Contributing $ 5
Public acknowledgment as a supporter.
> 14 Co-financiers
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LANERAS: tirando del hilo de la sustentabilidad
Public acknowledgment as a supporter.
Pure wool bracelet with an exclusive design by DehesaLana for the occasion.
Pure wool yarn ball in the colour of your choice, plus a bracelet with an original design by DehesaLana.
Merineando screen-printed poster, limited edition, plus a yarn ball and a bracelet by DehesaLana.
You'll contribute to the support of the Merineando black merino sheep flock grazing around the town of Cáceres.
A 16-hour course (12 hours face-to-face and 4 hours online learning) about the theory and practice of spinning or felting wool.
Pure wool neck, yarn ball and bracelet by DehesaLana.
Printed spinning and felting handbook, exclusive bag and lapel pin, plus one of the following: a needle and a yarn ball, or combed wool and a felting needle, or combed wool and a spindle.
Adopt a black sheep with a voluntary contribution or a subscription to ACTYCA Coop. You'll choose the name of a flock's ewe and you'll receive a picture taken during every shearing so that you can follow its evolution. Naturally, you'll also take part in the open doors days.
Primero de todo muchas gracias a todas las personas que habéis cofinanciado, a las ganaderías y entidades que han donado lana (Miguel Cabello y familia, OVISO, José Luis Talavera, ACTYVA, S. Coop. Manuela Rodríguez, familia Peña González, Juanmi Artesanía de la huerta) y a las laneras que están asistiendo a los eventos públicos en los que estamos hilando y tejiendo el cambio. Caminamos hacia un nuevo modelo de producción y distribución textil basado en la sustentabilidad en su más amplia acepción: social, económica y ecológica.
Ya tenemos preparada la lana para comenzar su procesado. Esperamos tenerla lista para otoño. Mientras os pedimos, sobre todo a artesanas y profesionales del sector textil, que rellenéis la encuesta de necesidades. En función de vuestras demandas decidiremos las propociones y de qué manera se presentará la lana: lavada, escarmenada, cardada e hilada.
Ahora tenemos por delante otros cuarenta días para difundir entre personas y entidades potenciales destinatarias sobre las bondades de la lana sustentable de merino ecológico: sobre su contribución a la conservación y su papel para aúnar lazos sociales gracias a las labores tradicionales en torno a esta fibra natural.
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Public acknowledgment as a supporter.
> 14 Co-financiers
Pure wool bracelet with an exclusive design by DehesaLana for the occasion.
> 46 Co-financiers
Pure wool yarn ball in the colour of your choice, plus a bracelet with an original design by DehesaLana.
> 27 Co-financiers
Merineando screen-printed poster, limited edition, plus a yarn ball and a bracelet by DehesaLana.
> 07 Co-financiers
You'll contribute to the support of the Merineando black merino sheep flock grazing around the town of Cáceres.
> 12 Co-financiers
A 16-hour course (12 hours face-to-face and 4 hours online learning) about the theory and practice of spinning or felting wool.
> 03 Co-financiers
Pure wool neck, yarn ball and bracelet by DehesaLana.
> 05 Co-financiers
Printed spinning and felting handbook, exclusive bag and lapel pin, plus one of the following: a needle and a yarn ball, or combed wool and a felting needle, or combed wool and a spindle.
> 04 Co-financiers
Adopt a black sheep with a voluntary contribution or a subscription to ACTYCA Coop. You'll choose the name of a flock's ewe and you'll receive a picture taken during every shearing so that you can follow its evolution. Naturally, you'll also take part in the open doors days.
> 09 Co-financiers
Participants in the meeting that we'll organize during the campaign, aimed to knit a beautiful dress to yarn bomb some hideous sculpture in Cáceres.
Merino wool, either organic or sustainable and certified by a Participatory Guarantaee System. We need to reach 1,000 kg to ensure a viable processing