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FoldaRap, Peer-to-Peer Edition

Finished 09 / 07 / 2013
$ 1,123,874
$ 255,257
$ 340,342
97 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 213


    All contributions are welcome and deserve a big thank you ! A nice postcard and some stickers :)

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 425


    A random printed part among the trials which permitted to progress in the development of the FoldaRap.

    • previous rewards
    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 851


    A little printed object :)

    • previous rewards
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,276


    A tee-shirt with an illustration of the FoldaRap for this special p2p-edition

    • previous rewards
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,636

    FoldaRap P2P Edition

    The most interesting reward of this campaign, also probably the quickest way to have your kit!

    All you need to build the lastest version of the FoldaRap, excepted the printed parts.
    Find a local reprapper to add them to your kit !

    (hint : with probably more than 40 000 machines in the wild, there must be one near you, or we can still have them printed separately)

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 12,763

    FoldaRap full kit

    All you need to build the lastest version of the FoldaRap !

    > 65 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 19,144

    Workshop @NYBICC

    Workshop at NYBICC (Nancy, France)

    We find a date that arrange everyone, and you came to build a FoldaRap with us in our super friendly Makerspace : the Nancy Bidouille Construction Club !

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,271

    Workshop around the world

    We find a date that arrange everyone to invite me (for a week-end to a full week), and I personally come with my machine to help you build and learn to use the FoldaRap(s) you may have funded !

    > 02 Co-financiers

Hotend & Shipping / Buses et Livraison

18 | 07 | 2013

Sometimes it's hard to manage to live 3 lifes at once (fablabs, reprap and my daily job), that said, I owe you many informations as I want to keep you updated on the progress of this project :)

My main message will be "don't be hurry", we are all excited but things will take time (probably a little more than expected) and you'll know about everything :

1) Goteo contract
I received the contract made by Goteo few days ago, I need to print it, sign each page and send it back by certified letter in order to get paid.
As they says, the main features are about things we already know from the FAQs (40+40 days campaign, open licenses...), plus the agreement to carry out the project and send rewards in one year from the end of the campaign.
I plan to finish way before this limit if that can reassure you ;)

2) Hotends
The second and most important point : I'm fighting with the new reprappro hotends "one piece nozzle" since some weeks.
As you could read here : http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?283,220432

To sum up : the old "two parts" design was better from my point of view.
I've still managed to get some good results with their new one piece nozzle, and sometimes even the direct-drive-extruder seems to work, but it's a 50% chance for the moment...
So even if I may have found some ways to use the 50 hotends I bought, we are getting the previous model manufactured again. Open-source powa, at least we all have the drawings.

Good news : we will have the nice nozzles again ! but it's delaying a bit my plans.
I'm hesitating to send the kits I can with the one-piece nozzle, as some seems to work, and for the one that don't it's easy to replace the extruder or the hotend (or to send the kits and the hotends that are being made after).

3) Rewards
If we count a total of 102 backers and things to deliver, 14 are done and more to go soon ! (yay for postcards and stickers)

I'm updating the http://reprap.org/wiki/FoldaRap_Hall-of-Builds when I get a kit ready to go. Don't worry everyone is on track. Excepted the hotend problem, I have most of the materials for about 20 kits that I hope to send this summer, and the next ones progressively after.
As an example, this time I will wait to really have everything before planning a workshop, the last time we received the electronic board the morning of the very first workshop ^^'

5) Events
I've met some of you recently, during events in Rennes, Paris, Nantes and it was nice to chat with you :)
Each times I write a little thing about it, I have to catch up about the two last events but you can read about the first one here : http://watsdesign.blogspot.fr/2013/07/tu-imagines-construits.html

Next stop for the FoldaRap is the huge festival Observe-Hack-Make ! (http://ohm2013.org)
(Then Fab9 in Japan and the first European Maker Faire in Rome)

I've still another big news, but it will be for the next post ^^


Hace 1 decade
Hi Emmanuel, all,
Thanks for the updates - it helps us to remain patient ! Meanwhile we can dream of all the good things that we can print once we've built our kits !
It' true that I'm impatient, though - I've lots of ideas for "add-ons" to foldarap, and it's such a good "showpiece" I'm sure that it will help my FabLab creation project.
Keep up the good work, but don't forget to take a break from time to time.
Regards, Glenn
Hace 1 decade
Salut, bah je suis bien content de voir que je suis pas le seul à avoir quelques soucis avec le hot-end, mais bon, ventilation, et driver de l'extruder un peu plus haut, et ça fonctionne plutôt bien.

Keep up the good work, comme ils disent.
Gert Galjoen
Hace 1 decade
All we need is just (a little) patience...
And be grateful, thank you Emmanuel!

In the meanwhile, plenty of time to think about add-ons (like Glenn already said).
Here is my personal top 3 (parts are all ordered and on there way, patience...again):
3rd GLCD for Melzi over SPI (Marlin feature)
2nd filament controle with optical (mouse) sensor
1st autonomous printing server (R-Pi OctoPrint)

Please share what you have in mind for THE FoldaRap.
Hace 1 decade
Thanks for your understanding ^^

Your mods will sure be interesting !
I've yet to try Octoprint or other printing servers, such software could be useful to manage several printer at once.
Here I'll try to simplify it even more, less vitamins, more printed parts ;)

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