¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

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  • Contributing $ 213

    We will thank you on our website canmasdeu.net!

    We will thank you with all our heart!

    > 48 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 319

    We will plant an autoctonous trees in the Can Masdeu forest!

    Además de contribuir a la accesibilidad, contribuirás a la reforestación!

    > 44 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 404


    Te escribimos un haiku especialmente para ti!/We write a haiku especially for you!

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 425

    Ecological Marigold seeds in a customized envelope. Ships to Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands.

    Para que siembres esta planta medicinal y atraigas a las abejas!

    > 37 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 532

    Ticket for a drink and cake or tapa in our Social Center

    Si has colaborado en la campaña y vienes a nuestro centro social, te invitamos a tomar algo!

    > 27 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 532

    Herbs from Can Masdeu, to be picked up in our Social Center

    Si vives cerca o tienes pensado venir al centro social, te agradecemos tu apoyo con una bolsita de hierbas de nuestro valle!

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 532

    Ecological Marigold seeds in a customized envelope. Ships to EU countries.

    Para que siembres esta planta medicinal y atraigas a las abejas!

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 638

    Ecological Marigold seeds in a customized envelope. Ships to the whole world.

    Para que siembres esta planta medicinal y atraigas a las abejas!

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 702

    Bote de miel de nuestras abejas (330 gr)

    ¿Sabías que en el techo de Can Masdeu tenemos colmenas? La prioridad es que estén sanas y polinicen el valle, pero cuando ahy un claro excedente también sacamos miel!

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 744

    Ecological and fair trade cottonbag customized for our backers. Ships to Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands.

    Para que hagas la compra o lleves tus cosas sin usar plástico.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 851

    Ecological and fair trade cottonbag customized for our backers. Ships to EU countries.

    Para que hagas la compra o lleves tus cosas sin usar plástico.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 851

    Ticket for a vegetarian ecological meal in our social center!

    Si vives cerca o tienes pensado venir al centro social, te agradecemos tu apoyo invitándote a comer!

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 957

    Ecological and fair trade cottonbag custmized for our backers. Ships to the whole world!

    Para que hagas la compra o lleves tus cosas sin usar plástico.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,064

    Wooden water level customized for our backer, to be picked up in our social center.

    Para que calcules las pendientes que te rodean!

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,383

    Herbal tincture or oil prepared from Can Masdeu plants, to be picked up in our social center.

    Si vives cerca o tienes pensado venir al centro social, te agradecemos tu apoyo con un remedio natural hecho por nuestro alquimista!

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,404

    A pot with 660 grams of honey from our rooftop beehives!

    ¿Sabías que en techo de Can Masdeu tenemos colmenas?
    Nuestro principal objetivo es que estén sanas y polinicen el Valle, sólo cosechamos miel cuando hay un claro excedente.
    Aparte de un manejo ecológico, evitamos alimentarlas con azucar y les dejamos hacer panales de su propia cera (menos una tira iniciadora).

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,191

    Wooden plate fire etched by hand with your name, your company' s name or your message, to be displayed in the social center.

    Si quieres dejar un mensaje, tu nombre o el de tu empresa dentro de las nuevas infraestructuras, en la parte de carpintería.

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,381

    Traditional ceramic tile painted by hand with your name, your company's name or your message, to be displayed in the social center.

    Si quieres dejar un mensaje, tu nombre o el de tu empresa y que lo incluyamos en las obras.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 12,763

    Insect hotel, fire etched with a special thanks message, built by people with functional diversity. To be picked up in Can Masdeu.

    Para que lo tengas en tu vivienda u oficina y proporciones espacio a polinizadores y otros insectos beneficiosos.

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Making the Can Masdeu Social Center more accesible in all senses!

