by videoconference if you live outside Barcelona.

    THREE mini books ( Delivery in Spain)

    THREE free months of CARNET CONILL with all its advantages. Visit our website, and you will find them! https://arcadiallibres.cat/nous-plans-destalvi-llibreter/

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,479

    Thanks! Four bookmarks, a SIGNED BOOK, a little Origami Workshop and EL CARNET CONILL for FOUR months

    Our gratitude and that of the whole ARCADIA family

    Your name on the list of ARCADIA collaborators on our website.

    The four ARCADIA bookmarks to pick up at the store or a file with the same bookmarks scanned and sent by WhatsApp if you can’t come to pick them up.

    A FROG ORIGAMI WORKSHOP for one person at our bookstore, or by videoconference if you live outside Barcelona.

    One signed book titled LOVIN' - LABORATORIO GRÁFIO PARA VIVIR EN AMOR from Daniela Violi ( Delivery in Spain)

    FOUR free months of CARNET CONILL with all its advantages. Visit our website, and you will find them! https://arcadiallibres.cat/nous-plans-destalvi-llibreter/

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,113

    Thanks! Four bookmarks, a SIGNED BOOK, a little Origami Workshop and EL CARNET ÓS for TWO months

    El nostre agraïment i el de tota la família d'ARCADIA

    El teu nom a la llista de persones col·laboradores d'ARCADIA al nostre web.

    Els quatre punts de llibre d'ARCADIA.

    Un TALLER de DRACS de PAPIROFLÈXIA per a una persona a la nostra botiga o per videoconferència si viviu fora de Barcelona.

    Un exemplar del llibre "El alma de la radio" d'Àngels Doñate Sastre. (Enviaments dins d'ESPANYA).

    DOS mesos de CARNET ÓS amb tots els seus avantatges. Visita el nostre web i els trobaràs! https://arcadiallibres.cat/nous-plans-destalvi-llibreter/

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,226

    Thanks! Four bookmarks, a LOT of BOOKS, a free Origami Workshop in the Lemon Tree Garden and EL CARNET ÓS for FOUR months!

    El nostre agraïment i el de tota la família d'ARCADIA

    El teu nom a la llista de persones col·laboradores d'ARCADIA al nostre web.

    Els quatre punts de llibre d'ARCADIA.

    Un lot de llibres d'adult, juvenil i infantil amb un valor de 50 € a la nostra botiga del Carrer Rogent en Barcelona.

    UN taller gratuït de papiroflèxia per a famílies, al jardí del nou local del Carrer Rogent a Barcelona.

    QUATRE mesos gratuïts de CARNET ÓS amb tots els seus avantatges. Visita el nostre web i els trobaràs! https://arcadiallibres.cat/nous-plans-destalvi-llibreter/

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,566

    Thanks! Four bookmarks, a LOT of BOOKS, a free rent of the Lemon Tree Garden and EL CARNET ÓS for SIX months!

    El nostre agraïment i el de tota la família d'ARCADIA

    El teu nom a la llista de persones col·laboradores d'ARCADIA al nostre web.

    Els quatre punts de llibre d'ARCADIA.

    Un lot de llibres a triar entre llibre adult, o infantil i juvenil, amb valor de 100 € a la nostra botiga al Carrer Rogent de Barcelona.

    UN lloguer gratuït del jardí del nou local per fer una festa infantil (fins el febrer de 2021).

    SIS mesos gratuïts de CARNET ÓS amb tots els seus avantatges. Visita el nostre web i els trobaràs! https://arcadiallibres.cat/

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

Come with us and ARCADIA to the garden of the magic lemon tree! We dream of a social and cultural space, full of books, with a beautiful garden in the heart of Clot, in Carrer Rogent. We dream it with you too. Help us make it real!!

