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Manejo Holístico

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Finished 03 / 06 / 2018
$ 140,093
$ 114,653
$ 367,357
98 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 213

    Con un pequeño gesto puedes revertir el cambio climático

    Agradecimiento público en redes sociales

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 638

    Entérate para ser parte del cambio

    Agradecimiento público + Ebooks bases del manejo holístico

    > 24 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,064

    Jornada de campo con degustación de productos regenerativos

    Prueba la autenticidad de la carne hecha a base de pasto fincas demostrativas en Elvas, Cáceres o Retamal de Llerena.

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,553

    Curso de introducción al Manejo Holístico y planificación avanzada del pastoreo

    Ayuda a gestores del territorio en el secuestro de carbono y otros beneficios ambientales de la ganadería regenerativa. Formación acreditada por el Instituto Savory para convertirte en un educador en MH (gastos de alojamiento y manutención no incluidos)

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,403

    Curso planificación financiera y de la tierra

    Aprende a mejorar la rentabilidad ambiental, económica y social de las explotaciones agropecuarias y a planificar fincas para su gestión sostenible. Formación acreditada por el Instituto Savory para convertirte en un educador en MH (gastos de alojamiento y manutención no incluidos).

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,381

    Consultoría en planificación financiera

    Un educador acreditado en Manejo Holístico te ayudará a hacer el plan de financiero de tu finca (gastos de desplazamiento y manutención no incluidos)

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,636

    Consultoría en contexto holístico y planificación avazada del pastoreo.

    Un educador acreditado en Manejo Holístico te ayudará a hacer el plan de pastoreo de tu finca (gastos de desplazamiento y manutención no incluidos)

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,271

    Consultoría en planificación de la tierra.

    Un educador acreditado en Manejo Holístico te ayudará a planificar tu finca y además te convertirás en patrocinador Premium de aleJAB (gastos de desplazamiento y manutención no incluidos) (gastos de levantamiento del modelo digital de elevaciones y marcaje en campo no incluidos)

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Regenerative livestock to revert climate change

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Intranet y web
Crear las herramientas TIC para la trazabilidad del producto "Del campo a la mesa" que contribuirá a parar el cambio climático y facilitar la comunicación tanto interna como externa de la asociación.
$ 40,416
Formación y consultoría
Costes de cursos y consultorías de las recompensas
$ 31,907
Control de calidad
Asistencia técnica a ganaderías y educadores en manejo holístico para un correcto asesoramiento y monitorización de resultados así como trazabilidad de producto en programa LandtoMarket
$ 102,103
Formación y consultoría
Costes de cursos y consultorías de las recompensas
$ 21,271
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Necesidades de infraestructuras, aprovisionamiento y coordinación de las degustaciones para el programa LandtoMarket
$ 31,907
Gastos de desplazamiento para reunión anual del Instituto Savory
$ 12,763
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Costes insdirectos
Gastos bancarios, de plataforma goteo.org y otras contingencias imprevistas
$ 10,423
Relaciones internacionales
Membrecía y soporte técnico de la red global del Instituto Savory
$ 42,543
Relaciones internas
Dotación para el acompañamiento de nuevas personas socias en proceso de incorporación al Manejo Holístico.
$ 51,051
Costes indirectos segunda ronda
Gastos bancarios, de plataforma goteo.org y otras contingencias imprevistas
$ 22,973
Total $ 114,653 $ 367,357

General information

aleJAB is a leap towards regeneration of our farming ecosystems and communities .A jump out of the lineal thinking , that questions the agro industrial paradigms production models which lead us to dissociate food production from living processes and happy society , as reality shows how everything is connected in a complex web.

aleJAB aims to restore , regenerate and heal the soils and agro systems of Iberian Peninsula and North of Africa , trough its territorial net , adapting and putting into practice in our environment Holistic Management as a framework of comprehensive management of regenerative livestock breeding .

aleJAB strives for being a guide model in regenerative livestock breeding that generates wealth (environment , social and economy) in the rural places. We work to create successful demonstrative experiences and develop trainings for decision making in the agricultural sphere and cooperative learning. Our target is to contribute in a significant way to carbon sequestration in our soils to revert climate change. We also aim to enhance other ecosystem services and sustain life in our society.
For all this , aleJAB needs your support .We want all your wishes , illusions and visions become into reality .

“Vision without action is jus a dream. Action without vision is waste of time .Vision with action may change the world. “Joel Barker.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The objective of this project is to promote aleJAB activities and carry out different needed acts to achieve the goals of this association. Among them:

  • Implementing Holistic Management in at least another 10 farms more.

  • Making 3 trainings” farmer to farmer “to educate farmers and technicians in Holistic Management implementation.

  • Starting the Certification program “Land to Market” in order to put in value products that come out of regenerative livestock breeding.

  • Creating intranet to facilitate traceability of the products land to market.

  • Creating a Web to make aleJAB , is social base and Savory Institute work , visible .

  • Adapting and developing informative and training material , related with Holistic Management and regenerative livestock breeding.