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Technical reports and dinamyzing and facilitating the participative design process.
Consultas e informes necesarios. Organización y facilitación de las jornadas de diseño participativo. Volcado de resultados y planificación de todas las intervenciones.
$ 21,271
Comissions Goteo + Bank.
Comissions Goteo and Bank for the first phase.
$ 10,636
Comissions Goteo + Bank
Comission expenses for the second phase.
$ 42,543
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Leveling and basic paving.
Materiales, alquiler de maquinas y salarios de especialistas para nivelar y pavimentar el exterior del centro social.
$ 74,450
Adapted compost toilet.
Construcción de una nueva letrina seca, accesible y adaptada.
$ 31,907
Access to the Social Center. Definitive shape and place depend on design, this minimal budget excludes the possibility of using accesibility machines (such as elevators).
$ 85,086
Improved paving.
Con presupuesto adicional podemos aumentar la zona nivelada, pavimentada y accesible.
$ 53,179
Gaining more social space (paved and accesible).
Ganar más espacio y crear otros rincones dentro de la terraza del centro social, pavimentados y accesibles.
$ 53,179
Improvbed and accesible dishwashing area.
Hacer accesible también la zona de lavar los platos y mejorar el sistema de agua, incluyendo el desagüe.
$ 31,907
Accesible yog room.
Ampliar la puerta y eliminar los obstáculos al acceso de la Sala de Yoga para hacerla accesible, implica una remodelación total del espacio de la tienda gratis.
$ 63,814
Improving the water catchment, pumping and storage system.
Toda nuestra agua la conseguimos de la montaña, en los años secos esto puede limitar o dificultar nuestra actividad agrícola y social. Con esta cantidad podremos limpiar y poner a punto nuestro pozo y mina para poder contar con mas agua.
$ 106,357
Access including machines (such as elevator, mechanical platforms, etc)
Las posibilidades de acceso se incrementan y complementa si hay la posibilidad de incluir algún tipo de maquinaria para ayudar a salvar las pendientesa las que nos enfrentamos.
$ 159,536
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Gifts for the first phase.
$ 21,271
Gifts for the second phases
$ 46,797
Total $ 244,621 $ 801,932

General information

This crowdfunding campaign is aimed at providing us the funds needed to make our self managed social center more accessible to all kinds of people and all kinds of functional diversities (like wheelchair users).

Every Sunday the social center offers a mix of practical workshops, debates, presentations, concerts and performances, focused on sustainability and ecological and social change. The audience of every open day is approximately 150-200 people. The social center is a space for free knowledge exchange that promotes autonomous community-based solutions to ecological, economic and social challenges of the contemporary world. It is an important platform for various social movements and grassroot initiative to gain visibility and support.

As the social center is built on a hillslope during a historical period when accessibility criteria were not taken into account, we find steep slopes or steps in all present ways of access, which are very difficult or impossible to adapt. On top of that, the social center terraces is full of obstacles and areas at different level.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Indispensable (minimum):

Building a new access or improving the existing one so taht wheelchair user to reach the Social Center space by themselves.

Leveling and paving the Social Center terrace to make it safe and accesible.

Building a new compost toilet accesible and adapted.

Additional (optimum):

Improve paving and enlarging the Social Center Terrace

Accesible dishwashing area.

Accesible Yoga room.

Improving the water system.

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Why this is important

Our main goal is to remove all obstacle in our social center in order to make our activities more diverse and inclusive.
We want all kinds of people to be able to come to the Social Center, and be able to learn and enjoy, and feel safe and autonomous.
In this first phase of the project we are focusing on physical barriers and addressing all people with different movility abilies, such as older people, wheelchair users, reduced eyesight or the one with temporary limitations becasue of an injury.

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Team and experience

The Can Masdeu Valley is a whole ecosystem full of communities and individuals interacting on differente levels.
This crowdfunding campaign has been designed and initiated by the community who lives and works in the farmhouse, and manages the Social Center. We have an architect and biobuilder, environmental educators, a charpenters, activists, caretakers....

The Social Center has always evolved through rebuidling and improvements. Most of the rebuildign has been done collectively in workshops or workcamps.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Responsible Production and Consumption

    Responsible Production and Consumption

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.