In 2022, we speak properly. Still listening to Virginia Woolf's almost centenary claim, we are building step by step "A room of one's own" well deserved. From the Goteo Foundation, we give shape to this proposal by creating a space on the platform dedicated exclusively to feminist projects, our new Feminisms Channel and we invite you to its inauguration!
We want it to be a channel that brings us together, but also inspires us and connects us all.
Up to 91 initiatives are housed in it financed since our inception, with the support of 17,211 donors like you who have contributed a total of €900,023 to make them a reality. Can you imagine rounding that number? Reach this year the 100 projects aimed at promoting the recognition and strengthening of all feminisms? We do and we want to do it with you.

We want you to enter and discover dozens of entities, some just born and others with decades of work, whose mission is to make the world a fairer place. And to celebrate the premiere of this channel we launch Call for Feminist Projects.
We know that it is a lot of work to do a crowdfunding campaign, so we have organized ourselves and we have a proposal to lend a shoulder to you from the first moment. If you submit your project before March 7, you will have at your disposal:
- 2h of personal advice in video call format
- Inclusion of your initiative in the thematic channel from day one
- If you wish, be part of the joint launch on 8M (you can also publish it later if you prefer)
It will be a campaign start with specific communication from Goteo where we will propose dialogues between projects to get to know you better and go much further together, as we have already done with #PorTodas and #37Històries.
As we usually say, 8M is every day and at Goteo we want to continue giving space so that the fight for gender justice can gain momentum and grow. Here we are going to give everything to continue advancing and here we wait for you to join us, as bell hooks would say, to reorganize our ways of life towards the autonomy and empowerment of all people.