Aller Simple

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Finished 09 / 10 / 2021
£ 7,154
£ 5,455
£ 8,665
112 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 9

    A hug and your name in the credits

    You will be entitled to a big hug (face-to-face or from a distance) from the entire team. Also, your name will appear in the credits , so it will be read by millions of viewers who will enjoy Aller Simple through online platforms and festivals.

    • Your actual spending will be € 2 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 8 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Link to the movie

    In addition to the hug and thanks in the credits, we will send you the link to the movie so that you can watch it non-stop (or go straight to the end credits to show everyone your participation!).

    • Your actual spending will be € 5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 20 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 32 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 43

    Script in pdf

    In addition to all of the above, we will send you our eternal thanks and the PDF of the Aller Simple script, signed by their authors (if you don't speak French, that will be the excuse to start!).

    • Your actual spending will be € 10 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 40 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 85

    Invitation to the preview

    In addition to all of the above, we will invite you to attend the preview (in Tolouse or in Barcelona ), to see the movie on the big screen, meet our fabulous team and eat peanuts while we talk about movies.

    • Your actual expenditure will be € 20 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 80 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 171

    Movie poster

    In addition to all of the above, one day not too far away you will find the magnificent poster for Aller Simple (designed by the great Tristan Houllemare and signed by the entire team).

    • Your actual spending will be € 62.5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 137.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 256

    Mysterious USB memory stick

    In addition to all the above, one day you will receive a mysterious USB memory stick with the movie, the making of, souvenir photos and many GB of kisses.

    • Your actual spending will be € 127.5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 172.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 341

    DVD of “Aller Simple”

    In addition to all the above, you will receive the Aller Simple DVD , recorded on a film by Nicolas Cage (a unique item that will increase in value over the years and pay off your children's mortgage!).

    • Your actual expenditure will be € 192.5 if donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 207.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 427

    Associated producers

    In addition to all of the above, you will appear in the film credits as associate producers (don't be surprised if in a few weeks Stanley Kubrick's manager calls you).

    • Your actual spending will be € 257.5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 242.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 02 Co-financiers

Moltes gràcies! Merci beaucoup! ¡Muchas gracias! Many thanks! :-)

22 | 07 | 2021
Moltes gràcies! Merci beaucoup! ¡Muchas gracias! Many thanks! :-)

Quina emoció! Quelle émotion! ¡Qué emoción! What a thrill! 🥳🥰🤩

Ahir vam superar el 20% de l'objectiu de recaptació a Goteo. Hier, nous avons dépassé les 20% de l'objectif de collecte dans Goteo. Ayer superamos el 20% del objetivo de recaudación en Goteo. Yesterday, we exceeded 20% of the collection target in Goteo. ✨🥂

🎥 No tenim prou paraules per donar-vos les gràcies per aquest inici de campanya! Us estimem, mecenes! La vostra generositat i entrega no té preu. Avui estem treballant amb més confiança i més il·lusió encara! 💜

🎥 Nous n'avons pas assez de mots pour vous remercier pour ce début de collecte de fonds! On vous aime, mécènes! Votre générosité n'a pas de prix. Aujourd'hui toute l'équipe travaille avec encore plus de confiance et de joie! 🧡

🎥 No tenemos suficientes palabras para daros las gracias por este inicio de campaña! ¡Os queremos, mecenas! Vuestra generosidad y entrega no tiene precio. Hoy trabajamos todavía con más confianza e ilusión! 💚

🎥 We do’nt have enough words to thank you for this start of the campaign! We love you, patrons! Your generosity and dedication is priceless. Today we work with even more confidence and enthusiasm! ❤️

🎬 Seguim! On continue! ¡Continuamos! Let's keep it going! 🎥


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