“Utopias are in the skyline. I walk two steps , they move away two steps and the skyline gets away ten steps further. Then , what´s the use of utopias? Well , that´s why , to continue walking.” Eduardo Galeano


Why this is important

The land sustains rural economies and life in them. Under climate change and degraded land ,aleJAB appears to be an integral regenerative management net of grassland and soil , that generates knowledge and shared learning.

aleJAB is a project of common interest intended for entities and people aware of land desertification and climate change , and its consequences : food security , water access ,climate refugees biodiversity loss ,…

aleJAB is a project for people who want to support an alternative model of food production working to promote a rural world in a wealthy environment.

If you walk alone you´ll go fast , if you walk together you will go further. African proverb


Team and experience

aleJAB is a non profit association that gathers a net of agents of changing rural scope.

We belong to the Savory Institute Global Net , as an Accredited Hub for Iberian Peninsula and North of Africa since December 2017.

We became an association in March 2016 , although aleJAB members have been working with regenerative grazing for quite a few years.

-We count with 3 demonstrative farms practicing and learning Holistic Management since 2015 :
Mundos Nuevos in Retamal de Llerena ,Badajoz
Defesinhas in Elvas , Portugal
Merineando . in Caceres.

-Organization of 9 courses taught by Pablo Borrelli : manager of the Argentinian Enterprise Ovis 21 (Argentinian Hub of Holistic Management of Savory Institute)
We were trained as educators in Holistic Management in order to implement the model in Iberian peninsula. Organized courses:
Monitoring and evaluating grasslands :Oliva de Plasencia, December 2015
Regenerative Grazing Certification :Cabeza del Buey,Badajoz December 2015
Holistic Management Introduction ,Grazing planning , Financial Planning ,
Land planning :Aldeacentenera , Caceres :March 2016
Holistic Management Introduction , Grazing Planning: Los Velez , Almeria.December 2016
Monitoring and evaluating of grasslands: Orduña,Guipuzkoa ,May 2017

-We have 5 accredited educators by the Savory Institute

-Along 2017 , 17 farms were advised for implementing Holistic Management ,
13 of them in Sierra de Gata and Las Hurdes( (Mosaic Project of Extremadura University),2 farms in Guipuzkoa(decision making and grazing planning) and 2 farms in Navarra(decision making and Grazing Planning).

-We also gave more than 20 talks about regenerative livestock breeding and Holistic Management. , and 5 days of countryside meetings in demonstrative sites with local farmers.

Actual management board of aleJAB:

-Gustavo Alés(President):agroecological engineer , marine scientist and olistic Management Educator. Wide experience in advisement of: agronomical unlearning , permaculture and keyline design, food sovereignty , soil restoring …

-Maria Catalán(Vicepresident):biologist, specialist in ecosystem restoring ,Holistic Management Educator and president of Actyva Cooperative. Expert in training and advising in Holistic Management , grass monitoring , regenerative livestock breeding , ecological restoring , agronomical politics, and SIG. Actually developing a thesis about livestock breeding and biodiversity and soil quality.

-Gonzalo Palomo (Secretary board):Doctor´s degree in Veterinary. Researcher, consultant and trainer focused on animal health and organic agriculture .Holistic Management Educator . He is part of the project “Merineando”, that manages a communitarian flock of black merino breed in Caceres surrounding .He is actually involved in the “Mosaic Project ”( Extremadura University).

-Manuel Die Dean(treasurer):veterinarian manager of 2 demonstrative farms in Holistic Management , located in Portugal. Total area of 750 ha of holm oak tree savanna , open grassland and small olive grove. These organic farms manage 350 cows and 100 acorn fed pigs.

-Andrea Rodriguez(vocal): veterinarian , zoo technical , and Holistic Management Educator, experience in free lance in Latin America., health and production programs , investigation action participative programs. Independent adviser and trainer focused on soil heath , regenerative agriculture and livestock breeding .

-Pedro Dominguez Campa(vocal): regenerative livestock breeder , manages a family farm of 700 has. ,in Retamal de Llerena,(Badajoz) , consisted of crops, oak tree savanna, grassland and olive grove .He manages 1300 merino breed sheep and Iberian pigs , under Holistic Management. In the other hand he is implementing other regenerative practices such as key line hydrological design, organic compost and bio fertilization..

-Emma Martinez(vocal): master in Organic Agriculture. Project engineer and adviser in Agrogestiona. With more than 20 years of experience on organic farm management , excited about building Almendrehesa Project since 2010 , an agro silvo pastoralist production( almonds, olives,lambs, aromatics, honey ,etc) , in the Spanish South East.

-Andres Jesús Fajardo ( vocal): veterinarian with experience in extensive livestock management. His work along different regions ha permitted him to tackle with the common existing problems of extensive livestock. He manages with his father several farms in Velez Blanco and Maria (Almeria) , with cereal crops , forestry and extensive sheep farming combined.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Responsible Production and Consumption

    Responsible Production and Consumption

  • Climate Action

    Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.

  • Life On Land

    Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss