Finished 18 / 01 / 2021
£ 8,365
£ 7,696
£ 9,705
207 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Tightrope walker apprentice.

    3-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 10, the farm returns € 8. Check it out [here] (

    > 24 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Strongman in training

    Participation in a draw for circus material, courtesy of Mundo Malabares (
    6-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 20, the farm gives you back € 16. Check it out [here] (

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    The unconditional

    Guaranteed entry to the opening show in the new marquee.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 25, the farm gives you back € 20. Check it out [here] (

    > 27 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 33

    The duo wonders.

    Two tickets for the inaugural Gala of the new marquee or for the closing show of the course.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 40, the hacienda returns € 32. Check it out [here] (

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 33

    Human cannon of goodness.

    Participation in a draw for circus material, courtesy of
    6-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    1 online class or 3 face-to-face in the Tent of the stars.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 40, the hacienda returns € 32. Check it out [here] (

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 46

    The family visit.

    3 tickets for the inaugural Gala of the new marquee or for the closing show of the course.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 55, the farm gives you back € 44. Check it out [here] (

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 67

    Orchestra conductor

    Participation in a draw for circus material, courtesy of
    6-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    2 online classes or 6 face-to-face in the Tent of the stars.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 80, the farm gives you € 64. Check it out [here] (

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    Track Master

    Participation in a draw for circus material, courtesy of
    6-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    2 online classes or 6 face-to-face in the Tent of the stars.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 80, the farm gives you € 64. Check it out [here] (

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 418

    "Il Medicci"

    Participation in a draw for circus material, courtesy of
    6-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    15 on-line classes or a term in the classes you want in the Tent of the stars.
    Free admission to all the shows that take place in La Carpa de las Estrellas in the next 3 years.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 500, the farm gives you back € 242.5. If you are a company, it returns € 175. Check it out [here] (

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 4,183

    Magnanimous philanthropist

    Circus cabaret style private show.
    Surprise basket (valued at more than € 500), courtesy of and the MEC.
    Life membership as a member of the MEC.
    15 on-line classes and free classes in perpetuity, in the classes you want, in the Tent of the stars.
    Free admission to all the shows that take place in La Carpa de las Estrellas forever.
    Open bar of refreshments within the facilities of the enclosure at any time of the day.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 5,000, the farm returns € 1,817.5. If you are a company, it returns € 1,750. Check it out [here] (

    > 00 Co-financiers

207 Co-financiers

0 collaborators

Show donors

£ 8
Support message:
El mundo deberías ser más parecido a lo que proyectos como este inculcan.


£ 8


£ 33
Support message:
Siempre son importantes este tipo de proyectos, aún más en los tiempos y circunstancias que vivimos. Espero que consigan el objetivo.
£ 8

Irene Sierra Marcos

£ 84
£ 46
£ 17
£ 17
Support message:
Ánimo con la campaña! Mi experiencia con la Carpa fue fantástica! Momentos inolvidables llenos de magia ⭐🌟🌠😘
£ 8
Support message:
Ánimo chicos!!!! Me encantó la experiencia cuando fui con mis chicos del trabajo allí. Nos lo pasamos bomba!! Y no se debería de perder estás expeirnecias

Rafael Heras Taberna

£ 67
£ 21
£ 33
£ 17
Support message:
Arriba el Canasta!!! A ver si el pueblo toma ejemplo!

Clara Rico Espiñeira

£ 84


£ 84


Hace 3 years
Equipamiento de circo.: Nuestra idea inicial era poder dedicar algo del dinero de la campaña a renovar y mejorar nuestro equipamiento; desgraciadamente, el alto coste del proyecto inicial nos ha hecho desistir de incrementar el objetivo de la campaña.

Actualmente desearíamos mejorar nuestro equipamiento de seguridad (lonchas, colchonetas, arneses, etc.) y renovar nuestro material de aereos.
Hace 3 years
Recompensas.: Estamos desbordados con las muestras de cariño y nos gustaría retribuir a los mecenas que han apostado por este proyecto, por eso, hemos organizado un sorteo para devolverles algo de lo mucho que nos han dado.
Puedes aportar alguno de tus productos para este propósito, los mecenas estarán encantados de saber que también participas de este esfuerzo.