✊ The beat generation was a social and literary movement that shook American society in the fifties. The term beat comes from "beat down" (defeated), reflecting the despair of a society affected by economic depression, World War II and the threat of the atomic bomb.
📬 In this newsletter we want to pay tribute to the people who then, like today, conceive a new way of understanding life, of rejecting social conformisms, of opening the mind and thought to new ways of relating, specifically in the social economy and solidarity. That is why today we present three brave campaigns that fight: for freedom of opinion, access to basic food, and popular participation. Let's go!
Let's save Barnasants 🎶

🎶 Barnasants is the only festival dedicated to the song of Author of Catalonia and the State. He has 25 years of experience.
It has served as a platform for presenting new projects and new voices while showcasing great classics. It offers a decent minimum wage guaranteed to all artists, in addition to a space to present works. Jorge Drexler and Ismael Serrano performed in Barnasants before being famous, Javier Krahe, Maria del Mar Bonet or Luis Eduardo Aute have performed in Barnasants in numerous editions.
By 2020 we will reach the 25th edition, most of the current festival team is retiring, and a team of people between the ages of 30 and 40 want to cooperatively recover the project and change its funding model. And one of the keys to making this change functional is the crowdfunding on the part of our community.
💙 Join and be part of this project at Salvem Barnasants .
Judgment to SAT 🚜

🚜 On September 5, 2019, 20 SAT militants had to face a trial in which they were requested by the Prosecutor's Office and the particular indictment, carried out by Mercadona, a total of 30 years in prison, one and a half years per person.
The cause of the trial is the expropriation of food made in a Mercadona shopping center, in August 2012, seven years ago.
That summer the SAT conducted a series of actions, including the expropriation of essential food items, to draw attention to the hardest beats of the capitalist crisis: one and a half million unemployed people, 300,000 families had no income, dozens of evictions every day, long queues in social dining rooms, 30% of Andalusian children without access to adequate and necessary nutrition ...
❤ You can help the SAT to remain active and combative by collaborating on the costs of the Trial to SAT.
Sentir a Carrilana 👧

👧 We want all children with visual functional diversity to enjoy piloting a lane in the holiday of tourist interest in Galicia "XXXIII Gran Prix de Carrilanas"
That is why we want to make 4 lanes adapted for them to enjoy the party actively participating and being part of it.
This crowfunding aims to get the necessary budget for the manufacture of four lanes that will allow the project of this association to materialize, which does not pursue any personal or professional profit.
ONCE's collaboration will be fundamental in this project, the connection between Carrilanas Esteiro and the participating families. ONCE will provide professional support and will collaborate with the dissemination and collaboration tasks.
💛 With more than 10 years of volunteering and hard work to get the necessary budget for all social, cultural and leisure activities, today you can join in collaborating on [Sentir a Carrilana] (https://goteo.cc/sentiracarrilana).
Mercado Social de Madrid and Goteo Foundation 👏
🎊 In this newsletter we want to celebrate with you that Goteo Foundation and The Social Market of Madrid (MES) have formalized a collaboration agreement to contribute to the development of an economic model based on the Social and Solidarity Economy.
In this collaboration both entities will disseminate and give visibility in a coordinated way through their different channels, networks and tools of the experiences of social economy, collective financing and citizen participation that they promote.
For this, the Goteo Foundation will offer special training resources in webinar format for members of the Madrid Social Market who are interested in launching a collective financing campaign, as well as personalized online advice to the most important campaigns promoted by members of the Social Market.
If you do not know it yet, it is worth explaining that the Social Market of Madrid is a network of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services that works with ethical, democratic, ecological and solidarity criteria, being part of REAS (Network of Networks of Alternative and Solidarity Economy).
That is why we started this collaboration with all the illusion of the world and from here we encourage you to present your initiative today by sending an email to madrid@mercadosocial.net. Together we move forward with more force!
See you in 15 days! 😜
So far we come. We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all and in which we are approaching, step by step. Until next time!