¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


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Finished 14 / 03 / 2021
£ 39,000
£ 36,355
£ 129,968
425 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 1

    #efectoramiro - 5 totxos per a Avantva

    Amb aquesta recompensa ens estàs ajudant a comprar 5 totxos per a l'adequació d'Avantva.
    T'enviarem un diploma Ramiro Original per correu electrònic.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 4

    #efectoramiro - 150Kg de sorra per a Avantva

    Amb aquesta recompensa ens estàs ajudant a comprar 150Kg de sorra per a l'adequació d'Avantva.
    T'enviarem un diploma Ramiro Extra per correu electrònic.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    #efectoramiro - 30Kg de calç per a Avantva

    Amb aquesta recompensa ens estàs ajudant a comprar 30Kg de calç per a l'adequació d'Avantva.
    T'enviarem un diploma Ramiro Súper per correu electrònic.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    A fairer solidarity based economy

    Thanks, you are helping to promote a fairer, solidarity-based economy, that is respectful with the environment and the territory.

    • We will write your name on the wall of the multipurpuse hall, to acknowledge your help.
    • You will receive a thank you e-card with the picture of your name on the wall of the multipurpose hall.

    If you pay taxes in Spain, remember that your donation has tax benefits. You can calculate them here

    > 36 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 10

    Bossa 100X100 OEST o Poal

    Bossa de cotó orgànic 100% amb disseny de @siuelasocfeminista.
    Abans d'enviar-la et demanarem quin disseny prefereixes.

    Inclou enviament dins d'Espanya Peninsular, Balears i Andorra. Per a altres territoris les despeses d'enviament seran a càrrec de la persona que ha fet el donatiu.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 13

    Entrada Avantva Fest 1 dia

    Una entrada per a un dia del festival online Avantva FEST (del 28 al 31 de gener). Pots triar entre divendres, dissabte i diumenge. El dijous és de lliure accés per a tots els mecenes i persones que hagin comprat l'entrada.

    AVANTVA FEST és un festival online on podras:

    • Formar-te en diferents àmbits de la mà de grans experts
    • Divertir-te amb els millors artistes
    • Cultivar el teu cos i la teva ànima amb les millors activitats i tallers

    Més info a fest.avantva.coop o a les xarxes.

    Inclou enviament dins d'Espanya Peninsular, Balears i Andorra. Per a altres territoris les despeses d'enviament seran a càrrec de la persona que ha fet el donatiu.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    [Limitat] Especial relax

    Limitat a 10 unitats!

    Lot relax composat per:

    • "No hi ha planeta B" de Inca Aromas. Lot de 6 encens naturals, fets amb matèries orgàniques i lliures de tòxics (Breu Blanco, Palo Santo, Salvia Blanca, La Matrística, Madre Naturaleza, Ruda).
    • Un saquet tèrmic gran amb herbes aromàtiques del territori, dissenyats per alleujar o relaxar-te

    La imatge del saquet és de les artesanes d'Avantva. La recompensa serà de la mateixa qualitat i feta amb la mateixa cura però pot tenir una aparença diferent.

    Inclou enviament dins d'Espanya Peninsular, Balears i Andorra. Per a altres territoris l'enviament serà a càrrec de la persona que ha fet el donatiu.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Especial Relax - Sabó relax de Bcn Soaps i saquet tèrmic

    Aquest lot inclou:

    • Un sabó massatge d'aproximadament 110g de Bcn Soaps
    • Un saquet tèrmic gran amb herbes aromàtiques del territori, dissenyats per alleujar o relaxar-te. Es pot fer anar en calent o fred.

    La vostra recompensa serà de la mateixa qualitat i feta amb la mateixa cura que en les imatges però pot tenir una aparença diferent.

    Inclou enviament dins d'Espanya Peninsular, Balears i Andorra. Per a altres territoris les despeses d'enviament seran a càrrec de la persona que ha fet el donatiu.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    #efectoramiro - 1m2 de linòleum per a Avantva

    Amb aquesta recompensa ens estàs ajudant a comprar 1m2 de linòleum per a l'adequació d'Avantva.
    T'enviarem un diploma Ramiro Magnífic per correu electrònic.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    [Early Bird] Small ecologic soap Avantva Limited Edition and a badge

    This reward has a special price, in limited quantity, to thank our early supporters! When these are gone the price will be 25€.

    • We will write your name on the wall of the multipurpuse hall, to acknowledge your help
    • You will receive a thank you e-card with the picture of your name on the wall of the multipurpose hall
    • A button badge with an exclusive design for Avantva by @siuelasocfeminista
    • A small ecologic soap Avantva limited edition, formulated and created by all the artisans in the project

    The images are products made by the artisans in Avantva and are for illustrative purposes only. Your reward will be of the same quality and made with the same love but it can have a different appeareance

    The shipping is included for the Peninsular Spain, Balearic Islands and Andorra. For other locations, the shipping is not included.

    If you pay taxes in Spain, remember that your donation has tax benefits. You can calculate them here

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Small ecologic soap Avantva Limited Edition and a badge
    • We will write your name on the wall of the multipurpuse hall, to acknowledge your help
    • You will receive a thank you e-card with the picture of your name on the wall of the multipurpose hall
    • A button badge with an exclusive design for Avantva by @siuelasocfeminista
    • A small ecologic soap Avantva limited edition, formulated and created by all the artisans in the project

    The images are products made by the artisans in Avantva and are for illustrative purposes only. Your reward will be of the same quality and made with the same love but it can have a different appeareance

    The shipping is included for the Peninsular Spain, Balearic Islands and Andorra. For other locations, the shipping is not included.

