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FoldaRap, Peer-to-Peer Edition

Finished 09 / 07 / 2013
$ 1,123,874
$ 255,257
$ 340,342
97 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 213


    All contributions are welcome and deserve a big thank you ! A nice postcard and some stickers :)

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 425


    A random printed part among the trials which permitted to progress in the development of the FoldaRap.

    • previous rewards
    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 851


    A little printed object :)

    • previous rewards
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,276


    A tee-shirt with an illustration of the FoldaRap for this special p2p-edition

    • previous rewards
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,636

    FoldaRap P2P Edition

    The most interesting reward of this campaign, also probably the quickest way to have your kit!

    All you need to build the lastest version of the FoldaRap, excepted the printed parts.
    Find a local reprapper to add them to your kit !

    (hint : with probably more than 40 000 machines in the wild, there must be one near you, or we can still have them printed separately)

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 12,763

    FoldaRap full kit

    All you need to build the lastest version of the FoldaRap !

    > 65 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 19,144

    Workshop @NYBICC

    Workshop at NYBICC (Nancy, France)

    We find a date that arrange everyone, and you came to build a FoldaRap with us in our super friendly Makerspace : the Nancy Bidouille Construction Club !

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,271

    Workshop around the world

    We find a date that arrange everyone to invite me (for a week-end to a full week), and I personally come with my machine to help you build and learn to use the FoldaRap(s) you may have funded !

    > 02 Co-financiers

News of the week (48)

27 | 11 | 2013
News of the week (48)

Bonjour à tous,

Je voulais publier ce message au début de la semaine mais la plateforme a la fâcheuse tendance à ne pas enregistrer le brouillon si on ne se relog pas avant...

Dans les nouvelles des dernières semaines :
ont continue d'envoyer des colis (sans les buses, qui arriveront plus tard), mais pas aussi vite que je l'espérais : le premier de la semaine dernière ne partira que cet après-midi finalement ce qui décale tout les suivant évidemment : /

autrement dans les bons points, les pièces pour les buses devraient arriver d'ici une semaine environs, et la découpe laser est arrivée au local ce qui nous permettra de découper les plaques de bois (comme le fond de la machine par exemple) directement chez nous pour la suite :)

Hi everyone,

In the news of the past weeks :
we are still shipping some machines (without the hotend, they will arrive later), but not as fast as I was hoping : the first of the last week will be shipped this afternoon, that is postponing the next ones : /

in the good things, the parts for the hotends should arrive in a week or so ! and we got our lasercutter few days ago, that will allow us to cut the wooden base of the machines in house :)


Ward Wouts
Hace 1 decade
Can you please post the news updates in English? I'd love to be able to read them and google translate loses a lot of the messages (I think).
Hace 1 decade
no problem, I'll add it to the news !
Hace 1 decade
Bonjour Emmanuel,

merci pour ces infos. Ca fait patienter :)
Hace 1 decade
Bonjour Emmanuel,

Quelles sont les nouvelles?
Ward Wouts
Hace 1 decade
Thanks for the English update!

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