Accompanying to break the silence

Finished 18 / 01 / 2024
$ 20,029
$ 17,074
$ 38,805
216 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Solidarity Support

    With your contribution you are helping us to continue accompanying the rehabilitation process of people affected by violence. Thanks to you, we will continue to warn and denounce that torture and ill-treatment are still current practices.

    Remember that if you contribute 10 euros as an individual in this campaign, The Treasury will return 8 euros, so your real expense will be €2. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 17

    Solidarity Support

    With your contribution you are helping us to continue accompanying the rehabilitation process of people affected by violence. Thanks to you, we will continue to warn and denounce that torture and ill-treatment are still current practices.

    With this contribution you will receive:

    • A one-day invitation to our first film series against torture, which we will celebrate in the first quarter of 2024, together with different leaders from the sector

    • Illustration “Accompany to break the silence” in postcard format

    *Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 15 euros as an individual in this campaign, The Treasury will return 12 to you, so your real expense will be €3. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 28

    Partner - Semi-annual member

    With this contribution you will be a member of Sir[a] for 6 months, and you contribute so that we can continue accompanying the therapeutic and legal processes of those who have suffered political violence. Thanks to you, we will be able to continue preparing expert reports with which to defend those who have suffered violent experiences in court.

    With this contribution you will receive:

    • Illustrated cloth bag from the Sir[a] Center

    • A complete two-day invitation to our first film series against torture, which we will celebrate in the first quarter of 2024, together with different leaders from the sector

    • Illustration “Accompany to break the silence” in postcard format

    *Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 25 euros as an individual in this campaign, The Treasury will return 20 to you, so your real expense will be €5. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 51 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 44

    Partner - Annual member

    With this contribution you will be a member of Sir[a] for one year, and you contribute so that we can continue accompanying the therapeutic and legal processes of those who have suffered political violence. Thanks to you, we will be able to continue preparing expert reports with which to defend those who have suffered violent experiences in court.

    With this contribution you will receive:

    • Illustrated T-shirt from the Sir[a] Center

    • A complete two-day invitation to our first film series against torture, which we will celebrate in the first quarter of 2024, together with different leaders from the sector

    • Illustration “Accompany to break the silence” in postcard format

    *Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 40 euros as an individual in this campaign, the Treasury will return 32, so your real expense will be €8*. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 59 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 89

    Break the silence - Semi-annual member

    You will be a member of Sir[a] for 6 months. With your contribution, you will help us to continue supporting survivors of violence in a comprehensive way, and to continue preparing expert reports with which to defend those who have suffered violent experiences in court.

    Furthermore, thanks to you, we will be able to generate more training and advocacy spaces, from which to denounce that torture is a practice that is still in force. With you, we will continue defending the need to integrate a psychosocial, transcultural, anti-racist and gender perspective in working with vulnerable people.

    • With this contribution you will receive:

    • Illustrated T-shirt from the Sir[a] Center

    • Illustrated cloth bag from the Sir[a] Center

    • A complete two-day invitation to our first film series against torture, which we will celebrate in the first quarter of 2024, together with different leaders from the sector

    • 10% discount on all continuing training courses of the Community Action Group (GAC)

    • Illustration “Accompany to break the silence” in postcard format

    Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 80 euros as an individual in this campaign, the Treasury will return 64, so your real expense will be €16. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 133

    Break the silence - Annual member

    You will be a member of Sir[a] for one year. With your contribution, you will help us to continue supporting survivors of violence in a comprehensive way, and to continue preparing expert reports with which to defend those who have suffered violent experiences in court.

    Furthermore, thanks to you, we will be able to generate more training and advocacy spaces, from which to denounce that torture is a practice that is still in force. With you, we will continue defending the need to integrate a psychosocial, transcultural, anti-racist and gender perspective in working with vulnerable people.

    With this contribution you will receive:

    • Illustrated sweatshirt from the Sir[a] Center

    • Illustrated cloth bag from the Sir[a] Center

    • A complete two-day invitation to our first film series against torture, which we will celebrate in the first quarter of 2024, together with different leaders from the sector

    • 20% discount on all continuing training courses of the Community Action Group (GAC)

    • 20% discount on books from the Irredentos publishing house

    • Illustration “Accompany to break the silence” in postcard format

    Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 120 euros as an individual in this campaign, the Treasury will return 96 to you, so your real expense will be €24. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 28 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 222

    Break the silence - Annual member

    You will be a member of Sir[a] for one year. With your contribution, you will help us to continue supporting survivors of violence in a comprehensive way, and to continue preparing expert reports with which to defend those who have suffered violent experiences in court.

    Furthermore, thanks to you, we will be able to generate more training and advocacy spaces, from which to denounce that torture is a practice that is still in force. With you, we will continue defending the need to integrate a psychosocial, transcultural, anti-racist and gender perspective in working with vulnerable people.

