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> 10 Co-financiers
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No se mata la verdad matando periodistas
You name in the book's credits page and our website (except for anonymous donations)
You will receive one of the books once published + You name in the book's credits page and our website (except for anonymous donations)
You will receive one of the books once published + Stickers from Nuestra Aparente Rendición for decorating it or stick our message anywhere else + You name in the book's credits page and our website (except for anonymous donations)
You will receive 5 of the books once published + You name in the book's credits page and our website (except for anonymous donations)
You will receive 10 of the books once published + You name in the book's credits page and our website (except for anonymous donations)
The name and logo of your institution or organization, if you back us with this amount or more, will appear at the Sponsorships section of the book + 10 of the books once published (*) Important: depending on the characteristics, image or mission of the sponsorship institutions we may decide on final acceptance
Una historia mexicana
Lolita Bosch es una persona extrovertida, simpática en extremo, risueña, ruidosa y estupenda. Es, además, una de las voces femeninas más interesantes de la literatura catalana contemporánea. Buena parte de su trayectoria vital y de sus referencias son mexicanas y, que yo sepa, Lolita sólo se pone seria ante dos situaciones: cuando escribe y cuando habla de la tragedia de México. Gracias a una carta de ella, por ejemplo, he sabido que desde el 2000 y hasta este mismo julio, es decir, doce años, en México ha habido 126 asesinatos o desapariciones de periodistas, una cifra que hemos de sumar a los más de 26,000 muertos en acciones violentas, víctimas de las acciones inmundas de la inmunda llaga que el narcotráfico y las mafias han abierto en los intestinos de la nación.
Lolita Bosch y unos compañeros fundaron hace tiempo Nuestra Aparente Rendición (NAR), una asociación con sede en Barcelona que se dedica, sobre todo, a tratar de evitar lo peor: el olvido. Han contado los muertos uno a uno y ahora quieren editar un libro (¡necesitan dinero, claro!) que repartirán gratuitamente en la Feria del Libro de Guadalajara, para que quede constancia de la magnitud de esta matanza continuada y persistente: "No se mata la verdad matando periodistas ". Mi amiga Lolita y todos sus amigos están convencidos de ello y no piensan desfallecer en el intento de mantener viva la verdad. Y la memoria y la denuncia.
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Aknowledgement in the book credits
You name in the book's credits page and our website (except for anonymous donations)
> 10 Co-financiers
You will receive one of the books once published + You name in the book's credits page and our website (except for anonymous donations)
> 118 Co-financiers
Book and NAR stickers
You will receive one of the books once published + Stickers from Nuestra Aparente Rendición for decorating it or stick our message anywhere else + You name in the book's credits page and our website (except for anonymous donations)
> 15 Co-financiers
5 books
You will receive 5 of the books once published + You name in the book's credits page and our website (except for anonymous donations)
> 16 Co-financiers
10 books
You will receive 10 of the books once published + You name in the book's credits page and our website (except for anonymous donations)
> 02 Co-financiers
Public and private institutions
The name and logo of your institution or organization, if you back us with this amount or more, will appear at the Sponsorships section of the book + 10 of the books once published (*) Important: depending on the characteristics, image or mission of the sponsorship institutions we may decide on final acceptance
> 01 Co-financiers
If you could help us to translate the book to English, Catalan, French or other languages, that would be great!
We need journalists, bloggers, twitters, people with public visibility in order to spread news about the project and its importance.