¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Kailas Ashram

Finished 16 / 09 / 2022
$ 101,717
$ 75,658
$ 95,579
268 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 33

    Donation 1
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3

    If you contribute €30, the tax authorities will reimburse you €24. Your actual expenditure will be €6.

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Donation 2
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • Advaitavidya notebook (Size A6)

    If you contribute €50, the tax authorities will reimburse you €40. Your actual expenditure will be 10€.

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 51 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Donation 3
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • Advaitavidya notebook (Size A5)

    If you contribute 100€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 80€. Your actual expenditure will be €20.

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 48 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218

    Donation 4
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • Advaitavidya notebook (Size A6)
    • Book signed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati

    If you contribute 200€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 137,50€. Your actual expenditure will be 62,50€ .

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain,). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 544

    Donation 5
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • Advaitavidya Notebook (Size A6)
    • 2 books from Advaitavidya Editions (signed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati)

    If you bring 500€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 242,50€. Your actual expenditure will be 257,20€ .

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,089

    Donation 6
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • Advaitavidya Notebook (Size A5)
    • 3 books from Advaitavidya Editions (signed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati)

    If you bring 1000€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 417,50€. Your actual expenditure will be 582,50€ .

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain,). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,177

    Donation 7
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • 1 Advaitavidya notebook (Size A5)
    • 1 Advaitavidya notebook (Size A6)
    • 4 books from Advaitavidya Editions (signed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati)

    If you contribute 2000€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 767,50€. Your actual expenditure will be 1232,50€ .

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain,). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,443

    Donation 8
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • 1 Advaitavidya notebook (Size A5)
    • 1 Advaitavidya notebook (Size A6)
    • 5 books from Advaitavidya Editions (signed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati)

    If you contribute 5000€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 1817,50€. Your actual expenditure will be 3182,50€ .

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain,). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,886

    Donation 9
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • 2 Advaitavidya notebooks (Size A5)
    • 2 Advaitavidya notebooks (Size A6)
    • 6 books from Advaitavidya Editions (signed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati)

    If you contribute 10.000€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 3567,50€. Your actual expenditure will be € 6432,50 .

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27,215

    Donation 10
    • Acknowledgement on our website
    • Audio of the mantra 'Om namah shivaya' in mp3
    • 2 Advaitavidya notebook (Size A5)
    • 2 Advaitavidya notebooks (Size A6)
    • All books from Advaitavidya Editions (signed by Swami Satyananda Saraswati)

    If you contribute 25.000€, the tax authorities will reimburse you 8817,50€. Your actual expenditure will be 16182,50€ .

    You will only need to obtain the donation certificate from your Goteo user panel before 15 January 2023 in order to include it in your tax return (* Important This fiscal advantages do not apply outside Spain). Find out more here: https://en.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers

Inauguración de Kailash Ashram

23 | 02 | 2023

Queridos amigos,
Nos complace anunciaros que, tras once meses de reformas, ¡por fin hemos terminado la primera fase de las obras previstas para Kailash Ashram!

Se han completado las reformas del espacio de la vivienda, la sala y la biblioteca. También hemos finalizado la instalación de las nuevas placas solares, que nos permiten disponer de la energía necesaria para autoabastecer el espacio, y las calderas de leña, que nos proporcionan una temperatura adecuada para los fríos inviernos en Zamora.

El resultado es un espacio luminoso, adaptado a nuestras necesidades con mucho cuidado y amor, que ha superado nuestras mejores expectativas. Muy pronto os enviaremos un vídeo para que podáis verlo con mayor detalle.

El próximo día 26 de febrero celebraremos la inauguración de este espacio sagrado. Sois todos muy bienvenidos.
Podeis confirmar vuestra asistencia por mail (advaitavidya@gmail.com) o por teléfono (646 40 86 64 / Shivani).

Todas vuestras donaciones han dado un fruto inmenso que ha hecho posible este lugar de contemplación, recogimiento y práctica para todos los buscadores sinceros.

Muchas gracias por vuestro apoyo y colaboración durante todos estos meses.
Con respeto y amor,

Kailash Ashram