    If you pay taxes in Spain, remember that your donation has tax benefits. You can calculate them here

    > 66 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    [Temps Limitat] Especial Dia Internacional de la Dona i la Nena a la Ciència

    Lot de 6 sabons en forma de comandaments retro, per reconèixer el paper de les dones i les nenes a la ciència i el món tecnològic.
    Fets amb la fórmula Avantva 100% ecològics i artesans.

    L’aparença dels sabons serà la mateixa però poden tenir un color diferent.

    Inclou enviament dins d'Espanya Peninsular, Balears i Andorra. Per a altres territoris l'enviament serà a càrrec de la persona que ha fet el donatiu.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    [Early Bird] Pack SAB.solids with conditioner, shampoo and soap dish + tote bag

    Només en tenim una unitat!

    Lot de SAB.solid format per:

    • Xampú
    • Acondicionador
    • Sabonera de bambú

    A més a més, rebreu la nostra bossa tipus tote amb un disseny exclusiu de @siuelasocfeminista per a Avantva.

    Les imatges són de productes de les artesanes d'Avantva i hi són a mode il·lustratiu. La vostra recompensa serà de la mateixa qualitat i feta amb la mateixa cura però pot tenir una aparença diferent.

    Inclou enviament dins d'Espanya Peninsular, Balears i Andorra. Per a altres territoris les despeses d'enviament seran a càrrec de la persona que ha fet el donatiu.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 33

    Anem de festival!

    Aquest lot està format per:

    • Una entrada per a tots els dies del festival online Avantva FEST (del 28 al 31 de gener)
    • Una xapa amb el disseny per a Avantva de @siuelasocfeminista
    • Una bossa de cotó tipus tote amb el disseny per a Avantva de @siuelasocfeminista

    AVANTVA FEST és un festival online on podras:

    • Formar-te en diferents àmbits de la mà de grans experts
    • Divertir-te amb els millors artistes
    • Cultivar el teu cos i la teva ànima amb les millors activitats i tallers

    Més info aquí o a les xarxes.

    Inclou enviament dins d'Espanya Peninsular, Balears i Andorra. Per a altres territoris les despeses d'enviament seran a càrrec de la persona que ha fet el donatiu.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 33

    [Early Bird] Small ecologic soap Avantva Limited Edition, seed bag and an activity of your choice

    This reward has a special price, in limited quantity, to thank our early supporters! When these are gone the price will be 50€.

    • We will write your name on the wall of the multipurpuse hall, to acknowledge your help
    • You will receive a thank you e-card with the picture of your name on the wall of the multipurpose hall
    • We invite you to visit our facilities on the first year of our opening
    • A small ecologic soap Avantva limited edition, formulated and created by all the artisans in the project
    • A bag with seeds, to let your dreams grow
    • Activity or workshop, to choose from the ones that Avantva will host during our first year (on-site or virtual)
    • Tote bag limited edition, with an exclusive design for Avantva by @siuelasocfeminista

    The images are products made by the artisans in Avantva and are for illustrative purposes only. Your reward will be of the same quality and made with the same love but it can have a different appeareance

    This reward has a special price, in limited quantity, to thank our early supporters! When these are gone the price will be 25€.

    • We will write your name on the wall of the multipurpuse hall, to acknowledge your help
    • You will receive a thank you e-card with the picture of your name on the wall of the multipurpose hall
    • A button badge with an exclusive design for Avantva by @siuelasocfeminista
    • A small ecologic soap Avantva limited edition, formulated and created by all the artisans in the project

    The images are products made by the artisans in Avantva and are for illustrative purposes only. Your reward will be of the same quality and made with the same love but it can have a different appeareance

    The shipping is included for the Peninsular Spain, Balearic Islands and Andorra. For other locations, the shipping is not included.

    If you pay taxes in Spain, remember that your donation has tax benefits. You can calculate them here

    > 103 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Proximity special
    • With this reward you will get a year long membership for the multipurpose hall
    • We will write your name on the wall of the multipurpuse hall, to acknowledge your help
    • You will receive a thank you e-card with the picture of your name on the wall of the multipurpose hall

    ** If you pay taxes in Spain, remember that your donation has tax benefits. You can calculate them here

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    [Early Bird] Lot de productes Mũla Cosmètica Natural

    Early Bird significa que aquesta recompensa té un preu especial. És limitada a 5 unitats i quan s'acabin, aquesta recompensa estarà disponible a un valor de 60€.

    Lot de productes de Mũla Cosmètica Natural. Els productes de Mũla estan elaborats amb ingredients de proximitat i cultiu ecològic.
    El lot comprèn:

    • Xampú sòlid a triar el més adequat per al teu tipus de cabell
    • Sabó fet a base d'oli d'oliva verge extra i mantega de Karité
    • Crema facial hidratant i regeneradora, apta per tot tipus de pells

    La vostra recompensa serà de la mateixa qualitat i feta amb la mateixa cura però pot tenir una aparença diferent.