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Electrical project and water network
We will have to remove the electrical panel from the hallway, make a new electrical installation under the new false ceiling and replace the current light bulbs with LED lamps. We will also need to review and repair the pipe network, removing those from equipment that will no longer be used or that are generating moisture.
$ 35,925
Ventilation, air conditioning and other equipment
The premises currently have an obsolete network of air conditioners and a perforated boiler. All this must be disassembled and taken to the Green Point. We will keep the ventilation equipment and leave the installation ready to purchase quiet and low-consumption air conditioning equipment in the future. We will also dismantle the sink to install it in the garden in a second stage.
$ 16,906
New motor for the access blind to the premises
The motor of the blind is broken and must be changed, so every day we open it (weighs about 30 kg.), With the help of a pedestrian forced and with goodwill. If we buy the engine and install it, we will start the day more comfortably and healthily.
$ 14,793
Sanitation of humidity, some changes in distribution and adaptations for new uses
The new premises that we have rented quite close to the current premises and on Rogent Street itself, has an affordable rent, but need essential works and repairs: we will have to remove all the current false ceiling and correct its height for regulations and security. We need to clean the moisture, remove doors and partitions, repair and prepare the walls, and finally, we will build ramps to fix a couple of unevenness. * Painting will be done by ourselves as volunteer work.
$ 65,510
Garden adaptation works
The sooner we can get our magic garden ready, the sooner we can start outdoor activities! We will do general cleaning, pruning the trees, fertilize and prepare the soil for urban garden practices, put aromatic plants, install irrigation and build a platform with recycled wood. We will leave everything ready to have light and connectivity also in the outdoor courtyard so that residents have a relaxed and natural space to read, paint, and enjoy the nature and song of the birds. * The total cost is € 1200, the other 50%, will be borne by the members with our savings and our volunteer work! : )
$ 12,679
New shop window with new and reused glass, plus internal division for the warehouse
We will be able to open the bookstore and display the toys and books using the current shop window that the place has, but it does not adapt at all to the size and characteristics of our products. If you lend us a hand for the second round of crowdfunding, we will make a new showcase with the right size for books and toys, with a special section to display the works of art, crafts and work done by you in the workshops and activities. We will reuse the glass and material already in place to save resources and be more sustainable. We can also have the warehouse inside the premises (and not in the garden) with a comfortable and practical division.
$ 35,925
Laminate flooring for two of the three spaces of the new ARCADIA
We want now, if you cooperate with us or when we can, to install on the grated tiles in two of the spaces of the place, a suitable pavement that will be safe and comfortable to the eye and touch.
$ 31,698
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Rewards, GOTEO Foundation percentage of the essential section and Communication Campaign
As for the rewards, we will take the books from our inventory, or they will be left to us by the authors, we will have a cost corresponding to the assembly of the loyalty card system. And as for the percentage of Goteo, we will be very, very happy and grateful for the important work they do. We will hire a few things, most of the campaign expenses will be covered by our volunteers and the valuable collaboration of the ARCADIA family, except for the flyers and notice stationery.
$ 16,906
Adequacy of some of the wooden furniture we already have
We will need folding chairs and tables, tools and devices for meetings, talks, workshops, and LIVE outdoor activities. If you help us with this issue, we will try to find that they are suppliers specializing in second-hand equipment with warranty.
$ 8,453
Creation of the Cooperative and campaign to link it with the network of entities and residents of Carrer Rogent and Carrer del Clot
In recent months we have done a lot of training to create a cooperative suitable for our project. We want to make for our neighbours and the ARCADIA family, a real and virtual reception platform for their projects and wisdom. Depending on how things turn out, we would need to go slowly, but we will come up with our project with dedication and joy because it is the dream we have, and what we want to do. If you wish to participate and help us, we will start sooner, and we can be more useful to the community.
$ 90,868
Rewards for the optimal, and percentage of Goteo of this second section
We will be very happy to reach this last stretch of rewards and percentage. Thank you all!
$ 14,793
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Purchase of equipment and software
Now in the current ARCADIA store, we sell with an old Cash register, and behind each sale ticket, we manually write the name of the book we are delivering. We make inventories by entering the data into Excel tables. We want to buy computer equipment and software that facilitate the sales, the management of inventory and new lines of products and services.
$ 14,793
Furniture, tools and devices for virtual and outdoor workshops and activities
We will need folding chairs and tables, tools and devices for meetings, talks, workshops, and LIVE outdoor activities. If you help us with this issue, we will try to find that they are suppliers specializing in second-hand equipment with a warranty.
$ 12,679
Total $ 84,529 $ 371,927

