Are you one of those who never stops promoting projects? You are a pitcher! Does your organization fund civic initiatives? You are a matcher!

Pitch and fund raise your project

Do you want to launch a social impact project in need of funding? The Goteo Foundation makes it easy by attracting funds for you: people like Lluís and Denis are part of institutions, organizations or companies which multiply donations and increase the impact of crowdfunding projects. Meet them and pitch your project!
Fundació Jaume Bofill Project Manager / Education
Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa / Culture
Pau Roldán
Barcelona City Council / City

Matchfunding Calls

Co-responsible institutions doubling citizens donations

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Completed campaign.
Total budget
€ 100.000
Ahora Comparte
1. ¿Qué es Ahora coMparte? Ahora coMparte es el canal de Ahora Madrid en la red social Goteo, para compartir recursos y cofinanciar ideas...
€ 0
Registered projects
Sphere Location Matchfunding Projects Successful
Arrela't Alt Pirineu i Aran 2024 Open Ecología Alt Pirineu i Aran € 24.000 6 -
Arrela't Alt Pirineu i Aran 2022 Completed Alt Pirineu i Aran € 24.000 6 100%
Tu meta es PiztuMeta! 2022 Completed Cultura Donostia € 70.000 15 100%
MatchImpulsa Completed Género Barcelona € 85.000 9 88.89%
META 2021 Propulsemos la cultura! Completed Cultura Donostia € 70.000 15 93.33%
Arrela't Alt Pirineu i Aran Completed Emprendimiento social Alt Pirineu i Aran € 24.000 6 100%
META 2020 Hagamos que nuestra cultura valga doble! Completed Cultura Donostia € 70.000 15 100%
Fabra i Coats Completed Cultura Barcelona € 6.000 4 100%
Meta 2019. Proyectos culturales en Gipuzkoa Completed Cultura Donostia € 70.000 14 100%
Meta 2018. Proyectos culturales en Gipuzkoa Completed Cultura Donostia € 70.000 15 93.33%
Ahora Comparte Completed Ciudad Madrid € 100.000 22 100%
Crowdfunding ZGZ 2017. Proyectos innovadores, cívicos y emprendedores Completed Innovación Zaragoza € 14.000 4 100%
Conjuntament. Local economic development Completed Emprendimiento social Barcelona € 96.000 23 95.65%
Meta 2017. Proyectos culturales en Gipuzkoa Completed Cultura Gipuzkoa € 70.000 16 93.75%
Fem Educació. Micromecenatge per la innovació Completed Innovación Catalunya € 40.000 13 84.62%
Europeana. Strike a match for Education Completed Cultura The Hague € 10.000 3 66.67%
Meta 2016. Proyectos culturales en Gipuzkoa Completed Cultura Gipuzkoa € 70.000 20 100%
Crowdfunding ZGZ 2016. Proyectos innovadores, cívicos y emprendedores Completed Innovación Zaragoza € 12.000 4 75%
IV #UNIACapitalRiego Call. Cultural heritage and digital remix Completed Cultura Europa € 10.000 5 80%
Crowdsasuna II. Innovación en Salud Completed Innovación Euskadi € 12.000 5 100%
III Convocatoria #UNIACapitalRiego. Innovación en cooperación e infancia Completed Cooperación Andalucía € 10.000 5 80%
#Cofinancia. Emprendimiento empresarial Completed Innovación Eurorregión luso-extremeña € 20.000 10 50%
II Convocatoria #UNIACapitalRiego. Innovación en educación y conocimiento abierto Completed Innovación Andalucía € 10.000 5 100%
Crowdasuna I. Health innovation Completed Innovación Euskadi € 12.000 5 60%
I Convocatoria #UNIACapitalRiego. Innovación sociocultural Completed Cultura Andalucía € 10.000 5 80%
Through a Goteo campaign we increased the community and the number of co-owners. We reach where we had never come up with other funding options
- ARNAU VILARDELL / Som Mobilitat Cooperative
Thanks to Goteo we built together our dream. Our project started walking
- NURIA VEGA / (des)vestint aliments
Participar en el matchfunding Metakultura nos permitió comprobar si la gente tenía interés y creía en nuestro proyecto, y que los ciudadanos decidiesen hacia donde va el dinero público
- Oihane Pardo / Amarenak
The matchfunding allowed us to gain the trust of more institutional patrons with higher rewards that brought the campaign to succeed. We created very positive synergies with other projects and we felt very accompanied.
- Albert Cañigueral / Barcelona en Beta

Impact of matchfunding

Impact data
€ 1.052.500
Raised money by Goteo Foundation
Successful Call projects
€ 21.219.520
Raised money

They trust us they trust you

Launch your project with the support of public institutions, companies and organizations pulling for matchfunding