    Inclou enviament dins d'Espanya Peninsular, Balears i Andorra. Per a altres territoris les despeses d'enviament seran a càrrec de la persona que ha fet el donatiu.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    #sebuscanramiros - 5m de biga per a Avantva

    Amb aquesta recompensa ens estàs ajudant a comprar 5m de biga de fusta laminada per a l'adequació d'Avantva.
    T'enviarem un diploma Ramiro A Tope per correu electrònic.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Sabó Avantva Edició limitada, bossa exclusiva, visita i saquet de llavors
    • Escriurem el teu nom al mur de la sala polivalent per a que quedi reconeguda la teva ajuda i rebràs una postal electrònica d'agraïment amb la foto del teu nom.
    • Podràs venir a visitar les nostres instal·lacions durant el primer any de funcionament
    • Un sabó artesanal i ecològic Avantva d'edició limitada Crowdfunding, formulat i creat entre totes les artesanes del projecte
    • Saquet de llavors per plantar els teus somnis
    • Bossa de cotó edició limitada tipus "tote" Avantva, amb disseny exclusiu per Avantva, fet per @siuelasocfeminista

    Les imatges són de productes de les artesanes d'Avantva. La vostra recompensa serà de la mateixa qualitat i feta amb la mateixa cura però pot tenir una aparença diferent.

    Inclou enviament dins d'Espanya Peninsular, Balears i Andorra. Per a altres territoris les despeses d'enviament seran a càrrec de la persona que ha fet el donatiu.

    *Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 50

    [Early Bird] Small box of products, limited edition tote bag and two activities of your choice

    This reward has a special price, in limited quantity, to thank our early supporters! When these are gone the price will be 80€.

    • We will write your name on the wall of the multipurpuse hall, to acknowledge your help
    • You will receive a thank you e-card with the picture of your name on the wall of the multipurpose hall
    • We invite you to visit our facilities on the first year of our opening
    • Small box of products, which includes:
      · A big ecologic soap Avantva limited edition, formulated and created by all the artisans in the project
      · A bag with seeds, to let your dreams grow
      · Beeswax wrap
      · Tote bag limited edition, with an exclusive design for Avantva by @siuelasocfeminista
    • 2 Activities or workshops, to choose from the ones that Avantva will host during our first year (on-site or virtual)

    The images are products made by the artisans in Avantva and are for illustrative purposes only. Your reward will be of the same quality and made with the same love but it can have a different appeareance

    The shipping is included for the Peninsular Spain, Balearic Islands and Andorra. For other locations, the shipping is not included.

    If you pay taxes in Spain, remember that your donation has tax benefits. You can calculate them here

    > 57 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 50

    New year's special. ONLY ONE UNIT - 2021 Agenda, small pack of products, tote bag and two activities

    Només en tenim una unitat!

    Agenda 2021 "Naturaleza Femenina" de l'editorial Pol·len. L'agenda et proposa cuidar de la teva salut i fer un autoconeixement per a que brillis amb la teva versió més autèntica i saludable.
    En aquest cas t'enviarem l'agenda el més aviat possible per a que la puguis començar a gaudir. La resta de la recompensa l'enviarem quan l'obrador estigui obert.

    A més a més també t'enviarem tots els productes de l'Early Bird amb el lot de productes petit:

    • Escriurem el teu nom al mur de la sala polivalent per a que quedi reconeguda la teva ajuda
    • Rebràs una postal electrònica d'agraïment amb la foto del teu nom al mur de la sala polivalent
    • Podràs venir a visitar les nostres instal·lacions durant el primer any de funcionament
    • Lot petit de productes Avantva que inclou:
      · Un sabó gran artesanal i ecològic Avantva d'edició limitada Crowdfunding, formulat i creat entre totes les artesanes del projecte
      · Saquet de llavors per plantar els teus somnis
      · Tela de cera petita reutilitzable per tapar o embolicar
      · Bossa de cotó edició limitada tipus "tote" Avantva, amb disseny exclusiu per Avantva, fet per @siuelasocfeminista
    • 2 activitats o tallers a triar de les que Avantva organitzarà durant el primer any (presencial o virtual)

    Les imatges són de productes de les artesanes d'Avantva i hi són a mode il·lustratiu. La vostra recompensa serà de la mateixa qualitat i feta amb la mateixa cura però pot tenir una aparença diferent.

    Inclou enviament dins d'Espanya Peninsular, Balears i Andorra. Per a altres territoris les despeses d'enviament seran a càrrec de la persona que ha fet el donatiu.

    *Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 67

    [Early Bird] Consuelo Zacarés beauty set. Serum and facial cream + small box of products

    We only have two packs!

    Consuelo Zacarés beauty set. It includes:

    • Moisturizing facial cream with rose essence and mauve-pink geranium
    • Nourishing facial serum with great regenerating power

    In addition, you will receive the small batch of Avantva products, with the tote bag:

    • A big ecologic soap Avantva limited edition, formulated and created by all the artisans in the project
    • A bag with seeds, to let your dreams grow
    • Beeswax wrap
    • Tote bag limited edition, with an exclusive design for Avantva by @siuelasocfeminista

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/easerum.jpg)
    The images are products made by the artisans in Avantva and are for illustrative purposes only. Your reward will be of the same quality and made with the same love but it can have a different appeareance

    The shipping is included for the Peninsular Spain, Balearic Islands and Andorra. For other locations, the shipping is not included.