General information

IN A FEW WORDS: We also dream of this new space with you and for you people and families in the neighborhood! This little corner of life already has a name: ARCADIA, as the imaginary country created by artists and poets for centuries.
The ARCADIA bookshop on Carrer Rogent, 90 is changing from a local to a more beautiful one! LOOK!!! That will not be far away! We will be a few meters from the current premises, in Rogent, 74 and with a spectacular garden.
We will have to work hard, do work to adapt the premises and the garden, and we will open new services for the neighboring families of El Clot. We will bring the new ARCADIA with a new format, as a team and with a cooperative, sustainable and fair model. It will also be yours, we will create a network and with a cooperative perspective. Come and participate!

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

HISTORY Do you believe in the power of dreams? We, sure do! I am Sandra, mother of a 5-year-old girl, and expert in dreaming. When I read with my daughter, I remember myself at that age, with a smile and surrounded by papers and books at the publishing house where my father worked. 2 years ago, with my partner, Jordi, we fell in love with an outlet bookstore. And we said to ourselves ... why not? Today, ARCADIA is a family business specializing in children's and youth books, stationery and toys, at street level and tied to the neighborhood. Around us, we have created a new family, with customers, suppliers and neighbors. You don’t know how thankful you are for your support! It's time to dream again ... this time, together!

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Why this is important

FOR YOU This project was started by Sandra's family but today ARCADIA's family is giant! The residents of Carrer Rogent and Clot, the network of people of culture, authors, illustrators, puppeteers, musicians and artisans ... the project is for all of them! We want to be a source of culture and joy that you can take home or enjoy under the lemon tree, in our garden. We will make ARCADIA more than a bookstore and we will continue near you, next to a garden, around the magic lemon tree. We will offer each other diverse fruits of culture and upbringing, feminism, cooperativism and sustainability.

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Team and experience

OURSELVES We become a Cooperative. Yay! The founding members are Sandra, Camila and Jimena ... and soon we will be many more with all of you !!! Sandra is the mother of a five-year-old girl and knows from her own experience the value of parenting. She is a designer, has a lot of experience in the social sector and has been a key part of entrepreneurship: for more than 15 years she has been accompanying many entrepreneurial people to make their business ideas a reality in Barcelona. Camila is an administration scholarship student, she has experience in the creation of social entities and in the world of leisure and childcare ... And, above all, she is a source of joy and smiles! Jimena is a toy and puppet builder, leisure educator, and architect. Experience, passion, joy and creativity ... our secret tools! We are convinced that working with others makes us bigger and more fun: we carry out the process of materializing our project with the advice of Coopolis Cooperativa and with full confidence in the power and magic that summons the community of which we form part. HERE WE GO!

COLLABORATORS and DONORS: Just by explaining our plans to colleagues, and to friends, they wanted to collaborate with us with their work, with their advice, with ideas, with cultural objects and activities for the rewards. Thank you all, thank you very much!

Liz Otálora
Angels Doñate
Daniela Violi
Juan Carlos Rodriguez
Laia Orozco Joan
Juan Carlos Penagos
Diego Arias
Iván Beytsar
Joaquín Salas
Eduard Ros

Cercle d'Economia Cooperativa i Migracions - Coòpolis
Servei Solidari
Dones pel Futur
Fundació Germanes Melé

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.