    Your support is crucial so that we can undertake new projects and research from which to continue accompanying those who suffer political violence.

    With this contribution you will receive:

    • Illustrated sweatshirt from the Sir[a] Center

    • Illustrated T-shirt from the Sir[a] Center

    • A complete two-day invitation to our first film series against torture, which we will celebrate in the first quarter of 2024, together with different leaders from the sector

    • 50% discount on all continuing training courses of the Community Action Group (GAC)

    • 50% discount on books from the Irredentos publishing house

    • Illustration “Accompany to break the silence” in postcard format

    Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 200 euros as an individual in this campaign, The Treasury will return 137.5 euros, so your real expense will be €62.5. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 222

    Break the silence - Collective member - organizations

    The Sir[a] Center is governed by the principle of universal care, which means that our team offers its support to people who need it, regardless of where they come from, their administrative situation or their financial income.

    A large part of our work is to accompany social movement groups or organizations affected by political violence, who have suffered police abuse during demonstrations, or who have suffered psychosocial impacts while protesting. With your contribution, your group will be contributing to the support of other organizations, or guaranteeing the rehabilitation and reparation process of individual people affected by violence.

    Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 200 euros as an individual in this campaign, The Treasury will return 137.5 euros, so your real expense will be 62.5 euros. At the company level, your real expense will be €130. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 554

    Red Sir[a] - Caring network

    The Sir[a] Center is governed by the principle of universal care, which means that our team offers its support to people who need it, regardless of where they come from, their administrative situation or their financial income.

    A large part of our work is to accompany social movement groups or organizations affected by political violence, who have suffered police abuse during demonstrations, or who have suffered psychosocial impacts while protesting. With your contribution, your group will be contributing to the support of other organizations, or guaranteeing the rehabilitation and reparation process of individual people affected by violence.

    With this contribution you will receive:

    • A 2-hour care workshop for your team

    Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 500 euros as an individual in this campaign, the Treasury will return 242.5, so your real expense will be €257.5. At the company level, your real expense will be 325 euros. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,109

    Red Sir[a] - Training newtork

    The Sir[a] Center is governed by the principle of universal care, which means that our team offers its support to people who need it, regardless of where they come from, their administrative situation or their financial income.

    A large part of our work is to accompany social movement groups or organizations affected by political violence, who have suffered police abuse during demonstrations, or who have suffered psychosocial impacts while protesting. With your contribution, your group will be contributing to the support of other organizations, or guaranteeing the rehabilitation and reparation process of individual people affected by violence.

    With this contribution you will receive:

    • A 4-hour training on some of the areas in which the entity specializes. You can consult the training offer here

    *Contribute tax relief! Remember that if you contribute 1,000 euros as an individual in this campaign, the Treasury will return 417.5 euros, so your real expense will be €582.5. At the company level, your real expense will be 650 euros. You can calculate how much you deduct from the Goteo tax calculator.

    (*) The production format may vary depending on the geographical location.

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Support us to keep guaranteeing the comprehensive rehabilitation of survivors of abuse and torture

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Psychological assistance for people affected by violence, abuse and torture
Support for intervention and psychological care to be able to sustain the resource for this coming year
$ 15,522
4% Goteo + 0.8% banking gateway
$ 1,109
Shipping costs
Production and postal delivery of rewards to campaign co-financiers
$ 443
Psycholegal support
Open the psycholegal line to advise and psycholegally accompany people who come to the Sir[a] Center
$ 5,100
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Advocacy and litigation
Consolidate the advocady area to be able to report and make visible the cases of human rights violations, mistreatment and torture that we deal with at the center
$ 5,544
Pedagogical and communicative resources
Develop dissemination materials about the Center, torture and ill-treatment to publicize our work. Translate documents into multiple languages ​​so that resource information is accessible
$ 4,435
Consolidate the community facilitation area
Develop activities aimed at promoting collective participation, mutual support and the psychological well-being of survivors of situations of abuse and torture, especially those who have gone through a migration process
$ 5,544
4% Goteo + 0.8% banking gateway
$ 776
Shipping costs
Production and postal delivery of rewards to campaign co-financiers
$ 333
Total $ 17,074 $ 38,805

General information

There are stories that are hard to tell. Those who suffer violence often do not have the ability to ask for help, nor the strength to speak out. And silence is a burden that weighs you down, that paralyzes, that becomes entrenched and that haunts you. Narrating a violent episode means having to face the trauma, guilt, stigma, and shame of being considered a victim. To face all that pain, you need to feel accompanied.

At Centro Sir[a] we have been doing this work for many years. We accompany so that people can regain control of their lives, their stories, their truth, and their silences. It depends on your support that we can continue to break them.