    If you pay taxes in Spain, remember that your donation has tax benefits. You can calculate them here

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 67

    Lot petit de productes Avantva, visita i una activitat a triar
    • Escriurem el teu nom al mur de la sala polivalent per a que quedi reconeguda la teva ajuda i rebràs una postal electrònica d'agraïment amb la foto del teu nom.
    • Podràs venir a visitar les nostres instal·lacions durant el primer any de funcionament
    • Lot petit de productes Avantva que inclou:
      · Un sabó gran artesanal i ecològic Avantva d'edició limitada Crowdfunding, formulat i creat entre totes les artesanes del projecte
      · Saquet de llavors per plantar els teus somnis
      · Tela de cera petita reutilitzable per tapar o embolicar
      · Bossa de cotó edició limitada tipus "tote" Avantva, amb disseny exclusiu per Avantva, fet per @siuelasocfeminista
    • 1 activitat o tallers a triar de les que Avantva organitzarà durant el primer any (presencial o virtual)

    Les imatges són de productes de les artesanes d'Avantva. La vostra recompensa serà de la mateixa qualitat i feta amb la mateixa cura però pot tenir una aparença diferent.

    Inclou enviament dins d'Espanya Peninsular, Balears i Andorra. Per a altres territoris les despeses d'enviament seran a càrrec de la persona que ha fet el donatiu.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 83

    LIMITED TIME! Pack of 3 reusable sanitary towels, medium box of products and much more!

    Aquesta recompensa és molt limitada perquè només en tenim 3! És fugaç perquè només hi serà fins demà a les 22:00.

    Amb aquesta recompensa t'enviarem un lot de tres compreses de Terapias Itinerantes:

    • Una compresa reutilitzable nocturna
    • Una compresa reutilitzable normal
    • Un salvaslip

    A més a més també t'enviarem tots els productes de l'Early Bird amb el lot de productes midi:

    • Escriurem el teu nom al mur de la sala polivalent per a que quedi reconeguda la teva ajuda
    • Rebràs una postal electrònica d'agraïment amb la foto del teu nom al mur de la sala polivalent
    • Podràs venir a visitar les nostres instal·lacions durant el primer any de funcionament
    • Lot midi de productes Avantva que inclou:
      · Un sabó gran artesanal i ecològic Avantva d'edició limitada Crowdfunding, formulat i creat entre totes les artesanes del projecte
      · Saquet de llavors per plantar els teus somnis
      · Tela de cera gran reutilitzable per tapar o embolicar
      · Saquet tèrmic amb herbes aromàtiques del territori, dissenyat per alleujar o relaxar-te
      · Bossa de cotó edició limitada tipus "tote" Avantva, amb disseny exclusiu per Avantva, fet per @siuelasocfeminista
    • 2 activitats o tallers a triar de les que Avantva organitzarà durant el primer any (presencial o virtual)

    Les imatges són de productes de les artesanes d'Avantva i hi són a mode il·lustratiu. La vostra recompensa serà de la mateixa qualitat i feta amb la mateixa cura però pot tenir una aparença diferent.

    Inclou enviament dins d'Espanya Peninsular, Balears i Andorra. Per a altres territoris les despeses d'enviament seran a càrrec de la persona que ha fet el donatiu.

    *Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 83

    [Early Bird] Medium box of products, limited edition tote bag and two activities of your choice

    This reward has a special price, in limited quantity, to thank our early supporters! When these are gone the price will be 125€.

    • We will write your name on the wall of the multipurpuse hall, to acknowledge your help
    • You will receive a thank you e-card with the picture of your name on the wall of the multipurpose hall
    • We invite you to visit our facilities on the first year of our opening
    • Medium box of products, which includes:
      · A big ecologic soap Avantva limited edition, formulated and created by all the artisans in the project
      · A bag with seeds, to let your dreams grow
      · A big beeswax wrap
      · Heating pad with aromatic herbs
      · Tote bag limited edition, with an exclusive design for Avantva by @siuelasocfeminista
    • 2 Activities or workshops, to choose from the ones that Avantva will host during our first year (on-site or virtual)

    The images are products made by the artisans in Avantva and are for illustrative purposes only. Your reward will be of the same quality and made with the same love but it can have a different appeareance

    The shipping is included for the Peninsular Spain, Balearic Islands and Andorra. For other locations, the shipping is not included.

    If you pay taxes in Spain, remember that your donation has tax benefits. You can calculate them here

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 83

    Limitada! Gronxador niu per penjar
    • Escriurem el teu nom al mur de la sala polivalent per a que quedi reconeguda la teva ajuda i rebràs una postal electrònica d'agraïment amb la foto del teu nom.
    • Gronxador niu infantil per penjar a l’habitació, al jardí o on tu vulguis! Fet de lona de cotó i coixí extraïble amb farcit de llana.

    La vostra recompensa serà de la mateixa qualitat i feta amb la mateixa cura però pot tenir una aparença diferent.

    Inclou enviament dins d'Espanya Peninsular, Balears i Andorra. Per a altres territoris les despeses d'enviament seran a càrrec de la persona que ha fet el donatiu.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 104

    [Early Bird] Medium box of products, limited edition tote bag and two activities of your choice

    The Early Birds have flown away! But since you liked our bags so much we have decided to leave it in this reward :)

    • We will write your name on the wall of the multipurpuse hall, to acknowledge your help
    • You will receive a thank you e-card with the picture of your name on the wall of the multipurpose hall
    • We invite you to visit our facilities on the first year of our opening
    • Medium box of products, which includes:
      · A big ecologic soap Avantva limited edition, formulated and created by all the artisans in the project
      · A bag with seeds, to let your dreams grow
      · A big beeswax wrap
      · Heating pad with aromatic herbs
      · Tote bag limited edition, with an exclusive design for Avantva by @siuelasocfeminista
    • 2 Activities or workshops, to choose from the ones that Avantva will host during our first year (on-site or virtual)

    The images are products made by the artisans in Avantva and are for illustrative purposes only. Your reward will be of the same quality and made with the same love but it can have a different appeareance

    The shipping is included for the Peninsular Spain, Balearic Islands and Andorra. For other locations, the shipping is not included.

