¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

desde las grietas RE(BEL)DES

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Finished 08 / 03 / 2023
$ 81,915
$ 32,636
$ 58,744
39 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 435

    Poster & stickers

    Receive a beautiful poster drawn by Wiebe and two stickers inspired by the exhibition to decorate your belongings (...or the city). // Receive them at the location or, if you could not make it, send an email to colectivogrietas@proton.me and we can arrange a solution.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 653

    Zines, poster & stickers

    Receive a copy of the zines that we made for the exhibition, together with a beautiful poster drawn by Wiebe and two stickers inspired by the exhibition to decorate your belongings (...or the city). // Receive them at the location or, if you could not make it, send an email to colectivogrietas@proton.me and we can arrange a solution.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,088

    Seeds & zines

    Receive seeds from a library of local varieties of tomato seeds in the Collserolla, together with the zines, poster and stickers we have made for the exhibition. // Receive them at the location or, if you could not make it, send an email to colectivogrietas@proton.me and we can arrange a solution.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,176


    Receive a book of your choice from these three options:

    • Entangled Life (Merlin Sheldrake)
    • Braiding Sweetgrass (Robin Wall Kimmerer)
    • The Divide (Jason Hickel)

    Together with a beautiful poster drawn by Wiebe, two stickers, and seeds from a library of local varieties of tomato seeds in the Collserolla. // Receive them at the location or, if you could not make it, send an email to colectivogrietas@proton.me and we can arrange a solution.

    Please specify your choice of book when donating!

    > 03 Co-financiers

GRACIAS! Grazie! Merci! Thanks! Danke!

02 | 02 | 2023
GRACIAS! Grazie! Merci! Thanks! Danke!



We are very proud to share that in less than a week, the exhibition campaign has received more than 2000€! We can't believe it 😍 This means the project can definitely go ahead.

We wanted to say a huge thank you to all who donated, it means a lot to receive your support. You are amazing! 💖

For anyone who still wants to support us, the campaign remains open for a few more weeks and we can still reach the optimum! (With this, we could hold the exhibition open longer, use better materials, etc.). So don't hesitate 😉

Thank you again and stay tuned, we will keep posting about our progress on Instagram (@colectivogrietas).


Estamos muy orgullosxs y agradecidxs de poder decir que en menos de una semana, ¡la campaña para la exposición ha recibido más de 2000€! No nos lo podemos creer 😍 Esto significa que el proyecto puede seguir adelante.

Queríamos daros las gracias a todxs lxs que habéis donado, significa mucho recibir vuestro apoyo. ¡Sois increíbles! 💖

Para todo aquelle que aún quiera apoyarnos, ¡la campaña sigue abierta unas semanas más y aún podemos llegar al óptimo! (Con esto, podríamos mantener la exposición abierta más tiempo, utilizar mejores materiales, etc). Así que no lo dudes 😉

Gracias de nuevo y no olvidéis seguir nuestros avances en Instagram (@colectivogrietas).


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