Cooperative space with workshops, shop and gastronomic space

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Filed on 07 / 07 / 2024
£ 5,050
£ 18,104
£ 30,743
49 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Thanks + Modulark

    We are very grateful, we are pleased that you have contributed to advancing this collective project. (Thank you on the web and on the sheet).
    Game of simulation letters for the creation of life and work projects.
    *Remember that each donation has an automatic tax deduction of 30 to 80% of your contribution. Here you can calculate it:

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Go ahead and dot

    We are very grateful, we are pleased that it has helped to promote this collective project. (Thanks to the place and the sheet).
    *Remember that each donation to an automatic tax deduction of 30 to 80% of your contribution. Here you can calculate it:

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    Agraïment + Sauna per 5 persones

    T'endús la nostra infinita gratitud, el plaer d'haver ajudat a tirar endavant aquest projecte col·lectiu. (Agraïments a la web i a la làmina) i un matí o tarda al jardí amb Sauna inclosa. Es podrà fer efectiu a partir del novembre de 2023.
    *Recorda que tota donació té una desgravació fiscal automàtica d'entre el 30 i un 80% de la teva aportació. Pots calcular-lo aquí:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    Thank you + ticket for the opening ceremony lunch

    We are very grateful, we are pleased that you wanted to contribute to advancing this collective project. (Thanks to the place and the blade). And the lunch ticket for the opening ceremony, on Sunday, November 10.
    *Remember that each donation to an automatic tax deduction of 30 to 80% of your contribution. Here you can calculate it:

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    Thanks + Drawing of a batch of products linked to the project

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet)
    And a participation in the draw for a lot of products made in Sequoia or projects close to ours.

    • Basket valued with 50 euros according to temporality and availability. The draw will be made once this campaign has been successfully closed. It will also be broadcast online. We will notify on social networks.
      *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:
    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 33

    Thanks + Lamina

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) and a very soft sheet of its own design. Includes shipment.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Thank you + Bag and sheet

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet), the sheet (see above) and a cloth bag with design of the Sequoia. Includes shipment.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 50

    Thanks + Site Usage

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) and a 5% discount on the assignment of the space for activities or celebrations. Depending on availability in the calendar, it can be made effective indefinitely.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 83

    Thank you + Day to get to know the Sequoia (Visit to the project + lunch + round table on living in community)

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) + Morning visit to the different spaces of the Sequoia, as well as the explanation of the project. Then we will have a community lunch to share good food and inspiring ideas. Afternoon round table about the community in our day to day.
    For two people, in sessions of 10 places.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 83

    Thanks + Site Usage

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) and a 10% discount on the assignment of the space for activities or celebrations. Depending on the availability of the calendar, it can be made effective indefinitely.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 83

    Thanks + 10 loaves

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) and 10 loaves or products of the Sequoia oven with value of 50 euros. It can be made effective throughout the following year after the end of the Goteo.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 167

    Thanks + Site Usage

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) and a 20% discount on the assignment of the space for activities or celebrations. Depending on the availability of the calendar, it can be made effective indefinitely.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 250

    Thanks + Site Usage

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) and a 30% discount on the assignment of the space for activities or celebrations. Depending on the availability of the calendar, it can be made effective indefinitely.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 417

    Thanks + Site Usage

    You take away our infinite gratitude, the pleasure of having helped to carry out this collective project. (Thanks to the web and the sheet) and a 50% discount on the assignment of the space for activities or celebrations. Depending on the availability of the calendar, it can be made effective indefinitely.
    *Remember that any donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 417

    Agraïment + sopar o dinar per entitats

    T'endús la nostra infinita gratitud, el plaer d'haver ajudat a tirar endavant aquest projecte col·lectiu. (Agraïments a la web i a la làmina) i val per un dinar o sopar per 25 persones begudes a part.
    Menú 1: Pizzes sequoianes, amanida i iogurt artesà.
    Menú 2: Carn de les Gambires a la brasa, pa amb tomaquet i amanida.
    Es podrà fer efectiu entre el novembre de 2024 i el juny de 2025.
    *Recorda que tota donació té una desgravació fiscal automàtica d'entre el 30 i un 80% de la teva aportació. Pots calcular-lo aquí:


    > 00 Co-financiers

Si voleu veure una mica més el Bosquet de la Sequoia

07 | 06 | 2024

Heu pensat en fer alguna trobada amb exalumnes, l'aniversari del 20, 30, 40, 50,... la trobada de finals d'estiu amb la colla i la família. Al Bosquet és un bon lloc.


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