    If you pay taxes in Spain, remember that your donation has tax benefits. You can calculate them here

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 150

    [Early Bird] Big box of products, limited edition tote bag and two activities of your choice

    This reward has a special price, in limited quantity, to thank our early supporters! When these are gone the price will be 220€.

    • We will write your name on the wall of the multipurpuse hall, to acknowledge your help
    • You will receive a thank you e-card with the picture of your name on the wall of the multipurpose hall
    • We invite you to visit our facilities on the first year of our opening
    • Medium box of products, which includes:
      · A big ecologic soap Avantva limited edition, formulated and created by all the artisans in the project
      · A bag with seeds, to let your dreams grow
      · A set of two big beeswax wraps (small and big)
      · A set of two heating pads with aromatic herbs
      · 3 reusable makeup remover pads, hand woven
      · Tote bag limited edition, with an exclusive design for Avantva by @siuelasocfeminista
    • 2 Activities or workshops, to choose from the ones that Avantva will host during our first year (on-site or virtual)

    The images are products made by the artisans in Avantva and are for illustrative purposes only. Your reward will be of the same quality and made with the same love but it can have a different appeareance

    The shipping is included for the Peninsular Spain, Balearic Islands and Andorra. For other locations, the shipping is not included.

    If you pay taxes in Spain, remember that your donation has tax benefits. You can calculate them here

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 167

    Lot maxi de productes Avantva amb bossa edició limitada i 2 activitats a triar
    • Escriurem el teu nom al mur de la sala polivalent per a que quedi reconeguda la teva ajuda i rebràs una postal electrònica d'agraïment amb la foto del teu nom.
    • Podràs venir a visitar les nostres instal·lacions durant el primer any de funcionament
    • Lot maxi de productes Avantva
      · Un sabó gran artesanal i ecològic Avantva d'edició limitada Crowdfunding, formulat i creat entre totes les artesanes del projecte
      · Saquet de llavors per plantar els teus somnis
      · Joc de dos teles de cera reutilitzable per tapar o embolicar (una petita i una gran)
      · Joc de dos saquets tèrmics amb herbes aromàtiques del territori, dissenyats per alleujar o relaxar-te
      · 3 discos desmaquillants teixits a mà reutilitzables
      · Bossa de cotó edició limitada tipus "tote" Avantva, amb disseny exclusiu per Avantva, fet per @siuelasocfeminista
    • 2 activitats a triar de les que Avantva organitzarà durant el primer any (presencial o virtual)

    Les imatges són de productes de les artesanes d'Avantva. La vostra recompensa serà de la mateixa qualitat i feta amb la mateixa cura però pot tenir una aparença diferent.

    Inclou enviament dins d'Espanya Peninsular, Balears i Andorra. Per a altres territoris les despeses d'enviament seran a càrrec de la persona que ha fet el donatiu.

    Recorda que la teva donació té una desgravació fiscal de fins al 80%! Fes el càlcul de la devolució aquí.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 208

    Association Special

    Do you have any activities scheduled throughout the year? Maybe a cultural week?

    We offer different workshops on natural cosmetics and medicinal herbs, to learn how to make your own cosmetics. This reward can be done within Catalonia and in some parts of the Valencian Community and Teruel. For other locations, consult us, as we can also do it online.
    You will be able to enjoy these workshops during 2021 or 2022.

    Max 20 people, it includes the material. For bigger groups please contact us. For more information you can write us to hola@avantva.info.

    If you pay taxes in Spain, remember that your donation has tax benefits. You can calculate them here

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 333

    [Early Bird] Come and produce with us

    This reward has a special price, in limited quantity, to thank our early supporters! When these are gone the price will be 450€.

    Come to our lab for a whole day as an assistant to one of our artisans. You will learn how to professionally make an Avantva product by yourself!


    • We will write your name on the wall of the multipurpuse hall, to acknowledge your help
    • You will receive a thank you e-card with the picture of your name on the wall of the multipurpose hall

    If you pay taxes in Spain, remember that your donation has tax benefits. You can calculate them here

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 583

    Artisan special

    GCP training for the ones that want to come and produce in our workshop as a members or sporadically. This reward only includes the necessary courses to be able to produce in our workshop. There are other fees that are needed to produce in the workshop.

    If you pay taxes in Spain, remember that your donation has tax benefits. You can calculate them here

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 750

    Company special. Personalized soap pack

    This reward has a special price, in limited quantity, to thank our early supporters! When these are gone the price will be 1000€.

    Say thanks to the members of your company with a very special gift.
    This is a pack of 150 units of soap personalized with your company's brand.

    The images are products made by the artisans in Avantva and are for illustrative purposes only. Your reward will be of the same quality and made with the same love but it can have a different appeareance

    The shipping is included for the Peninsular Spain, Balearic Islands and Andorra. For other locations, the shipping is not included.

