Penjant d'un fil

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Finished 06 / 07 / 2021
£ 2,379
£ 2,213
£ 4,603
82 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Collaborate from a distance

    Do you live outside of Barcelona? Are the dates not right for you to visit? You can do your bit to help the climate as well!

    • We send you a thank you email and answer any questions you may have about the project
    • Your name will appear as collaborator of the project
    • We send you the experience booklet to access all the informative, informative and educational materials
    • Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:*
    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 13

    Individual visit "with good climate"

    Enjoy the "Penjant d'un fil" experience

    • Choose the best time to make a individual visit of the exhibition

    • Take the opportunity to get to know a modernist building from 1905 , in the heart of the Gracia neighborhood

    • Get the experience booklet to access all the informative and educational materials

    • Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:*

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Group visit "Together for the climate"

    Are you a group of between 2 and 5 people and do you want to enjoy the "Penjant d'un fil" experience together?

    • Choose the best time to make a group visit of the exhibition

    • Take the opportunity to get to know a modernist building from 1905 , in the heart of the Gracia neighborhood

    • Get a booklet of the experience to access all the informative and educational materials

    • Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:*

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Opening toast "Climate and health !!"

    Do you want to share with us the first hours of life of this experience? We are counting on you for the opening, on Friday July 9 from 6:30 p.m. .

    • Guided visit with the painter and scientists who are experts in climate change
    • Pica pica "low climate impact"
    • Poetry and live music
    • Experience booklet to access all informative, informative and educational materials
    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Farewell toast "Climate and health !!"

    Do you want to share with us the last hours of this experience and know how it has worked? We are counting on you for the final toast, on Thursday, July 15, starting at 7:00 p.m. .

    • Guided visit with the painter and scientists who are experts in climate change

    • Pica pica "low climate impact"

    • Poetry and live music

    • Experience booklet to access all informative, informative and educational materials

    • Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:*

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    Climate change art workshop + individual visit "With good climate"

    Do you want to deepen your knowledge on climate change, from an artistic, multidisciplinary and practical perspective?

    • Book your place and you will be able to choose in advance time and "climate art creation" activity (poetry, painting, cooking ...) . The schedules will be published when we reach the minimum goal.

    • Choose the best time to make a individual visit of the sample

    • Take the opportunity to get to know a modernist building from 1905 , in the heart of the Gracia neighborhood

    • Get the experience booklet to access all the informative, informative and educational materials

    • Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:*

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    Poster of a work + Individual visit "With good weather"

    Would you like to have a replica of one of the works exhibited in Penjant d'un fil in your home? Perfect!!!

    • Choose one of the 4 posters (A2 size) of the works (present and future) of Didac Ferrer

    • Choose the best time to make a individual visit of the sample

    • Take the opportunity to get to know a modernist building from 1905 , in the heart of the Gracia neighborhood

    • Get the experience booklet to access all the informative, informative and educational materials

    • Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:*

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 38

    Tribal visit "Climate Manifesto"

    This experience is designed for groups of up to 12 people and especially aimed at children and young people who want to know more.

    • Choose the best time to make a visit to the exhibition, accompanied by a member of Pulmons de Barri

    • Take the opportunity to get to know a modernist building from 1905 , in the heart of the Gracia neighborhood

    • Get the booklet of the experience to access all the informative, informative and educational materials

    • Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:*

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 38

    Climate change art workshop + group visit "Together for the climate"

    Are you a group of between 2 and 5 people and you want to deepen your knowledge on climate change, from an artistic, multidisciplinary and practical perspective?

    • Reserve your places and you can choose in advance time and "climate art creation" activity (poetry, painting, cooking ...) to enjoy together

    • Choose the best time to visit the exhibition

    • Take the opportunity to get to know a modernist building from 1905 , in the heart of the Gracia neighborhood

    • Get a booklet of the experience to access all the informative, informative and educational materials

    • Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 50

    Watercolor workshop in Cala S'Alguer

    Do you want to enjoy an outdoor painting workshop in Cala S'Alguer?

    • 3h watercolor workshop with Didac Ferrer in a unique Cala in the Mediterranean (maximum 10 people).
    • Sustainable food in La Pineda d'en Gori
    • Discovery of the risks of the marine ecosystem due to climate change.

    This activity will be scheduled one weekend in September. The displacement will be the responsibility of each one.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    The commitment of the Patron

    Have you been so passionate about the project that you want to enjoy the experience and discover in detail the creation process and the possibilities of interaction between science and art?

    • Guided tour (maximum 2 people) with the painter Didac Ferrer and the Pulmons de Barri team

    • Take the opportunity to get to know a modernist building from 1905 , in the heart of the Gracia neighborhood

    • Get the 4 posters (A2 size) of Didac Ferrer's works for Penjant d'un fil

    • Get 4 booklets of the experience to access all the informative, informative and educational materials

    • Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 100

    Original and unique work of Cala S'Alguer

    Would you like to get one of the original watercolor paintings by painter Didac Ferrer and always enjoy the landscape of Cala S'Alguer at home? This is your option, art lover !!! You can choose one of the 10 original (and different) paintings that he has prepared expressly for this exhibition.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 209

    Original and unique personalized work

    Would you rather Didac Ferrer immortalize your idyllic place? Commission an original watercolor work from the painter about a place important to you, or to your community, that may be threatened by the climate crisis.

    • Previous conversation with the painter to know in detail the space and your emotional connection
    • Double watercolor (present and future) , approximate size of each one: A4

    This reward also includes:

    • Choose the best time to visit the exhibition

    • Take the opportunity to get to know a modernist building from 1905 , in the heart of the Gracia neighborhood

    • Get a booklet of the experience to access all the informative, informative and educational materials

    • Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 335

    Original and unique XL custom artwork

    Would you rather Didac Ferrer immortalize your idyllic place? Commission an original watercolor work from the painter about a place important to you, or to your community, that may be threatened by the climate crisis.

    • Previous conversation with the painter to know in detail the space and your emotional connection
    • Double painting (present and future) , approximate size of each one: A3

    This reward also includes:

    • Choose the best time to visit the exhibition

    • Take the opportunity to get to know a modernist building from 1905 , in the heart of the Gracia neighborhood

    • Take a booklet of the experience to access all the informative, informative and educational materials

    • Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 00 Co-financiers

Aquarel·les contra el canvi climàtic - Penjant d'un fil a Ràdio4

06 | 07 | 2021

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