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Projects that meet the following SDGs:

Now 4 the optimum
Construïm La casa de les paraules!'s header image

Construïm La casa de les paraules!


By: La casa de les paraules - Verso / Manifest / Radical Books Coop

Fem possible un espai cooperatiu pel pensament crític.

  • Cultural
  • £ 4,438 reached
  • 5 hours remaining

106% Funded

Documental y 2 libros

Documental y 2 libros "Luchas 'tradicionales' en la península...


By: Pedro R. Moya Maleno

Will you support us?** We are embarking on a journey to trace wrestling traditions that date back, at the very least, to Pre-Roman...

  • Educational
  • £ 1,109 reached
  • 21/12/2024 filed on

17% Funded

  • Obtained

    £ 1,109

  • Minimum

    £ 6,299

  • Optimum

    £ 10,386

  • 26 Co-financiers
  • Chaves, Portugal
Now 4 the optimum
MENSAKAS EN PERILL!'s header image




Ajuda a sufragar les despeses derivades de l'incendi del local

  • Commercial
  • £ 21,338 reached
  • 5 hours remaining

320% Funded

Reeixim l'OESST
Units Energy - Energía SOLIDARIA: Iluminando hogares vulnerables, con paneles en tejados de iglesias y colegios, cuidemos nuestra Tierra ¡No tenemos planeta B!'s header image

Units Energy - Energía SOLIDARIA: Iluminando hogares vulnerables, con paneles...


By: Units Energy promueve el uso eficiente de la energía SOLIDARIA, limpia, renovable de proximidad para

📢 Units Energy 🌞 A community solar energy project to help those in need and reduce the carbon footprint 😎🌞

  • £ 9,359 reached
  • 5 hours remaining

187% Funded

  • Obtained

    £ 9,359

  • Minimum

    £ 4,986

  • Optimum

    £ 27,007

  • 60 Co-financiers
  • Lleida, España
Reeixim l'OESST
Crua: cooperem per canviar el futur dels materials de construcció.'s header image

Crua: cooperem per canviar el futur dels materials de construcció.


By: crua sccl

A project that wants to contribute to the decarbonisation of the construction sector with a system of large format pieces of rammed earth

  • £ 6,411 reached
  • 5 hours remaining

128% Funded

Reeixim l'OESST
La Tàpia produccions culturals's header image

La Tàpia produccions culturals


By: La Tàpia Produccions Culturals

Dinamitzem propostes culturals a Ponent

  • Cultural
  • £ 4,948 reached
  • 5 hours remaining

198% Funded

Reeixim l'OESST
SPASA's header image



By: SPASA (Street Performing Arts Summer Academy)

Creixement d'un agent dinamitzador de les arts de carrer

  • Cultural
  • £ 5,975 reached
  • 5 hours remaining

179% Funded