    If you pay taxes in Spain, remember that your donation has tax benefits. You can calculate them here

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 2,499

    Company special. Team building

    Workshop to learn how to make soap.
    We come to your company and teach everybody how to make your own ecologic soap.

    Max 200 units of sopa.
    We can reach up to 200km around el Poal (Lleida), for other locations consult us. We love to travel!
    For more information write us to hola@avantva.info

    ** If you pay taxes in Spain, remember that your donation has tax benefits. You can calculate them here

    • Due tot the current situation, you will be able to enjoy this experience when the competing authorities give permission to do the workshop
    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Avantva, a shared ecological cosmetic workshop, rooting for women's self-employment, with SSE (Social and Solidarity Economy) values. We revitalize the rural areas and create opportunities

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Lay a continuous linoleum floor in the workshop.
The continuous linoleum flooring is made from a mixture of linseed oil with ground stone and other natural materials. It is a natural, sustainable, ecologic and resistant material that meets the requirements for these kind of facilities.
£ 4,369
Laminated wood ceiling support
We need to build a ceiling support with laminated wood GL24h for the first floor, approximately 100m2. With this we will have enough space to build the offices, the social zone and the machine room.
£ 9,864
Refurbish of the labs
We need to make partitions to the available space to make the two labs, add a false ceiling and prepare the walls with lime.
£ 9,206
Electric installation
Installation of all the necessary electric elements. We will use sustainable materials like hallogen-free wiring, without toxic plastics.
£ 2,876
Plumbing and water pump
We will use crosslinked polyethylene, following the bioconstruction criteria and a pressure pump for the water deposit.
£ 2,209
Carpentry with natural wood
Installation of fixed windows with double glass, some inside doors and exterior doors.
£ 7,831
Rehabilitation of the roof
There is a roof of 200m2 approximately with arabic tile on wood beams. We will remove the arab tiles to add a natural isolation layer made of wood and then we will put the tiles back.
£ 5,514
Aerothermal: a renewable and clean temperature control
We will install a renewable energy source that takes advantage of the energy in the air and uses it to create a comfort temperature inside of the building, both in winter and summer.
£ 5,120
Green roof structure
To be able to have a green roof, we need to reinforce the existing wood structure to support the additional weight.
£ 4,049
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Green roof
We need to modify the top part of the building, since we are going to have the offices there, as well as the microbiology lab. We have designed a kind of roof that is respectful with the natural environment and will help with the water reseervoir, it will purify the air, reduce the temperature and create a shelter for insects and small animals. It will also help with the isolation of the roof.
£ 9,664
Third skin. Natural and ecologic isolation
We want to cover the exterior walls, which are made of rammed earth, with isolation materials that are natural, ecologic and renewable, taking into account the weather and reducing the loss of heat. It will help to achieve a building with a veery low energetic demand, following the bioconstruction criteria and "passivhaus".
£ 22,811
Intelligent building
Access system based on electronic cards, so each of the artisans can come and go as they need
£ 5,665
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Air renewal
The renewal of the air, even though we will be working with ecologic material, is very important. This concept is based on the installation of heat exchange equipment to be able to reduce the energetic demand and reuse and renew the air two times every hour.
£ 11,397
Green and renewable energy consumption
We want to generate our own electricity, fully clean and renewable. It consists in the installation of photovoltaic solar panels on the roof of the building, with a powe of 6Kw, enough for the daily cooperative energy needs. Thanks to this, we will use 100% clean energy and self-sufficiency.
£ 29,393
Total £ 36,355 £ 129,968

General information

Avantva is a shared cosmetic manufacture project under the umbrella as a non-profit service cooperative. We have no knowledge of other projects like this in Catalonia.

It is an assembly cooperative so it reinvests its benefits in itself and its directive board do not receive any kind of salary.

Our cooperative values are based on the Social and Solidarity Economy, meaning that people are at the heart of our interests.

Currently, there are few shared workshop initiatives where cosmetic products can be developed. Ddue to the high demands that are requested by the health authorities and due to the high derived costs, this makes it very difficult for cosmetic artisans to be able to start up their own business following all the regulations and by themselves.

Avantva will accompany 20 women artisans into making their own project possible.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Our workshop will be located in the wineries of the old farmhouse built in the 18th century. It is declared a local cultural heritage. The farmhouse is located in the centre of El Poal, a small village of around 600 inhabitants, in Pla d’Urgell, Lleida. Before, the villagers used to help one another a lot, especially during the harvest time. Elderly people from the village told us that since not everyone had the means, all the village’s grape was smashed in this farmhouse, and locals used to produce and store wine there. The farmhouse had lots of lands and the majority of the villagers worked there on a daily basis, so the doors of the farmhouse were always open. All the elders have good memories related to this farmhouse, so we want to bring back the good spirit to this building. We want the artisans to start to create there, we want people to move in and out, we want the farmhouse to be alive again. We also want to bring back the social cohesion power to the village, - the farmhouse used to be the symbol of community and mutual help.

We have a transversal project, which includes an artisan shared workshop, local selling point and cultural space, which will dynamise and transform the social interactions in the village.

We are pursuing our project of agri-food workshop and eco cosmetics workshop in the rural setting. There, entrepreneur women will have a solid opportunity to develop their own projects, running their businesses in a legal way without losing the artisan essence. Modern economy imposes strict requirements on the artisan businesses, which are identical to the requirements for the big industrialised productions. In our shared workshop, entrepreneur women will be able to produce in a sustainable way and to participate in a social and solidary economy.

