Contributing $ 213
Mundubat newsletters with information about Palestine and Food Sovereignty. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.
> 14 Co-financiers
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Mundubat newsletters with information about Palestine and Food Sovereignty. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.
PDF Book: "Palestine has the name of a woman" (Mundubat). Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall .
Home delivery of a box of basic seeds and vegetables typical of Palestine. Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.
Poster delivery at home. PDF Book: "Paestine has the name of a woman" (Mundubat). Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall. NOTE OF INTEREST: In this section we will be showing the image of the poster as soon as posible.
Palestinian Scarf with embroidered Union of Agriculture Workers Committes (UAWC) and La Via Campesina logos . PDF Book: "Palestine has the name of a woman" (Mundubat). Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.
Home delivery of an ilustrated story with sound about food sovereignty through the eyes of Palestinan women and girls. Collaborations: a well known illustrator (this will be informed as soon as possible), a bertsolari and a Palestinian singer. Special limited edition print of this campaign. Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.
An olive tree will be planted in Palestine and a photo to witness its "sponsorship" will be forwarded. The donor person will fill out a form to collect basic data for the sponsorship and will receive a digital certificate. PDF Book: "Palestine has the name of a woman" (Mundubat). Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall. NOTE OF INTEREST: The form of the olive sponsorship will be indicated in this section in a few days.
"Talk at home" for groups and videoconferencing Enric Gonyalons (Mundubat Coordinator in Gaza) and the UAWC Palestinians. PDF Book: "Palestine has the name of a woman" (Mundubat). Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.
Collective 'Sponsorship' of an olive. "Home talk' for groups and videoconferencing Enric Gonyalons (Mundubat Coordinator in Gaza) and palestinians of the UAWC. "We, the Palestinians," illustrated story with sound about food sovereignty through the eyes of palestinian women and girls. 'Seeds FreePalestine'. Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.
Conocéis perfectamente la campaña del "desafío del balde de hielo" para sensibilizar frente a la enfermedad del ELA. Campaña que ha corrido por su viralidad como la pólvora haciéndola suya un sinfín de artistas de holywood, deportistas, etc que en parte han tratado de redimir sus opulentas y superficiales vidas con la campaña del balde de hielo. La lamentable realidad es que los vídeos han supuesto un vardadera autopromoción de las estrellas y las organizaciones promotoras en primera instancia contra la parálisis progresiva ocasionada por el ELA no han recibido -aparentemente- la misma proporción de donativos de tantos compasivos famosos. De modo que las celabridades se han autoretratado dos veces. Una vez vendida su imagen de compasión con el ELA han debido considerar demasiado valioso su gesto para acompañarlo de dinero.
Este periodista árabe-palestino [01] lanza el "verdadero reto del balde de hielo" y se tira un balde de escombro. "No tenemos hielo. De esto (escombros por los bombardeos) tenemos un montón".
Desde la campaña de Goteo «AYUDA URGENTE PARA LA RESISTENCIA CAMPESINA EN GAZA» nosotros buscamos la necesaria viralidad para completar el reto. Tírate un balde de escombros en la cabeza, o de hielo si quieres. Préstanos tu bonita cara de famoso si la tienes. Pero ante todo colabora materialmente o en difusión de la campaña.
Un enorme abrazo a todas las personas que os estáis mojando para que lxs campesinxs de Gaza cultiven su propia comida. Sembrando frente a la destrucción.
[01] En el momento que lanzamos este post son ya 17 los periodistas palestinos asesinados en la última agresión de Israel a Gaza. Y han sido 6 las guerras en 6 años. La cantidad de escombro generado por armas -muchas veces fabricadas en Europa y EEUU- es incontable para llenar baldes y transformarlos en solidaridad activa. Enlace a un tuit en homenaje a los periodistas palestinos asesinados:
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Mundubat newsletters with information about Palestine and Food Sovereignty. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.
> 14 Co-financiers
PDF Book: "Palestine has the name of a woman" (Mundubat). Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall .
> 17 Co-financiers
Home delivery of a box of basic seeds and vegetables typical of Palestine. Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.
> 15 Co-financiers
Poster delivery at home. PDF Book: "Paestine has the name of a woman" (Mundubat). Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall. NOTE OF INTEREST: In this section we will be showing the image of the poster as soon as posible.
> 16 Co-financiers
Palestinian Scarf with embroidered Union of Agriculture Workers Committes (UAWC) and La Via Campesina logos . PDF Book: "Palestine has the name of a woman" (Mundubat). Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.
> 19 Co-financiers
Home delivery of an ilustrated story with sound about food sovereignty through the eyes of Palestinan women and girls. Collaborations: a well known illustrator (this will be informed as soon as possible), a bertsolari and a Palestinian singer. Special limited edition print of this campaign. Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.
> 12 Co-financiers
An olive tree will be planted in Palestine and a photo to witness its "sponsorship" will be forwarded. The donor person will fill out a form to collect basic data for the sponsorship and will receive a digital certificate. PDF Book: "Palestine has the name of a woman" (Mundubat). Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall. NOTE OF INTEREST: The form of the olive sponsorship will be indicated in this section in a few days.
> 03 Co-financiers
"Talk at home" for groups and videoconferencing Enric Gonyalons (Mundubat Coordinator in Gaza) and the UAWC Palestinians. PDF Book: "Palestine has the name of a woman" (Mundubat). Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.
> 02 Co-financiers
Collective 'Sponsorship' of an olive. "Home talk' for groups and videoconferencing Enric Gonyalons (Mundubat Coordinator in Gaza) and palestinians of the UAWC. "We, the Palestinians," illustrated story with sound about food sovereignty through the eyes of palestinian women and girls. 'Seeds FreePalestine'. Mundubat newsletters. Optional mention in microfunders' wall.
> 02 Co-financiers
Actively collaborate by sharing on social networks, blogosphere, WhatsApp and other social media our crowdfunding campaign and other major milestones.
Editors, producers, journalists, cameras, etc ... to produce audiovisual material in relation to the project which will be available on the website of
These materials would be given to the impending Fleet of Freedom and would be accepted under their discretion and physical limitations of the vessel
For project reports, audiovisual material and the illustrated story. Depending on their availability some materials in various languages (Basque