Accompanying to break the silence
Violence is a threat, an act that manages to install fear in your life and in those around you, that seeks to silence people and serve as a warning. When you suffer violence, it produces breaks that do not always leave physical marks, but that do annul you, isolate you and silence you. With it comes guilt: the remorse of having stood up or not standing up to the threat, and the shame of having suffered it. In addition, those who have the monopoly of the violence continually take away your voice. They are noisy people, to whom nothing seems violent enough to be considered violence. Silence and violence always go together.

For us, breaking the silence means facing all the above. It means rejecting humiliation, guilt and lies, and accompanying people until they find meaning in their experience. Help them regain control of their lives and stories. For us, breaking the silence means standing up to those who produce this violence and demanding justice and reparation. Our goal is to keep reporting every case of abuse, violence, and torture, while continuing to support the justice and rehabilitation processes of those affected. With your support, we will be able to make our entity a sustainable resource and to keep guaranteeing the psychosocial and legal support of those who come to our center. Join us breaking the silence.
Become a member of the Sir[a] Center.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Sir[a] is a Center for Attention to Victims of Ill Treatment and Torture, dedicated to offer therapeutic, legal, and psychosocial support. Since its foundation, the entity has assisted and accompanied more than 900 people directly or indirectly affected by human rights violations.

As a human rights center, this organization supports the processes of justice and reparation of victims of violence and accompanies their rehabilitation by offering comprehensive therapeutic care. Sir[a] assists people who have suffered abuses during the expression of social movements and demonstrations; accompanies people on the move who have suffered episodes of torture during their migratory journey; or denounces and accompanies cases related to police abuse inside state prisons, among others. In all these scenarios, the organization is responsible for both documenting and carrying out forensic tests to support the victims' complaints, as well as providing the necessary clinical care for their psychological and psychiatric rehabilitation. Since its foundation in 2011, the organization has prepared more than 300 expert reports as defense and complaint instruments, to establish itself as a group of professionals of international reference.

Sir[a] is made up of professionals from various disciplines, such as medicine, psychiatry, psychology, body therapy or traditional healing. The entity, which has teams in Madrid and Barcelona, is governed by the principle of universal care, which means that our team offers its support to people who need it, regardless of where they come from, their administrative situation or their economic income.


Why this is important

Our goal is to keep guaranteeing the rehabilitation process of people affected by political violence, and to continue preparing expert reports as an instrument of defense and advocacy, without neglecting comprehensive therapeutic work. Once again, we seek to continue being part of training spaces together with professional groups and teams, always committed to integrating a psychosocial, transcultural, gender and anti-racist perspective in our actions.
Aware of the importance of continuing to accompany people who suffer human rights violations, this coming year we seek to raise the stakes even more, strengthening our team and generating new spaces and projects. Always, aware of our duty to continue warning and denouncing that torture and ill-treatment are practices that, despite escaping the social imaginary, are still in force and rooted among the different security apparatuses around the world.
With your contribution we will be able to sustain our resource for another year, without depending exclusively on private funds or public subsidies, guaranteeing our economic and political independence. With you, we will continue to support people to break their silence.

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Team and experience

We have extensive experience in accompanying people who have suffered serious human rights violations, ill-treatment and torture. During the last year alone, we carried out the expert examination of both Julio Pacheco and Rosa García, the first victims of the Franco regime to be taken to testify in court for torture, and of other plaintiffs in the same case; the expert report on the residents of Cañada Real Galiana, which accredits the impacts that the power cut has on their population. and that it was filed as part of a collective complaint that was submitted to the European Committee of Social Rights; or the expert report that supports the complaint of Djack, a young man who denounces the Civil Guard for beating him during a jump to the Melilla Fence, causing him to lose an eye. Our team also prepared the expert report that was key in the resolution of a historic sentence, which compensated with half a million euros to a couple imprisoned for "jihadism", despite being innocent.
Last year, the Sir[a] Center also submitted a report to the Human Rights Committee to consider the wife and daughters of Emil Bustamante, who was forcibly disappeared in Guatemala in 1982, as victims of torture. In addition, we were experts for the indigenous and Afro-descendant communities that denounced the State of Nicaragua before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights; and we led the drafting of a Shadow Report, which compiles various violations committed by the Spanish State as a signatory country to the Convention against Torture, which we presented together with various organizations at the UN headquarters in Geneva.
Since our founding, we have treated more than 900 patients, taken part in more than 300 expert reports, and participated in around 60 litigations. Always, thanks to the efforts of our technical team and volunteers. Our centre is made up of professionals in psychology, psychiatry, law, administrative management, communication, traditional healing, and body therapy. We want to count on you to continue working and, with it, continue to accompany and defend more people. Join us and become a member of the Sir[a] Center.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.