We need to reform the ancient wineries’ zone to meet the needs of the workshops and storages. The building was constructed with rammed earth and the roof is covered with Arabic tiles. We want to preserve its historical character, and take advantage of its natural characteristics. All the reforms will be carried out in accordance with bioconstruction principles, using only ecological materials. It is crucial for us to use sustainable materials without toxic elements, so these are included in all the budget plans. Ecology is the top priority for our project.

Our vision is not only encompassed by our project. All the people who came together as Avantva share a set of values and principles that can be summarized in a form of declaration:

1. A space for cooperation and creativity. We are conscious of cooperative values, horizontal organization of labour and teamwork are our core principles. Co-creation of this space allows us to be creative and to support each other’s personal projects to empower each one of us.

2. A place to learn, teach and grow as humans. We want to grow as persons and as a community. We want to share our knowledge to build a better society, raise awareness and also to learn from each other.

3. A space to legalize our natural cosmetics’ products. Natural cosmetics form part of a sustainable lifestyle. It is necessary to certify our products according to all the requirements, so we can offer our products to the consumers.

4. To embrace the values of sustainability and cooperativism, which are so necessary nowadays. This is our way of consciously contributing these values to the world that we want to live in and to share these values with the next generations.

5. A space for developing joint entrepreneurs’ projects. This is the sort of things that occur naturally when talented women join and create together. In Avantva we will provide a space to elaborate, formulate and create together.

6. A dream we can build together. For us, it’s a project that started as a dream and now it is materializing. Many people have to give up on their projects because they cannot afford to have a workshop to certify their products. They have to be marginalised and they cannot develop their projects professionally. Together we can become visible and produce in a legal way!

7. A project that brings about territorial development. For us, our local impact is very important. We cannot achieve our goals without local support. Each of us decided to open the doors of Avantva for sharing our knowledge and experience with people and entities, who share our values. This way, Avantva becomes an exchange point. We will also set a selling point in our workshop to support other local products and cooperative organizations.

8. A project with social, environmental and economical responsibilities. Sustainability is one of the pillars that makes this project coherent. We don’t only look to make each individual project sustainable by sharing resources, we adapt this philosophy to all the dimensions of our work. We prioritise people, we use green energies and the principles of bioconstruction guide our project. We also believe in the importance of territorial dynamization as an impetus for social transformation.

9. A space to materialize our project and to minimize the ecological footprint. When contributing to this project not only you contribute to self-employment and cooperativism, but you also support the environment, since together we pollute less. In Avantva we will share the prime materials from sustainable sources, whenever possible from the local producers.

10. A place to professionalize our artisan business without losing its essence. For us, it is very important not to lose the artisan soul. Each one of us with her own project and her own knowledge carefully chooses ingredients and processes to provide the best final product made with lots of love. We put a part of our soul in each product, consciously made in small batches.

Definitely, a space to share, create and empower the community. We have a shared vision and strong values!

Why this is important

One day we woke up and Avantva already existed. Well no! But after that day we predicted that other good days like that one will come!

Behind Avantva there are many days of work individually and as a team. What you can see here is a result of hours and hours of thinking on how to shape the idea. There were other names and shapes but finally it ended up settling for its best version.

It was born as an individual project but its logical evolution made us undesrtand that it should be shared with other women in order to join forces and concerns with other people with similar realities and situations. And now, all these women walk together towards our common project.

Why are we called Avantva? Because it is an old word from Lleida that transmits strength and vigor, it means to go forward.

Avantva was born as an answer to a specific situation and finally gave rise to a non-profit cooperative.

Being a woman and being an entrepreneur is not easy. It seems like a cliché but it is so. If, morover, you decide to have family and children things get complicated. It becomes an odyssey to be able to be fullfilled both professionally and personally at the same time. And if you are a cosmetic artisan, you will need a great imagination to achieve your goals!

We all know that being an entrepreneur is difficult. The cosmetic artisans have some regulations and laws that do not contemplate this as a lifestyle. We assume that the demands and measures that are requested are out of our reach. That's why sharing is an option that allows us to reach our goal.

Avantva could be the summary for this imaginative idea that we propose, in order for 20 of the artisans in this position can get to elaborate our products in a sustainable way and being responsible with the environment. Our proposal is focused on the territory, also including all the proximity producers and the ethical values of the SSE (Social and Solidarity Economy).

Whom is this project for?

The project is growing and is changing its shape. It has three pillars that complement one another. In order to answer this question, we focus on three distinctive features of Avantnva.

- Shared workshops. The workshop is designated for the elaboration of natural cosmetics. It will serve the needs of the artisans, as they will be able to produce in accordance with all the regulations, and professionalize their business. We are looking to accomplish these long term goals:

  1. To establish a fair price on ecological cosmetics.
  2. To make the artisan production viable with small batches, so the artisan essence is preserved.
  3. To achieve the highest quality by sharing the supreme primary materials.
  4. To reduce the ecological footprint by the cooperative materials’ supply.
  5. Products made consciously in perfect conditions.

- A physical and online selling point. This way the craftswomen will be able to sell their products in our local shop and also in the cooperative web store. Our selling point will collaborate only with the cooperative’s craftswomen, local producers and those who take part in the social solidary economy. With this we are looking to achieve:

  1. Promote artisan products.
  2. Create consumers’ groups.
  3. Prioritise local producers.
  4. Raise awareness of sustainability issues.
  5. Food and cosmetics sovereignty.

- Multipurpose space. We are looking to dynamize the territory in social and cultural aspects. We want Avantva to be a place for the reunion of different local actors. We want it to be a place where the projects are born and the initiatives are developed.

  1. To become a meeting point for families and entities.
  2. To become an axis for territorial dynamization and social transformation.
  3. To be a place where initiatives get developed.
  4. To foment collaboration and cooperation.
  5. To support creativity, culture, art and education.

Team and experience

We are an excellent team with diverse qualifications. Our skills guarantee that this project is viable from the very beginning. Thanks to our previous experiences we are able to ensure that this project’s output will be of great value.

Driving team

  • Esther. The soul of this project. She is trained in the field of Arts and Design and has always been working in the field of culture. She has worked as a freelancer abroad in art centres and in the Institute of Research on Identities and Societies, University of Lleida as a research technitian. She has also worked in the Cityhall with youth politics, developing cultural programs and social cohesion initiatives. Her task in this project is to coordinate and manage its different aspects: editing, slots allocation, dissemination and communication, and further on she will manage the functioning and coordination of the cooperative. She will accompany the craftswomen, manage the spaces and the technical support of the workshop.

  • Alfredo. He is an agro engineer specialised in the agro food industry. Now he is pursuing his educational goals (professional certificate in the Rovira and Virgili University) and he is also carrying on his engineering company called Asedeco. He is a key participant of the project. His qualifications are necessary not only in the technical sphere, but also in the field of creativity. He is in charge of the technical development of the project, and he will lead the construction and reform works. He will ensure that the character of the old building is preserved and that the work is carried out in accordance with the bioconstruction principles and renewable energies.

  • Natalia. Information Engineering graduate and Master of Sciences in Free Software Engineering. She was given a fellowship from ICEX (Spanish Exportation Institute) and worked in the foreign commerce department in the Spanish embassy in Oslo, Norway. She lived in Norway until 2017, and then she decided to come back to her roots and returned to Lleida. Now she is working in a cyber security company. Natalia has a great experience in IT, so she fits in the project perfectly with her skills and knowledge in the area of free software. She contributes to the internal management of the cooperative and develops IT instruments, such as web page, intranet and online shop.

The members of the cooperative, the craftswomen, also contribute their knowledge and skills to the development of this project. They are the key part of decision making and together they draw a map of Avantva. We are organized in different working groups where we allocate different tasks. Now we have the minimum number of craftswomen that allows this project to be economically viable. We are Laura, Dina, Consuelo, Tània, Paula, Anna, Maria José, Marta, Roxana, Pepa, Ángela, Amaia, Sònia, Sonia (we are two, yes), Esther…

There is also Ariadna, a chemical engineer, who has been our advisor from the beginning of the project. We sought her opinion when designing and allocating the spaces to reach the maximum optimization and to have all the necessary infrastructures. She has a broad experience in creation and management of the shared workshops, where she used to work for several years during her professional career. She will be in charge of homologization and permissions for the workshop, she will accompany the craftswomen and provide them with the technical consultations during the formulation of the new products. She will establish the good practice criteria and work regulations during the cosmetics preparation.


We have a powerful multifunctional infrastructure that will be developed into our future lab and workshop.

The cooperative will occupy two ancient warehouses that were built around the end of the 19th- beginning of the 20th century. The buildings are more than 4 meters high and are made of bricks. They were used to store vine and agrarian products (the part where the vine was made is still intact, - it has four vineries where the selling point was located). We have the advantage that both warehouses are close to the city centre, which is a pedestrian zone, and there is also a bus stop very near.

Equipment: nowadays the warehouses only have the structure. Although some interventions were made, as for example the annexe where the washrooms are located was built. There’s running water and optic fibre as well. Next, we are looking to rehabilitate and adapt each warehouse to the necessities of the workshop.


We are looking to introduce the card access to the installation instead of the usage of conventional keys. This choice was made to allow flexibility of the craftswomen and other entities that might use the workshop outside the working hours. This way we want to make the usage of the workshop adaptable to each one’s personal schedules.

On the other hand, bookings, space management, documentation’s referrals, etc., will be handled via the intranet, programmed and designed accordingly by one of our associates, Natalia. For this, we will use free software. The webpage, which is currently active, will be developed and actualized in accordance with the growing necessities, as for example, a necessity to introduce a users’ space or an online shop.

Our space is planned to be transformed into a workshop with two white rooms, - one for soap making and solid cosmetics with a dryer, and the other one for liquid cosmetics. These two rooms ensure that there is an opportunity to work individually with maximum availability. We’ll also have a room for individual and collective storage, wardrobe, weighing room, air conditioning rooms, an expo room, and a microbiology lab for basic testing before sending a product out for certification. The whole project is designed as a circuit and we are looking to optimize the resources. All the ecological materials that are allowed for the approval of the rooms will be integrated. The air exchange will be carried out twice an hour. We also have positive pressure installations for pathogens’ elimination included in the budget.

Other resources

During this time Avantva recruited different agents necessary for the implementation of the shared workshop project. At this point, the cooperative itself has made different expenses in terms of fees, adaptation works project, activity project, technical reports, work

Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Affordable and Clean Energy

    Energy is central to nearly every major challenge and opportunity.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Responsible Production and Consumption

    Responsible Production and Consumption

  • Climate Action

    Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development